Closed Bug 1560947 Opened 6 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Intermittent toolkit/components/antitracking/test/browser/browser_permissionInPrivateWindows.js | application crashed [@ js::ObjectGroup::defaultNewGroup(JSContext*, js::Class const*, js::TaggedProto, JSObject*)] after exit code 1


(Core :: DOM: Security, defect, P3)




Tracking Status
firefox-esr68 --- unaffected
firefox72 --- wontfix
firefox73 --- wontfix
firefox74 --- fixed


(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Assigned: ehsan.akhgari)



(Keywords: crash, intermittent-failure, regression, Whiteboard: [domsecurity-intermittent])

Crash Data


(1 file)

Filed by: ncsoregi [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:

12:40:11 INFO - PROCESS-CRASH | toolkit/components/antitracking/test/browser/browser_permissionInPrivateWindows.js | application crashed [@ js::ObjectGroup::defaultNewGroup(JSContext*, js::Class const*, js::TaggedProto, JSObject*)]
12:40:11 INFO - Crash dump filename: /var/folders/kx/vjxn9xvj62q_mj4t8xyh3nm400000w/T/tmppFmtnY.mozrunner/minidumps/0A068834-C6FF-4483-8CB1-4B98E7D390F7.dmp
12:40:11 INFO - Operating system: Mac OS X
12:40:11 INFO - 10.10.5 14F27
12:40:11 INFO - CPU: amd64
12:40:11 INFO - family 6 model 69 stepping 1
12:40:11 INFO - 4 CPUs
12:40:11 INFO -
12:40:11 INFO - GPU: UNKNOWN
12:40:11 INFO -
12:40:11 INFO - Crash address: 0x0
12:40:11 INFO - Process uptime: 161 seconds
12:40:11 INFO -
12:40:11 INFO - Thread 0 (crashed)
12:40:11 INFO - 0 XUL!js::ObjectGroup::defaultNewGroup(JSContext*, js::Class const*, js::TaggedProto, JSObject*) [ObjectGroup.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 526 + 0xb9]
12:40:11 INFO - rax = 0x00000001131ebbc7 rdx = 0x00007fff532030b0
12:40:11 INFO - rcx = 0x000000010ca49af8 rbx = 0x000000011c02e000
12:40:11 INFO - rsi = 0x000000013fc85800 rdi = 0x00000001141ed5e0
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53203070 rsp = 0x00007fff53202f70
12:40:11 INFO - r8 = 0x0000000000000000 r9 = 0x0000000000400000
12:40:11 INFO - r10 = 0x0010000000000000 r11 = 0x00007fff532031a8
12:40:11 INFO - r12 = 0x000000011c02e000 r13 = 0x0000000113feda90
12:40:11 INFO - r14 = 0x000003064b21b850 r15 = 0x00007fff53202fe8
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00000001123a5507
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
12:40:11 INFO - 1 XUL!js::NewObjectWithGivenTaggedProto(JSContext*, js::Class const*, JS::Handle<js::TaggedProto>, js::gc::AllocKind, js::NewObjectKind, unsigned int) [JSObject.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 859 + 0x1b]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53203100 rsp = 0x00007fff53203080
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000011235a17f
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 2 XUL!mozilla::dom::CreateInterfaceObjects(JSContext*, JS::Handle<JSObject*>, JS::Handle<JSObject*>, js::Class const*, JS::Heap<JSObject*>, char const, JS::Handle<JSObject*>, js::Class const*, unsigned int, mozilla::dom::NamedConstructor const*, JS::Heap<JSObject*>, mozilla::dom::NativePropertiesN<7> const, mozilla::dom::NativePropertiesN<7> const*, char const*, bool, char const* const*, bool) [BindingUtils.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 1002 + 0x61]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53203200 rsp = 0x00007fff53203110
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000010fc5568e
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 3 XUL!mozilla::dom::HTMLElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects(JSContext*, JS::Handle<JSObject*>, mozilla::dom::ProtoAndIfaceCache&, bool) [HTMLElementBinding.cpp: : 9358 + 0x4f]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff532032d0 rsp = 0x00007fff53203210
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000010fabc1fd
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 4 XUL!mozilla::dom::HTMLDivElement_Binding::CreateInterfaceObjects(JSContext*, JS::Handle<JSObject*>, mozilla::dom::ProtoAndIfaceCache&, bool) [HTMLDivElementBinding.cpp: : 417 + 0x74]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53203340 rsp = 0x00007fff532032e0
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000010fa7ad0f
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 5 XUL!mozilla::dom::GetPerInterfaceObjectHandle(JSContext*, unsigned long, void ()(JSContext, JS::Handle<JSObject*>, mozilla::dom::ProtoAndIfaceCache&, bool), bool) [BindingUtils.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 4066 + 0xd]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff532033b0 rsp = 0x00007fff53203350
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000010fc5dfa3
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 6 XUL!mozilla::dom::HTMLDivElement_Binding::Wrap(JSContext*, mozilla::dom::HTMLDivElement*, nsWrapperCache*, JS::Handle<JSObject*>, JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*>) [HTMLDivElementBinding.cpp: : 360 + 0x19]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53203480 rsp = 0x00007fff532033c0
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000010fa7a517
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 7 XUL!mozilla::dom::HTMLDivElement::WrapNode(JSContext*, JS::Handle<JSObject*>) [HTMLDivElement.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 24 + 0x3a]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff532034b0 rsp = 0x00007fff53203490
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000011000b016
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 8 XUL!nsINode::WrapObject(JSContext*, JS::Handle<JSObject*>) [nsINode.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 2629 + 0x12]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53203500 rsp = 0x00007fff532034c0
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000010ef0fae1
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 9 XUL!mozilla::dom::Element::WrapObject(JSContext*, JS::Handle<JSObject*>) [Element.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 565 + 0x5]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53203570 rsp = 0x00007fff53203510
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000010ee03f08
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 10 XUL!mozilla::dom::Element_Binding::querySelector(JSContext*, JS::Handle<JSObject*>, mozilla::dom::Element*, JSJitMethodCallArgs const&) [ElementBinding.cpp: : 4078 + 0x20]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53203680 rsp = 0x00007fff53203580
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000010f9d754d
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 11 XUL!bool mozilla::dom::binding_detail::GenericMethod<mozilla::dom::binding_detail::NormalThisPolicy, mozilla::dom::binding_detail::ThrowExceptions>(JSContext*, unsigned int, JS::Value*) [BindingUtils.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 3171 + 0x11]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53203720 rsp = 0x00007fff53203690
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000010fc531cc
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 12 0x1ec676388481
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53203778 rsp = 0x00007fff53203730
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00001ec676388481
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 13 0x13b77d4a0
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53203808 rsp = 0x00007fff53203788
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000013b77d4a0
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 14 0x1ec6762c24df
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53203880 rsp = 0x00007fff53203818
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00001ec6762c24df
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 15 XUL!js::jit::MaybeEnterJit(JSContext*, js::RunState&) [Jit.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 195 + 0x134]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53203d50 rsp = 0x00007fff53203890
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x0000000112919df0
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 16 XUL!js::RunScript(JSContext*, js::RunState&) [Interpreter.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 410 + 0xb]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53203db0 rsp = 0x00007fff53203d60
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00000001121a9d3d
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 17 XUL!js::InternalCallOrConstruct(JSContext*, JS::CallArgs const&, js::MaybeConstruct) [Interpreter.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 568 + 0xb]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53203e70 rsp = 0x00007fff53203dc0
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00000001121beab8
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 18 XUL!InternalConstruct(JSContext*, js::AnyConstructArgs const&) [Interpreter.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 641 + 0x10]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53203ec0 rsp = 0x00007fff53203e80
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00000001121bf17c
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 19 XUL!js::jit::DoCallFallback(JSContext*, js::jit::BaselineFrame*, js::jit::ICCall_Fallback*, unsigned int, JS::Value*, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value>) [BaselineIC.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 3191 + 0x8]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff532041d0 rsp = 0x00007fff53203ed0
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x0000000112747e72
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 20 0x1ec6762c47f8
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53204258 rsp = 0x00007fff532041e0
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00001ec6762c47f8
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 21 0x12fe60dd0
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53204318 rsp = 0x00007fff53204268
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000012fe60dd0
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 22 0x1ec6762c24df
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53204390 rsp = 0x00007fff53204328
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00001ec6762c24df
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 23 XUL!js::jit::MaybeEnterJit(JSContext*, js::RunState&) [Jit.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 195 + 0x134]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53204860 rsp = 0x00007fff532043a0
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x0000000112919df0
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 24 XUL!Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&) [Interpreter.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 3135 + 0x5]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53204d00 rsp = 0x00007fff53204870
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00000001121b6704
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 25 XUL!js::RunScript(JSContext*, js::RunState&) [Interpreter.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 425 + 0xb]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53204d60 rsp = 0x00007fff53204d10
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00000001121a9deb
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 26 XUL!js::InternalCallOrConstruct(JSContext*, JS::CallArgs const&, js::MaybeConstruct) [Interpreter.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 568 + 0xb]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53204e20 rsp = 0x00007fff53204d70
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00000001121beab8
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 27 XUL!js::CallGetter(JSContext*, JS::Handle<JS::Value>, JS::Handle<JS::Value>, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value>) [Interpreter.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 735 + 0x90]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53204ea0 rsp = 0x00007fff53204e30
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00000001121bf71f
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 28 XUL!js::NativeGetProperty(JSContext*, JS::Handle<js::NativeObject*>, JS::Handle<JS::Value>, JS::Handle<JS::PropertyKey>, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value>) [NativeObject.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 2601 + 0x1010]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53204f90 rsp = 0x00007fff53204eb0
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000011239b496
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 29 XUL!js::GetProperty(JSContext*, JS::Handle<JS::Value>, JS::Handle<js::PropertyName*>, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value>) [Interpreter.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 4492 + 0x54]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53205020 rsp = 0x00007fff53204fa0
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00000001121c215d
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 30 XUL!Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&) [Interpreter.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 2775 + 0x2e]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff532054c0 rsp = 0x00007fff53205030
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00000001121b3635
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 31 XUL!js::RunScript(JSContext*, js::RunState&) [Interpreter.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 425 + 0xb]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53205520 rsp = 0x00007fff532054d0
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00000001121a9deb
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 32 XUL!js::InternalCallOrConstruct(JSContext*, JS::CallArgs const&, js::MaybeConstruct) [Interpreter.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 568 + 0xb]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff532055e0 rsp = 0x00007fff53205530
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00000001121beab8
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 33 XUL!js::fun_call(JSContext*, unsigned int, JS::Value*) [JSFunction.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 1115 + 0x38]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff532056d0 rsp = 0x00007fff532055f0
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000011234ba5f
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 34 XUL!js::fun_apply(JSContext*, unsigned int, JS::Value*) [JSFunction.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 1135 + 0x13]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53205c00 rsp = 0x00007fff532056e0
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000011234bea6
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 35 0x1ec676388481
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53205c58 rsp = 0x00007fff53205c10
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00001ec676388481
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 36 0x124022518
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53205cf8 rsp = 0x00007fff53205c68
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x0000000124022518
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 37 0x1ec6762c24df
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53205d60 rsp = 0x00007fff53205d08
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00001ec6762c24df
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 38 XUL!js::jit::MaybeEnterJit(JSContext*, js::RunState&) [Jit.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 195 + 0x134]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53206230 rsp = 0x00007fff53205d70
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x0000000112919df0
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 39 XUL!js::RunScript(JSContext*, js::RunState&) [Interpreter.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 410 + 0xb]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53206290 rsp = 0x00007fff53206240
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00000001121a9d3d
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 40 XUL!js::InternalCallOrConstruct(JSContext*, JS::CallArgs const&, js::MaybeConstruct) [Interpreter.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 568 + 0xb]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53206350 rsp = 0x00007fff532062a0
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00000001121beab8
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 41 XUL!js::CallGetter(JSContext*, JS::Handle<JS::Value>, JS::Handle<JS::Value>, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value>) [Interpreter.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 735 + 0x90]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff532063d0 rsp = 0x00007fff53206360
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00000001121bf71f
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 42 XUL!js::NativeGetExistingProperty(JSContext*, JS::Handle<JSObject*>, JS::Handle<js::NativeObject*>, JS::Handle<js::Shape*>, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value>) [NativeObject.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 2325 + 0x27]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53206450 rsp = 0x00007fff532063e0
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00000001123999cb
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 43 XUL!bool js::FetchName<(js::GetNameMode)0>(JSContext*, JS::Handle<JSObject*>, JS::Handle<JSObject*>, JS::Handle<js::PropertyName*>, JS::Handle<JS::PropertyResult>, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value>) [Interpreter-inl.h:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 202 + 0xb]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff532064c0 rsp = 0x00007fff53206460
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00000001121a974d
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 44 XUL!bool js::GetEnvironmentName<(js::GetNameMode)0>(JSContext*, JS::Handle<JSObject*>, JS::Handle<js::PropertyName*>, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value>) [Interpreter-inl.h:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 253 + 0x18]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53206550 rsp = 0x00007fff532064d0
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00000001121cb4df
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 45 XUL!Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&) [Interpreter.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 3238 + 0xe3]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff532069f0 rsp = 0x00007fff53206560
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00000001121b7a4a
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 46 XUL!js::RunScript(JSContext*, js::RunState&) [Interpreter.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 425 + 0xb]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53206a50 rsp = 0x00007fff53206a00
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00000001121a9deb
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 47 XUL!js::InternalCallOrConstruct(JSContext*, JS::CallArgs const&, js::MaybeConstruct) [Interpreter.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 568 + 0xb]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53206b10 rsp = 0x00007fff53206a60
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00000001121beab8
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 48 XUL!JS::Call(JSContext*, JS::Handle<JS::Value>, JS::Handle<JS::Value>, JS::HandleValueArray const&, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value>) [jsapi.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 2655 + 0x2c]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53206be0 rsp = 0x00007fff53206b20
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000011256f1b7
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 49 XUL!mozilla::dom::EventListener::HandleEvent(JSContext*, JS::Handle<JS::Value>, mozilla::dom::Event&, mozilla::ErrorResult&) [EventListenerBinding.cpp: : 52 + 0x8]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53206d00 rsp = 0x00007fff53206bf0
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000010f970486
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 50 XUL!mozilla::EventListenerManager::HandleEventSubType(mozilla::EventListenerManager::Listener*, mozilla::dom::Event*, mozilla::dom::EventTarget*) [EventListenerBinding.h: : 66 + 0xf]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53206f30 rsp = 0x00007fff53206d10
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000010ff3c8a2
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 51 XUL!mozilla::EventListenerManager::HandleEventInternal(nsPresContext*, mozilla::WidgetEvent*, mozilla::dom::Event**, mozilla::dom::EventTarget*, nsEventStatus*, bool) [EventListenerManager.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 1222 + 0x15]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53207100 rsp = 0x00007fff53206f40
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000010ff3d465
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 52 XUL!mozilla::EventTargetChainItem::HandleEvent(mozilla::EventChainPostVisitor&, mozilla::ELMCreationDetector&) [EventDispatcher.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 349 + 0xc]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53207130 rsp = 0x00007fff53207110
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000010ff30c04
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 53 XUL!mozilla::EventTargetChainItem::HandleEventTargetChain(nsTArray<mozilla::EventTargetChainItem>&, mozilla::EventChainPostVisitor&, mozilla::EventDispatchingCallback*, mozilla::ELMCreationDetector&) [EventDispatcher.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 587 + 0x12]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53207230 rsp = 0x00007fff53207140
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000010ff305c9
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 54 XUL!mozilla::EventDispatcher::Dispatch(nsISupports*, nsPresContext*, mozilla::WidgetEvent*, mozilla::dom::Event*, nsEventStatus*, mozilla::EventDispatchingCallback*, nsTArray<mozilla::dom::EventTarget*>) [EventDispatcher.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 1047 + 0x5]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff532074a0 rsp = 0x00007fff53207240
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000010ff327ca
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 55 XUL!mozilla::EventDispatcher::DispatchDOMEvent(nsISupports
, mozilla::WidgetEvent*, mozilla::dom::Event*, nsPresContext*, nsEventStatus*) [EventDispatcher.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 0 + 0xb]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff532074e0 rsp = 0x00007fff532074b0
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000010ff3758d
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 56 XUL!nsINode::DispatchEvent(mozilla::dom::Event&, mozilla::dom::CallerType, mozilla::ErrorResult&) [nsINode.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 1029 + 0x10]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53207540 rsp = 0x00007fff532074f0
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000010ef098d7
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 57 XUL!nsContentUtils::DispatchEvent(mozilla::dom::Document*, nsISupports*, nsTSubstring<char16_t> const&, mozilla::CanBubble, mozilla::Cancelable, mozilla::Composed, mozilla::Trusted, bool*, mozilla::ChromeOnlyDispatch) [nsContentUtils.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 3938 + 0x13]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff532075a0 rsp = 0x00007fff53207550
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000010ecb5e62
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 58 XUL!mozilla::dom::Document::DispatchContentLoadedEvents() [Document.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 6970 + 0x2a]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53207660 rsp = 0x00007fff532075b0
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000010eddb0f0
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 59 XUL!mozilla::dom::Document::EndLoad() [Document.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 7198 + 0x8]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff532076c0 rsp = 0x00007fff53207670
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000010eddbcc0
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 60 XUL!mozilla::dom::PrototypeDocumentContentSink::DoneWalking() [PrototypeDocumentContentSink.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 658 + 0xd]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53207780 rsp = 0x00007fff532076d0
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x0000000110695639
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 61 XUL!non-virtual thunk to mozilla::dom::PrototypeDocumentContentSink::StyleSheetLoaded(mozilla::StyleSheet*, bool, nsresult) [PrototypeDocumentContentSink.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 0 + 0x45]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff532077a0 rsp = 0x00007fff53207790
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00000001106957af
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 62 XUL!mozilla::css::Loader::SheetComplete(mozilla::css::SheetLoadData*, nsresult) [Loader.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 1647 + 0x9]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53207860 rsp = 0x00007fff532077b0
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x0000000110cf6761
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 63 XUL!mozilla::css::SheetLoadData::Run() [Loader.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 273 + 0xf6]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53207890 rsp = 0x00007fff53207870
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x0000000110cf2434
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 64 XUL!nsThread::ProcessNextEvent(bool, bool*) [nsThread.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 1225 + 0x6]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53207950 rsp = 0x00007fff532078a0
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000010d9b9bd0
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 65 XUL!NS_ProcessNextEvent(nsIThread*, bool) [nsThreadUtils.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 486 + 0xd]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53207980 rsp = 0x00007fff53207960
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000010d9bc3e9
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 66 XUL!nsXULWindow::CreateNewContentWindow(int, nsIRemoteTab*, mozIDOMWindowProxy*, unsigned long long, nsIXULWindow**) [nsThreadUtils.h:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 348 + 0xd]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53207a90 rsp = 0x00007fff53207990
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x0000000111c7a247
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 67 XUL!nsAppStartup::CreateChromeWindow(nsIWebBrowserChrome*, unsigned int, nsIRemoteTab*, mozIDOMWindowProxy*, unsigned long long, bool*, nsIWebBrowserChrome**) [nsAppStartup.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 618 + 0x1b]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53207b00 rsp = 0x00007fff53207aa0
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x0000000111f96b79
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 68 XUL!nsWindowWatcher::OpenWindowInternal(mozIDOMWindowProxy*, char const*, char const*, char const*, bool, bool, bool, nsIArray*, bool, bool, bool, nsDocShellLoadState*, mozIDOMWindowProxy**) [nsWindowWatcher.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 412 + 0x1b]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53207dc0 rsp = 0x00007fff53207b10
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000011206b9f3
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 69 XUL!non-virtual thunk to nsWindowWatcher::OpenWindow2(mozIDOMWindowProxy*, char const*, char const*, char const*, bool, bool, bool, nsISupports*, bool, bool, bool, nsDocShellLoadState*, mozIDOMWindowProxy**) [nsWindowWatcher.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 0 + 0x124]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53207e70 rsp = 0x00007fff53207dd0
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000011206c3c4
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 70 XUL!nsGlobalWindowOuter::OpenInternal(nsTSubstring<char16_t> const&, nsTSubstring<char16_t> const&, nsTSubstring<char16_t> const&, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, nsIArray*, nsISupports*, nsDocShellLoadState*, bool, nsPIDOMWindowOuter**) [nsGlobalWindowOuter.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 7248 + 0x5b]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53208070 rsp = 0x00007fff53207e80
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000010ed2f2d0
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 71 XUL!nsGlobalWindowInner::Open(nsTSubstring<char16_t> const&, nsTSubstring<char16_t> const&, nsTSubstring<char16_t> const&, mozilla::ErrorResult&) [nsGlobalWindowInner.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 3780 + 0x38]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53208120 rsp = 0x00007fff53208080
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000010ed0598f
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 72 XUL!mozilla::dom::Window_Binding::open(JSContext*, JS::Handle<JSObject*>, nsGlobalWindowInner*, JSJitMethodCallArgs const&) [WindowBinding.cpp: : 2868 + 0x8]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53208340 rsp = 0x00007fff53208130
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000010f81449e
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 73 XUL!bool mozilla::dom::binding_detail::GenericMethod<mozilla::dom::binding_detail::MaybeGlobalThisPolicy, mozilla::dom::binding_detail::ThrowExceptions>(JSContext*, unsigned int, JS::Value*) [BindingUtils.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 3171 + 0x11]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff532083e0 rsp = 0x00007fff53208350
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000010fc53b76
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 74 XUL!js::InternalCallOrConstruct(JSContext*, JS::CallArgs const&, js::MaybeConstruct) [Interpreter.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 540 + 0xcb]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff532084a0 rsp = 0x00007fff532083f0
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00000001121be7a6
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 75 XUL!Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&) [Interpreter.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 599 + 0x8]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53208940 rsp = 0x00007fff532084b0
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00000001121b6373
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 76 XUL!js::RunScript(JSContext*, js::RunState&) [Interpreter.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 425 + 0xb]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff532089a0 rsp = 0x00007fff53208950
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00000001121a9deb
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 77 XUL!js::InternalCallOrConstruct(JSContext*, JS::CallArgs const&, js::MaybeConstruct) [Interpreter.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 568 + 0xb]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53208a60 rsp = 0x00007fff532089b0
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00000001121beab8
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 78 XUL!js::jit::InterpretResume(JSContext*, JS::Handle<JSObject*>, JS::Handle<JS::Value>, JS::Handle<js::PropertyName*>, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value>) [VMFunctions.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 993 + 0x7f]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53208b10 rsp = 0x00007fff53208a70
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00000001127701fc
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 79 0x1ec6762c56b4
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53208bd8 rsp = 0x00007fff53208b20
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00001ec6762c56b4
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 80 0x1ec6762c24df
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53208c40 rsp = 0x00007fff53208be8
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00001ec6762c24df
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 81 XUL!js::jit::MaybeEnterJit(JSContext*, js::RunState&) [Jit.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 195 + 0x134]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53209110 rsp = 0x00007fff53208c50
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x0000000112919df0
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 82 XUL!js::RunScript(JSContext*, js::RunState&) [Interpreter.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 410 + 0xb]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53209170 rsp = 0x00007fff53209120
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00000001121a9d3d
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 83 XUL!js::InternalCallOrConstruct(JSContext*, JS::CallArgs const&, js::MaybeConstruct) [Interpreter.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 568 + 0xb]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53209230 rsp = 0x00007fff53209180
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00000001121beab8
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 84 XUL!AsyncFunctionResume(JSContext*, JS::Handle<js::AsyncFunctionGeneratorObject*>, ResumeKind, JS::Handle<JS::Value>) [AsyncFunction.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 115 + 0x7d]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53209350 rsp = 0x00007fff53209240
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x0000000112250221
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 85 XUL!PromiseReactionJob(JSContext*, unsigned int, JS::Value*) [Promise.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 1656 + 0x79]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53209480 rsp = 0x00007fff53209360
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x0000000112236268
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 86 XUL!js::InternalCallOrConstruct(JSContext*, JS::CallArgs const&, js::MaybeConstruct) [Interpreter.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 540 + 0xcb]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53209540 rsp = 0x00007fff53209490
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x00000001121be7a6
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 87 XUL!JS::Call(JSContext*, JS::Handle<JS::Value>, JS::Handle<JS::Value>, JS::HandleValueArray const&, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value>) [jsapi.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 2655 + 0x2c]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53209610 rsp = 0x00007fff53209550
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000011256f1b7
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 88 XUL!mozilla::PromiseJobRunnable::Run(mozilla::AutoSlowOperation&) [CycleCollectedJSContext.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 239 + 0xee]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53209870 rsp = 0x00007fff53209620
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000010d9027ac
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 89 XUL!mozilla::CycleCollectedJSContext::PerformMicroTaskCheckPoint(bool) [CycleCollectedJSContext.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 661 + 0xb]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53209900 rsp = 0x00007fff53209880
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000010d8f288b
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12:40:11 INFO - 90 XUL!mozilla::dom::CallbackObject::CallSetup::~CallSetup() [CallbackObject.cpp:c3125cefaaabd10d8d7b2a03a2773bca910e47c2 : 358 + 0xf]
12:40:11 INFO - rbp = 0x00007fff53209980 rsp = 0x00007fff53209910
12:40:11 INFO - rip = 0x000000010fc6238b
12:40:11 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer

Whiteboard: [domsecurity-intermittent]

The priority flag is not set for this bug.
:ckerschb, could you have a look please?

For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(ckerschb)
Flags: needinfo?(ckerschb)
Priority: -- → P3

The signature here has changed a bit, like this log:

[task 2020-01-21T21:32:32.319Z] 21:32:32     INFO - 
[task 2020-01-21T21:32:32.319Z] 21:32:32     INFO - GECKO(1119) | #49: MessageLoop::RunInternal() [ipc/chromium/src/base/]
[task 2020-01-21T21:32:32.320Z] 21:32:32     INFO - 
[task 2020-01-21T21:32:32.320Z] 21:32:32     INFO - GECKO(1119) | #50: MessageLoop::Run() [ipc/chromium/src/base/]
[task 2020-01-21T21:32:32.320Z] 21:32:32     INFO - 
[task 2020-01-21T21:32:32.321Z] 21:32:32     INFO - GECKO(1119) | #51: nsBaseAppShell::Run() [widget/nsBaseAppShell.cpp:139]
[task 2020-01-21T21:32:32.321Z] 21:32:32     INFO - 
[task 2020-01-21T21:32:32.322Z] 21:32:32     INFO - GECKO(1119) | #52: XRE_RunAppShell() [toolkit/xre/nsEmbedFunctions.cpp:943]
[task 2020-01-21T21:32:32.322Z] 21:32:32     INFO - 
[task 2020-01-21T21:32:32.323Z] 21:32:32     INFO - GECKO(1119) | #53: mozilla::ipc::MessagePumpForChildProcess::Run(base::MessagePump::Delegate*) [ipc/glue/MessagePump.cpp:237]
[task 2020-01-21T21:32:32.324Z] 21:32:32     INFO - 
[task 2020-01-21T21:32:32.324Z] 21:32:32     INFO - GECKO(1119) | #54: MessageLoop::RunInternal() [ipc/chromium/src/base/]
[task 2020-01-21T21:32:32.325Z] 21:32:32     INFO - 
[task 2020-01-21T21:32:32.326Z] 21:32:32     INFO - GECKO(1119) | #55: MessageLoop::Run() [ipc/chromium/src/base/]
[task 2020-01-21T21:32:32.329Z] 21:32:32     INFO - 
[task 2020-01-21T21:32:32.329Z] 21:32:32     INFO - GECKO(1119) | #56: XRE_InitChildProcess(int, char**, XREChildData const*) [toolkit/xre/nsEmbedFunctions.cpp:778]
[task 2020-01-21T21:32:32.330Z] 21:32:32     INFO - 
[task 2020-01-21T21:32:32.473Z] 21:32:32     INFO - GECKO(1119) | #57: content_process_main(mozilla::Bootstrap*, int, char**) [ipc/contentproc/plugin-container.cpp:57]
[task 2020-01-21T21:32:32.474Z] 21:32:32     INFO - 
[task 2020-01-21T21:32:32.475Z] 21:32:32     INFO - GECKO(1119) | #58: main [browser/app/nsBrowserApp.cpp:303]
[task 2020-01-21T21:32:32.475Z] 21:32:32     INFO - 
[task 2020-01-21T21:32:32.476Z] 21:32:32     INFO - GECKO(1119) | #59: + 0x20830
[task 2020-01-21T21:32:32.476Z] 21:32:32     INFO - 
[task 2020-01-21T21:32:32.478Z] 21:32:32     INFO - GECKO(1119) | #60: _start
[task 2020-01-21T21:32:32.478Z] 21:32:32     INFO - 

The problem seems to stem from this code where we are minting a new principal. In private windows, the newly minted principal lacks the privateBrowsingId member of OriginAttributes, so we sometimes try to look up a permission key which doesn't exist in our process even though we have received the permissions for the private browsing principal. My guess is that bug 1591748 has changed the signature here.

Avoiding minting a new principal will fix the intermittent crash.

Assignee: nobody → ehsan
Blocks: 1591748
Pushed by Avoid minting a new principal and just use the document principal, to ensure we have the right principal in private windows; r=baku
Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla74
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