Add temporary support for native key events for gutenberg
(Remote Protocol :: CDP, task, P3)
(firefox71 fixed)
Tracking | Status | |
firefox71 | --- | fixed |
(Reporter: jdescottes, Assigned: impossibus)
(2 files)
See Bug 1563205 for the overall issue.
In scope of the gutenberg test suite support, we will identify a shortlist of shortcuts that need to be supported, and will implement them directly in our Input domain to increase coverage.
The goal of this bug is just to be a temporary solution to fix gutenberg tests until EventUtils is improved in Bug 1563205.
(if by any chance Bug 1563205 is resolved sooner than this one, then we should close it as a duplicate, but we assume Bug 1563205 will be non-trivial)
Reporter | ||
Comment 1•6 years ago
Check how many tests are impacted
Comment 2•6 years ago
Julian, are you planning on doing this bug or can I reassign it?
Updated•6 years ago
Assignee | ||
Comment 4•5 years ago
It's worth noting that Puppeteer doesn't emulate native shortcuts (i.e. shortcuts handled by OS, not Chrome). The gutenberg tests are working around this for Cmd+A by synthesizing the necessary events with EventTarget.dispatchEvent
Assignee | ||
Comment 5•5 years ago
gutenberg tests use a helper, pressKeyWithModifier
, to dispatch shortcuts, and the first parameter is often a generic alias for common combinations on different platforms:
primary: ( _isApple ) => _isApple() ? [ COMMAND ] : [ CTRL ],
primaryShift: ( _isApple ) => _isApple() ? [ SHIFT, COMMAND ] : [ CTRL, SHIFT ],
primaryAlt: ( _isApple ) => _isApple() ? [ ALT, COMMAND ] : [ CTRL, ALT ],
secondary: ( _isApple ) => _isApple() ? [ SHIFT, ALT, COMMAND ] : [ CTRL, SHIFT, ALT ],
access: ( _isApple ) => _isApple() ? [ CTRL, ALT ] : [ SHIFT, ALT ],
Affected tests
Ignoring primary+A which doesn't touch CDP (see previous comment)
git grep -H pressKeyWithModifier | grep await | grep -v "\'primary\', \'a\'" | sort | uniq
packages/e2e-tests/specs/a11y.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'access', 'h' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/a11y.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'ctrl', '~' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/a11y.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'shift', 'Tab' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/block-deletion.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'access', 'z' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/block-deletion.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'shift', 'ArrowUp' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/block-hierarchy-navigation.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'ctrl', '`' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/block-hierarchy-navigation.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'access', 'o' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/block-switcher.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'alt', 'F10' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/blocks/classic.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'shift', 'Tab' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/blocks/heading.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'A' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/blocks/list.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'm' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/blocks/list.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'z' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/blocks/list.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primaryShift', 'm' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/blocks/list.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'shift', 'Enter' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/change-detection.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'S' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/keyboard-navigable-blocks.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'ctrl', '`' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/links.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'K' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/links.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'k' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/links.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'shiftAlt', 'ArrowLeft' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/multi-block-selection.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'shift', 'ArrowDown' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/multi-block-selection.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'shift', 'ArrowRight' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/multi-block-selection.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'shift', 'ArrowUp' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/multi-block-selection.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'shift', 'Enter' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/navigable-toolbar.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'alt', 'F10' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/plugins/block-icons.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'access', 'o' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/plugins/deprecated-node-matcher.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'b' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/plugins/format-api.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'shiftAlt', 'ArrowLeft' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/plugins/templates.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'A' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/preview.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'shift', 'Home' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/publish-panel.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'shift', 'Tab' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/rich-text.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'b' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/rich-text.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'i' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/rich-text.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'z' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/rich-text.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'shift', 'ArrowLeft' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/rich-text.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'shift', 'Tab' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/rtl.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'b' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/rtl.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'shift', 'Enter' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/shortcut-help.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'access', 'h' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/sidebar.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'ctrl', '`' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/splitting-merging.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'b' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/splitting-merging.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'z' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/undo.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'b' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/undo.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'z' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/undo.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'z' ); // Undo 1st block.
packages/e2e-tests/specs/undo.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'z' ); // Undo 1st paragraph text.
packages/e2e-tests/specs/undo.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'z' ); // Undo 2nd block.
packages/e2e-tests/specs/undo.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'z' ); // Undo 2nd paragraph text.
packages/e2e-tests/specs/undo.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'z' ); // Undo 3rd block.
packages/e2e-tests/specs/undo.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'z' ); // Undo 3rd paragraph text.
packages/e2e-tests/specs/writing-flow.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'alt', 'Backspace' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/writing-flow.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'Backspace' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/writing-flow.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'ArrowDown' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/writing-flow.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'b' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/writing-flow.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'i' );
packages/e2e-tests/specs/writing-flow.test.js: await pressKeyWithModifier( 'shift', 'Enter' );
Most common shortcuts
git grep pressKey | grep await | cut -d ":" -f 2 | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' | sort | uniq -c | sort -r
28 await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'a' ); # doesn't use CDP
27 await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'b' );
18 await pressKeyWithModifier( 'shift', 'Enter' );
16 await pressKeyWithModifier( 'shiftAlt', 'ArrowLeft' );
10 await pressKeyWithModifier( 'ctrl', '`' );
9 await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'K' );
7 await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'm' );
6 await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'z' );
6 await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'S' );
If you look at the log of CDP method calls in the test log (run on macos), you get a slightly different picture of top shortcuts:
29 Shift + ArrowLeft ( "type":"rawKeyDown","modifiers":8,"windowsVirtualKeyCode":37,"code":"ArrowLeft","key":"ArrowLeft","text":"","unmodifiedText":"","autoRepeat":false,"location":0,"isKeypad":false)
27 Meta + b ("type":"rawKeyDown","modifiers":4,"windowsVirtualKeyCode":66,"code":"KeyB","key":"b","text":"","unmodifiedText":"","autoRepeat":false,"location":0,"isKeypad":false)
19 Shift + Enter ("type":"keyDown","modifiers":8,"windowsVirtualKeyCode":13,"code":"Enter","key":"Enter","text":"\r","unmodifiedText":"\r","autoRepeat":false,"location":0,"isKeypad":false)
16 Alt + Shift + ArrowLeft ("type":"rawKeyDown","modifiers":9,"windowsVirtualKeyCode":37,"code":"ArrowLeft","key":"ArrowLeft","text":"","unmodifiedText":"","autoRepeat":false,"location":0,"isKeypad":false)
12 Meta z ("type":"rawKeyDown","modifiers":4,"windowsVirtualKeyCode":90,"code":"KeyZ","key":"z","text":"","unmodifiedText":"","autoRepeat":false,"location":0,"isKeypad":false)
12 Ctrl + BackQuote ("type":"rawKeyDown","modifiers":2,"windowsVirtualKeyCode":192,"code":"Backquote","key":"`","text":"","unmodifiedText":"","autoRepeat":false,"location":0,"isKeypad":false)
11 Meta K or k ("type":"rawKeyDown","modifiers":4,"windowsVirtualKeyCode":75,"code":"KeyK","key":"K","text":"","unmodifiedText":"","autoRepeat":false,"location":0,"isKeypad":false)
Assignee | ||
Comment 6•5 years ago
I've taken the liberty to investigate related issues while working on this. One conclusion is that the temporary solution described in Comment 0 won't be necessary to increase coverage in gutenberg: as far as I can tell, most (if any) tests are not affected by problematic shortcuts.
So far, the patch for this is a whole bunch of tests, and maybe a "temporary solution" for one key combination. I'll clean that up and push it after the weekend.
Assignee | ||
Comment 7•5 years ago
Assignee | ||
Comment 8•5 years ago
Depends on D47032
Updated•5 years ago
Comment 10•5 years ago
Backed out changeset 1ce1b20dcc20 (bug 1563206) for mochitest remote perma failures in browser_input_dispatchKeyEvent.js
Failure log:
Comment 11•5 years ago
Assignee | ||
Updated•5 years ago
Comment 12•5 years ago
bugherder |
Updated•4 years ago