Open Bug 1544877 Opened 5 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Consider enabling the mIsLocked assert in TextureClient::BorrowMappedData


(Core :: Graphics: Layers, task, P3)




Tracking Status
firefox68 --- affected


(Reporter: mstange, Unassigned)



TextureClient::BorrowMappedData contains the following commented-out code:

  // TODO - SharedRGBImage just accesses the buffer without properly locking
  // the texture. It's bad.
  // MOZ_ASSERT(mIsLocked);
  // if (!mIsLocked) {
  //  return nullptr;

I'm removing SharedRGBImage's call to BorrowMappedData in bug 1544478, by making the user of SharedRGBImage pull out the texture client. The new code now does the correct locking.

So I think it might be possible to enable this assert now.

Type: defect → task
Priority: -- → P3
Severity: normal → S3
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