Closed Bug 154690 Opened 22 years ago Closed 17 years ago - assorted javascript errors in online banking


(Tech Evangelism Graveyard :: English Other, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Steve, Assigned: dave532)




(Keywords: ecommerce, Whiteboard: [login required])

From Bugzilla Helper: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 Galeon/1.2.5 (X11; Linux i686; U;) Gecko/0 BuildID: Mozilla Mozilla 1.0 Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.0.0) Gecko/20020529 I get assorted javascript problems on various pages within the online banking site. Unfortunately this is not accessible unless you have a smile account. As an example the secure message page at:- refuses to send when the Send button is clicked. It generates the following Javascript errors:- Error: event is not defined In, Line 1, Error: event is not defined In, Line 1, Error: event is not defined In, Line 1, Error: event is not defined In, Line 1, Error: event is not defined In, Line 1, Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1.Login to a smile online banking 2. Select Secure Messages 3. Select Send 4. Write a message click Send Actual Results: No response to Send click - javascript errors produced Expected Results: Secure message is sent. Smile Tech Support help page says they don't support or work with Netscape 6 but they've said that for years. I have written to them again about the problems and said that I would be posting to this site. Secure Message page source follows (sorry about the format but view source displays this as one line of text):- <html><head><title>secure message reply</title><meta content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" http-equiv="Content-Type"><meta content="no-cache" http-equiv="Content-Type"><meta content="no-cache" http-equiv="Pragma"><meta content="-1" http-equiv="Expires"><meta content="no-cache" http-equiv="Pragma-directive"><meta content="no-cache" http-equiv="cache-directive"><link TYPE="text/css" REL="stylesheet" HREF="/banking/htmlbrowser/smile/Genstyle.css"><script LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="/banking/htmlbrowser/smile/General.js"></SCRIPT><script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function LaunchAHelpPage(theHelpPage){ mywindow ='/banking/htmlbrowser/smile/help/'+theHelpPage,'terms','scrollbars=yes,status=yes,menubar=no,resizable=yes'); } function printPage(){'', 'SmilePrintWindow', 'toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,width=760,height=520,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,resizable=no'); } document.onkeydown = function(){ if(document.layers){ return true ; } if (event.srcElement.type == "text" || event.srcElement.type == "textarea" || event.srcElement.type == "password") { return true ; } if( event.keyCode == 8 ) { return false; } }; document.oncontextmenu = function(){return false;}; if(document.layers){ window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); window.onmousedown = function(e){ if(e.which > 1){ return false; } }; } else { document.onmousedown = function(){return false;} } </SCRIPT><script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function isComplete(input,len, e) { if (document.layers) { return true; } var keyCode = e.keyCode; var filter = [0,8,9,16,17,18,37,38,39,40,46]; if(input.value.length >= len) { if (!containsElement(filter,keyCode)) { input.value = input.value.slice(0, len); input.form[(getIndex(input)+1) % input.form.length].focus(); } } return true; } function isMaxTextSize(input,len, e) { var keyCode = (document.layers) ? e.which:e.keyCode; var filter = (document.layers) ? [0,8,9]:[0,8,9,16,17,18,37,38,39,40,46]; if(input.value.length >= len) { if (!containsElement(filter,keyCode)) { input.value = input.value.slice(0, len); alert("secure messages are limited to 1000 characters"); } } return true; } function getIndex(input) { var index = -1, i = 0, found = false; while (i < input.form.length) { if (index != -1) { return index; } if (input.form[i] == input) { index = i; } else { i++; } } return index; } function containsElement(arr, ele) { var found = false, index = 0; while(!found) { if (!(index < arr.length)) { return found; } if(arr[index] == ele) { found = true; } else { index++; } } return found; } </SCRIPT><script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var exitflag = true; var name = navigator.appName; var vers = navigator.appVersion; var errorWnd = ''; function leave() { if (exitflag==true) {' ', 'ExitWindow', 'toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,width=760,height=520,location=no,directories=no,status=yes,menubar=no,resizable=no'); window.close(); } return true; } function sub() { exitflag=false; return true; } </SCRIPT></head><body ALINK="#FF3399" VLINK="#FF3399" LINK="#FF3399" CLASS="tc" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" onload=" checkPage('SecureMessageReply'); " onunload="leave();"><form AUTOCOMPLETE="OFF" METHOD="POST" onsubmit="return sub();" ACTION=";Token=03777&amp;CurrentPage=SecureMessageReply#" NAME="SecureMessageReply"><table height="20%" width="100%" cellpadding="0" border="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td class="blackbackground" valign="bottom" width="25%"><img class="italicsmiletext" height="47" width="178" src="/banking/htmlbrowser/smile/logotopcent.gif"></td><td class="menuheading" valign="bottom" width="75%"><table class="menuheading" valign="middle" height="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"><tr><td height="100%">&nbsp;</td><td class="menuheading" height="100%"><br><table class="menuheading" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"><tr><td class="smileheading" height="100%">MR S MANNING</td></tr></table><table class="menuheading" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" border="0" width="100%"><tr><td class="menuheading"><div align="right"></div></td></tr><tr><td class="menuheading"><div align="right"><a onMouseOut="status='';" onMouseOver="status='click here for help'; return true;" class="menuheading" href="javascript:LaunchAHelpPage('SecureMessages.html');"> help </a></div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td class="bodytext" valign="top" width="25%"><img border="0" height="34" width="178" src="/banking/htmlbrowser/smile/logobottomcent.gif"></td></tr></table><input name="Token" type="hidden" value="03777"><table VALIGN="top" HEIGHT="73%" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%"><tr><td HEIGHT="85%" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="25%"><table CELLPADDING="3" CELLSPACING="5" BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%"><tr><td HEIGHT="58" WIDTH="51%"><div ALIGN="center"><a onMouseOut="status='';" onMouseOver="status='click here to go to secure messages'; return true;" onclick="javascript:exitflag=false;" ALT="secure messages" HREF=";NextPage=SecureMessageSummary&amp;Token=03777&amp;CurrentPage=SecureMessageReply#"><img ALT="secure messages" SRC="/banking/htmlbrowser/smile/secure.gif" BORDER="0" height="60" width="52"></a></div></td></tr></table></td><td HEIGHT="85%" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="75%"><table CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%"><tr><td CLASS="LargeHeading" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="75%"> reply to secure message <table CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%"><tr><td BGCOLOR="#000000"><img HEIGHT="1" WIDTH="1" SRC="/banking/htmlbrowser/smile/spacer.gif"></td></tr></table><table CELLPADDING="0" BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%"><tr><td> &nbsp; </td></tr><tr><td CLASS="otherheading" HEIGHT="35"> complete the details below to create your reply, then click 'ok' </td></tr></table><table CELLPADDING="0" BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%"><tr><td HEIGHT="41" WIDTH="10%"> subject: </td><td HEIGHT="41" WIDTH="90%"><input maxlength="30" size="20" name="Description_Subject" value="Re: Cancel Direct Debit Request"></td><td HEIGHT="41"> &nbsp; </td><td HEIGHT="41"> &nbsp; </td></tr></table><p><textarea onKeyUp="return isMaxTextSize(this, 1000, event);" ROWS="5" COLS="60" WRAP="PHYSICAL" NAME="Content"></textarea></p><p></p><table CELLPADDING="0" BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%"><tr><td HEIGHT="21" WIDTH="13%"> note - </td><td HEIGHT="21" WIDTH="87%"> your reply is limited to 1000 characters </td></tr><tr><td HEIGHT="17" WIDTH="13%"> &nbsp; </td><td HEIGHT="17" WIDTH="87%"> for assistance click 'help' or call us on 0870 843 2265 </td></tr><tr STYLE="text-align: right"><td HEIGHT="63" COLSPAN="2"> &nbsp; </td></tr></table></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td VALIGN="top" HEIGHT="35" WIDTH="25%"> &nbsp; </td><td VALIGN="bottom" WIDTH="75%"><div STYLE="text-align: right"><input alt="ok" border="0" src="/banking/htmlbrowser/smile/okbutton.gif" value="ok#" name="ok#" type="image"><input alt="clear" border="0" src="/banking/htmlbrowser/smile/clearbutton.gif" value="clear#" name="clear#" type="image"><input alt="back" border="0" src="/banking/htmlbrowser/smile/backbutton.gif" value="back#" name="back#" type="image"></div></td></tr><tr><td VALIGN="top" HEIGHT="10" COLSPAN="2"><img HEIGHT="1" SRC="/banking/htmlbrowser/smile/spacer.gif"></td></tr><tr><td VALIGN="top" HEIGHT="35" WIDTH="25%"></td><td VALIGN="top" WIDTH="75%"><a onMouseOut="status='';" onMouseOver="status='click here to go to balance of accounts'; return true;" onclick="javascript:exitflag=false;" ALT="balance of accounts" HREF=";NextPage=BalanceOfAccounts&amp;Token=03777&amp;CurrentPage=SecureMessageReply#"><img ALT="balance of accounts" SRC="/banking/htmlbrowser/smile/balancelink.gif" BORDER="0" height="20" width="42"></a><img HEIGHT="20" SRC="/banking/htmlbrowser/smile/vertbar.gif"><a onMouseOut="status='';" onMouseOver="status='click here to go to pay bills'; return true;" onclick="javascript:exitflag=false;" ALT="pay bills" HREF=";NextPage=BillPaymentsSummary&amp;Token=03777&amp;CurrentPage=SecureMessageReply#"><img ALT="pay bills" SRC="/banking/htmlbrowser/smile/paybillslink.gif" BORDER="0" height="20" width="42"></a><img HEIGHT="20" SRC="/banking/htmlbrowser/smile/vertbar.gif"><a onMouseOut="status='';" onMouseOver="status='click here to go to standing orders'; return true;" onclick="javascript:exitflag=false;" ALT="standing orders" HREF=";NextPage=StandingOrders&amp;Token=03777&amp;CurrentPage=SecureMessageReply#"><img ALT="standing orders" SRC="/banking/htmlbrowser/smile/standingorderslink.gif" BORDER="0" height="20" width="76"></a><img HEIGHT="20" SRC="/banking/htmlbrowser/smile/vertbar.gif"><a onMouseOut="status='';" onMouseOver="status='click here to go to money transfers'; return true;" onclick="javascript:exitflag=false;" ALT="money transfers" HREF=";NextPage=MoneyTransferSummary&amp;Token=03777&amp;CurrentPage=SecureMessageReply#"><img ALT="money transfers" SRC="/banking/htmlbrowser/smile/moneytransferlink.gif" BORDER="0" height="20" width="78"></a><img HEIGHT="20" SRC="/banking/htmlbrowser/smile/vertbar.gif"><a onMouseOut="status='';" onMouseOver="status='click here to go to customer services'; return true;" onclick="javascript:exitflag=false;" ALT="customer services" HREF=";NextPage=CustomerServices&amp;Token=03777&amp;CurrentPage=SecureMessageReply#"><img ALT="customer services" SRC="/banking/htmlbrowser/smile/customerserviceslink.gif" BORDER="0" height="20" width="88"></a><img HEIGHT="20" SRC="/banking/htmlbrowser/smile/vertbar.gif"><a onMouseOut="status='';" onMouseOver="status='click here to go to secure messages'; return true;" onclick="javascript:exitflag=false;" ALT="secure messages" HREF=";NextPage=SecureMessageSummary&amp;Token=03777&amp;CurrentPage=SecureMessageReply#"><img ALT="secure messages" SRC="/banking/htmlbrowser/smile/securemessageslink.gif" BORDER="0" height="20" width="83"></a><img HEIGHT="20" SRC="/banking/htmlbrowser/smile/vertbar.gif"><a onMouseOut="status='';" onMouseOver="status='click here to go to direct debits'; return true;" onclick="javascript:exitflag=false;" ALT="direct debits" HREF=";NextPage=DirectDebitSummary&amp;Token=03777&amp;CurrentPage=SecureMessageReply#"><img ALT="direct debits" SRC="/banking/htmlbrowser/smile/directdebitslink.gif" BORDER="0" height="20" width="60"></a></td></tr></table></form><p> &nbsp; </p></body><head><meta content="no-cache" http-equiv="Content-Type"><meta content="no-cache" http-equiv="Pragma"><meta content="-1" http-equiv="Expires"><meta content="no-cache" http-equiv="Pragma-directive"><meta content="no-cache" http-equiv="cache-directive"></head></html>
Whiteboard: [login required]
I'll take this see if I can find out more information.
Assignee: nitot → dave532
Ever confirmed: true
I have been in touch with Smile again regarding this and the last response I have is this, posted at 17:06 2nd July 2002:- ------------ snip ------------------------- Hello Steve Thanks for your reply. I have passed your message onto my team supervisor who will contact our IT. development team for a response to your message. I am very sorry for any delay or inconvenience this may cause. Thanks again Peter ------------- snip ------------------------------ As this requires a login to see the failing pages, you'll have to shout up if you need anything and I'll see what I can do.
I have had the following very positive response from Smile. It may be useful to offer support and assistance from Mozilla if that is possible? =============================================================================== From: To: Subject: message from smile Date: 12 Jul 2002 18:33:00 +0100 Hello Steve Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I've been getting the low down from the guys in the know at smile and here's the reply: " Our use of Javascript is an issue that we are looking at presently. Unfortunately the functionality that it provides is widespread and not purely ornamental (some of our security mechanisms are enhanced by the use of Javascript for example). I have been asked to look into both the browser types that can access smile, those that ideally should be able to and initiating some action that will improve our position. Adapting smile for non-Microsoft browsers including Netscape 6x and Opera and also Macs will involve at least a reworking of some heavily utilised code. I am looking at this from two fronts - firstly driving recommendations out of the current testing review which will ensure that there is a proper process in future for identifying such issues and prioritising corrective work. Secondly we are looking at DDA compliance (disability & discrimination. This will be an additional driver for altering our systems to be more accessible. A workshop is being brought together and all the key people will be present including the Bank's Head Of Information Security. There is absolutely no intention on smile's behalf to guide any customers down any specific vendor route as regards browser use. Our aim is to reach as many people as possible and to do so in such a way that is secure. This means thoroughly testing our site on the most widely used Internet browsers. It just happens that the most used Internet browsers are Internet Explorer versions and Netscape 4x variants - these are what we have therefore concentrated testing on and therefore recommend to our Customers. Our recommended browser set therefore caters for the vast majority of Internet users as a whole and provides a choice of browser vendor. It has only been in our most recent Internet service reviews that we have noticed Netscape 6 versions have started picking up momentum and pushing for similar attention. The same can be said for the steady (if still relatively slow) take-up of the Macintosh Power PC platform and the more speedy take-up of Linux as a viable alternative. We are certainly aware of the recent Netscape 7 release and the ramifications of the proposed use of the Mozilla engine in AOL's new offering. We are also aware of the W3C standards and DDA compliancy issues which we are addressing simultaneously. One slightly ironic factor is that Javascript was developed and pushed for acceptance by Netscape and not Microsoft. It now just so happens that Microsoft have since broadened their acceptance of the scripting language where-as newer Netscape browsers(Mozilla engine), have all but dropped support in order to comply with new HTML specifications. One of the other reasons that we find ourselves in this position is our early development of a secure Internet Banking service and many of the techniques that have been used by other services subsequently either aren't as secure, have reduced functionality or use techniques that were unavailable or unacceptable at the time. Unfortunately therefore, due to our heavy use of Javascript it may take us a little longer than our norm to adapt to our Customers requirements but we are addressing the matter and hope in the process to amend our procedures so that we can adapt more swiftly in future. Whatever happens we will continue to strive for a top quality service that is tested and secure and that is accessible to as wide an audience as is possible. " I hope this reassures you that we are very aware of the issues here and that we are striving to provide the best service we can. Thanks Lisa ==========================================================================
I've reported similar problems to them and had ongoing (frustrating) correspondence. From: Smile Support <> Date: Sat, 20 Jul 2002 16:32:55 +0100 Hello Tim Jackson, thanks for getting in touch with us. We've tested our website with Mozilla and have found it is not fully compatible with the way in which the smile website operates. We're going to test the new versions of Mozilla when they come out. We'll support them if our website performs well on the new versions. <snip standard junk> Thanks Gareth smile Technical Help Desk
After telling them the above response wasn't satisfactory, I got: From: Smile Support <> Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2002 18:12:07 +0100 I'm sorry to hear your question was not answered previously. Your question in the e-mail I received asks when the smile website will work. Our developers feel that the website is working correctly at this time. Regarding the Mozilla browser that you use, smile have no plans to support this browser at the moment. Should this change all details will be posted on the smile website. The developers will however react to new security technology as and when it becomes available so as to benefit its users. With regard to the fact you fear the website may be broken, the following is the smile policy relating to security and banking services. "Here at smile we take the view that banks should be open and honest. Our No Risk Policy is clear and concise and you won't find anything which conflicts with our policy in the terms and conditions of your account(s) or anywhere else on our web site. Provided you follow the guidelines for best practice which we have detailed within the security section of our web site pages, you can rest assured that smile will stand by this policy. smile's no risk policy We will repay you any money that is taken from your account due to: * any error by our staff or our systems * a computer crime which is not found and stopped by our security system We will not repay any money that is taken from your account due to circumstances beyond our control. This includes situations where you: * tell someone else your customer security codes * forget to complete the formal logoff when you end your banking session, or leave your computer unattended * key information incorrectly * fail to let us know about any potential breach of security or problem I hope this allays your fears relating to the functionality of the website. The following are details of the current operating systems and browsers we support at present and may be of assistance if you still experience problems. -- A Pentium PC (or equivalent e.g. AMD K6) with a 133MHz processor -- 32MB of RAMBM__Hlt513991172 -- Windows 95 or higher. You also need to be using either: -- Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0 or later; or -- Netscape version 4.06 or later (excluding version 6). smile doesn't work with Netscape 6 at the moment. -- Netscape 7 is currently in testing with our developers at the moment. -- You need to have SSL2, SSL3, Cookies/Per-Session Cookies and JavaScript enabled in your Internet Options/Preferences. Should you experience any further problems with your current browser I recommend that you use Internet Explorer 5 or above or Netscape 4.76 to 4.79 as we have found these browsers work best with the website (please note that Netscape 6.x isn't supported by smile and Netscape 7 is still in beta testing stages and will be reviewed when the final release is available). Jay
After telling them that still wasn't good enough, From: Smile Support <> Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 19:16:31 +0100 Hello Tim Jackson, thanks for getting back in touch with us. Unfortunately we can no longer provide you with any more information or help regarding the problem you have accessing smile. As previously stated in emails we have sent to yourself, you use a browser which is not recommended, supported or used by smile and is not part of our minimum specification. However if you wish to continue using smile we do recommend you use at least the minimum software specification that is required and if you have any problem we would only be to happy to assist you then. Here's the minimum you need to use smile: <snip braindead **** about what browser/OS/how much RAM I need which was clearly not going to be helpful given my previous e-maisl> Sorry we can't be of any more help to you. <snip standard junk> Thanks Rosanne smile Technical Help Desk
As with most companies its a case of finding someone who cares enough to bother with your query. It took me a few goes to get the response above ("...Our use of Javascript is an issue...") which looks like it was answered by a techie rather than a support bunny. I am tending to find that things are working better now - whether thats because of Mozilla/Galeon or because Smile are actively fixing things I can't say. It's difficult to highlight failures to the Moz team as it all happens behind closed doors. I will try to pinpont exact, reproducible errors and my Javascript skills are improving (thanks to O'Reilly) so I may yet discover the problem. If anyone else has some examples it would be good to pool resources.
*** Bug 168165 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 186935 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Bug 186935 is similar but not a duplicate - Mozilla 1.2.1 is unable to get to the login page let alone into the secure pages. This did not occur with the 1.1 or 1.0 versions I tried.
Using Moz 1.3b: I've been wanting to get Smile's act together for some time 'cos I'm sick of having to switch to IE to use it. I now seem to be able to log in and use my account up to a point. However, there is a problem with text entry fields, for example in the "money transfer" section though. When I click on the amount field it doesn't accept the input focus. Repeated clicking results in some apparently random text from an email user name being inserted into the field. The random text seems like it might be a bug rather than just bad javascript on Smile's part. I get the same problem (always) with other entry fields in the app., though I haven't seen the random text appearing anywhere else - just can't get the focus to actually enter anything.
I also had problems using smile in Mozilla. I get round it at the moment by using Konqueror instead, which seems to work fine, so long as I always click on buttons instead of pressing enter to submit forms. Sorry, that's not a Mozilla answer, but it does at least stop me from needing to use Windows.
tech evang june 2003 reorg
Component: Europe: West → English Other
Blocks: 186935
Keywords: ecommerce
Is this still an issue? Smile claim to support NS7 - so I guess Mozilla /should/ work...
According to my dad, Smile works in Mozilla now.
It has been mostly-working for me ever since this bug was opened. Smile have recently had a revamp of a lot of their website for both security and accessibility considerations. The accessibility "fixes" consisted of turning off the forward/back buttons (you get logged out if you hit them now, much to my confusion) and turning off keyboard shortcuts. I rang them to ask why this was necessary and it turns out this isn't as a result of some W3 thing but instead user feedback: the back/forward etc buttons weren't working properly anyway. So they have, um, switched them off :) (In addition, they've stopped opening new pop-up windows, which is nice.) I don't understand enough about javascript even to know whether the original errors reported are stuff you see in a dialogue box or only visible if you run mozilla from a terminal. I never saw them but had trouble tabbing around forms on smile. The tabbing trouble has disappeared since the revamp (which was around the start of the month: the email announcing it arrived on 2004-10-04. I'm currently using the Fedora 2 rpm of mozilla: mozilla-1.7.2-0.2.0.
(In reply to comment #16) > I don't understand enough about javascript even to know whether the original > errors reported are stuff you see in a dialogue box or only visible if you run > mozilla from a terminal. They should appear in the JavaScript Console (Tools > Web Development > JavaScript Console). Not everything that appears there will be a showstopper.
Everything WFM now and the only error I get in the JS console seem minor. They are of the form: Warning: Unknown property 'foo'. Declaration dropped. Source File: where foo takes the following values: * text-align * cellpadding * cellspacing * frame font-color
Well, there's some validation errors in the stylesheet but if that's the only problems then this is a definite WFM. For what it's worth the support page lists Netscape 7+ as supported:
Blocks: 124594
FIXED per comment 15, 16, 18, and 19.
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Tech Evangelism → Tech Evangelism Graveyard
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