Closed Bug 157669 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Internet Explorer Alt+D keyboard accelerator compatibility


(Core :: DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling, enhancement, P3)

Windows XP





(Reporter: ehrbar, Assigned: aaronlev)



(Keywords: polish)


(2 files, 1 obsolete file)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.0.0) Gecko/20020530
BuildID:    20020530012

It would be useful for both functionality and for easing conversion from
Internet Explorer if the IE Alt+D keyboard accelerator was implemented in
Mozilla.  In IE (and in the Windows UI generally), Alt+D selects the text in the
address bar (text entry portion of the navigation toolbar), allowing quick entry
of a new URL.
F6 places focus into the address bar.
Presently, Alt-D opens the "Debug" drop-down menu that's present in all
nightlies... perhaps Alt-D could be bound to the address bar in releases, since
I presume that it's not assigned to anything when Debug and QA menus aren't present.
Ever confirmed: true
Accel+L is our equivalent, which maps to Ctrl+L on your platform.

Alt letters on Window are used for accesskeys - items where the prompt has the
accesskey underlined. We're consistent about this. For Alt+D to work, we'd write
"A_d_dress:" before the URL bar to make it discoverable to the user. I don't
think we'd do it otherwise. We might display the Accel+L shortcut in the URL
bar's tooltip, though.

I think we should add this shortcut before adding the text "Address:" to the
left of the address field.  Adding the text may require fixing bug 49543, but in
the meantime, any user who tries Alt+D is probably an IE user who expects it to
focus the address field.  "Alt+D doesn't work" is a common complaint from IE users.

Fixing *this* bug probably depends on fixing bug 64606.
Don't use an Alt shortcut for this field.  Then users will be confused when
pressing Alt+D doesn't focus the field because there's an element on the current
page that has accesskey="d" defined.  With a Ctrl shortcut, this is much less
Okay.  I still think the alt-d combo would be useful for those who switch, but
reasons to do it otherwise make sense.

However, I'd like to know what to put in a userHTMLBindings.xml to make alt+d
work like ctrl+l, since my users are not happy with "use F6 or ctrl+l"
English-language sites rarely use accesskey=D because Internet Explorer uses
Alt+D for focusing the address bar.
I agree with Jesse. In addition, as in IE, a page with Alt+D for the accesskey
will still work. In that case the page accesskey takes precedence.

Jesse, will you own this?
Assignee: aaronl → jruderman
Keywords: nsbeta1
I have a patch for this.
Assignee: jruderman → aaronl
Keywords: polish
Priority: -- → P3
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.2beta
Comment on attachment 99922 [details]
Shows that content with an accesskey of D overrides the address bar accesskey of D

I don't get this.  Where is Accel+L defined, shouldn't Alt+D be in a similar
Dean, I thought about that, but I decided to do it as an accesskey, because a
content accesskey="D" need to override this. We get that for free this way.
Attachment #99921 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 100438 [details] [diff] [review]
Oops, forgot to include _D_ebug -> Deb_u_g change

>+  <menu id="debugMenu" accesskey="U" label="Debug">

Change the accesskey to "u".  We do a case-sensitive match first and only if we
don't find anything do we do a case-insensitive match.

r=me with that change, although I'd like to get Jag's OK on the nsBoxFrame.cpp
Comment on attachment 100438 [details] [diff] [review]
Oops, forgot to include _D_ebug -> Deb_u_g change

Attachment #100438 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 100438 [details] [diff] [review]
Oops, forgot to include _D_ebug -> Deb_u_g change

Attachment #100438 - Flags: superreview+
checked in
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Was this checked in a few days ago?  It works for me using 2002100108.  If so,
I'll verify it.
Yes Dean, I just forgot to mark it fixed.
OK, good.  Things are normal in the world again.  Verified fixed on Win2K using
congrats. You have broken every localization that wants to use "d" as a menu
accesskey.  Like the German one, where "d" is the only sensible accesskey for
the File menu.  I should not that IE/German does _not_ have Alt-d focus the URL
bar, precisely for this reason.  Too bad you hardcoded the accesskey so that
localizers can't change it, huh?  This is what we have DTD files for, people!
Depends on: 180357
Component: Keyboard: Navigation → User events and focus handling
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