Closed Bug 1580280 Opened 5 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Run |mach lint| with Python 3


(Developer Infrastructure :: Lint and Formatting, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ahal, Assigned: ahal)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(9 files)

47 bytes, text/x-phabricator-request
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47 bytes, text/x-phabricator-request
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47 bytes, text/x-phabricator-request
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47 bytes, text/x-phabricator-request
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47 bytes, text/x-phabricator-request
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47 bytes, text/x-phabricator-request
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47 bytes, text/x-phabricator-request
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47 bytes, text/x-phabricator-request
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47 bytes, text/x-phabricator-request
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Apart from furthering the Python 3 migration, the main motivation for this is to get flake8 running with Python 3 (which will help the migration immensely everywhere else).

Attachment #9091905 - Attachment description: Bug 1580280 - [lint] Convert flake8 integration to Python 3 → Bug 1580280 - [lint] Support Python 3 in the flake8 integration
Attachment #9091907 - Attachment description: Bug 1580280 - [lint] Convert eslint integration to Python 3 → Bug 1580280 - [lint] Support Python 3 in the eslint integration
Attachment #9091908 - Attachment description: Bug 1580280 - [lint] Convert wpt integration to Python 3 → Bug 1580280 - [lint] Support Python 3 in the wpt integration
Attachment #9091909 - Attachment description: Bug 1580280 - [lint] Convert other integrations to Python 3 → Bug 1580280 - [lint] Support Python 3 in other lint integrations
Pushed by
[mozlint] Support Python 3 in the mozlint library r=egao
[lint] Support Python 3 in the flake8 integration r=sylvestre
[mozbuild] Fix Python 3 issues in r=nalexander
[lint] Support Python 3 in the eslint integration r=Standard8
Keywords: leave-open
Pushed by
[lint] Support Python 3 in the wpt integration r=jgraham
[lint] Support Python 3 in other lint integrations r=sylvestre
Depends on: 1583626
No longer depends on: 1583626
Pushed by
[mozlint] Run |mach lint| with Python 3 and drop support for Python 2 r=mars

Hey Nick,

This patch gets mach lint running with Python 3. I got backed out over the android-lints (forgot to test them) hitting this line:

I guess gradle invokes configure at some point. Interestingly, that line shouldn't get hit in automation, but under Python 3 it does. I'm having a bit of difficulty figuring out where that automation value comes from, do you have any insight?

Although even after fixing that, I suspect we might run into other problems. I might need to create a little shim that runs the android-lints in a Python 2 subprocess :/

Flags: needinfo?(ahal) → needinfo?(nalexander)

(Note: getting this landed is fairly important to the migration effort, so I'd prefer not to block on configure support for Python 3)

(In reply to Andrew Halberstadt [:ahal] from comment #14)

Hey Nick,

This patch gets mach lint running with Python 3. I got backed out over the android-lints (forgot to test them) hitting this line:

I guess gradle invokes configure at some point. Interestingly, that line shouldn't get hit in automation, but under Python 3 it does. I'm having a bit of difficulty figuring out where that automation value comes from, do you have any insight?

The Android lints expect to be run with an already built tree, and the automation task arranges that. I think this issue demonstrates that mach commands under Python 3 (updated mach lint) are not correctly invoking other mach commands that might require Python 2 (mach gradle ..., which might invoke mach environment, mach build, etc).

Now, I don't understand why MOZ_AUTOMATION isn't set for this task and you see the issue at all. I conclude there's something funky happening with the environment handling when running under Python 3.

Although even after fixing that, I suspect we might run into other problems. I might need to create a little shim that runs the android-lints in a Python 2 subprocess :/

Given that we need a build, and the Gradle tasks that the Android lints invoke themselves can invoke mach build, and that builds don't work under Python 3, yes, I think we need to make these things happen under Python 2 in some way. If that's very challenging then I could try to make sure that Gradle doesn't invoke mach build; that is an active worksite, what with mach build also packaging so that the order of tasks can be improved and Fennec being removed allowing significant simplifications.

Flags: needinfo?(nalexander)

Ok, so we might still need to run gradle with Python 2, but turns out that's not what was causing the error from the backout. The error occurs when processing the conditional_names:

Conditional names were introduced by bug 1521996 and were meant to provide the ability for commands e.g install or run to have different implementations based on a build condition (e.g whether a build is android or not). But they end up calling into the build config to evaluate them, which I assume is why configure gets invoked.

Why MOZ_AUTOMATION isn't being forwarded here is still a mystery to me.

I filed bug 1584567 to test out removing conditional names to see if that solves the issue. But it doesn't and that's because you were right. It's not about the conditions after all.

From bug 1521996 comment 19:

(In reply to Nick Alexander :nalexander [he/him] from comment #19)
Regardless of what we do with conditional names, there's still an issue, 'cuz just asking for the build configuration shouldn't trigger configure. I think this is something new with the transition to Python 3. Definitely I've tested running mach lint --linter android-lint with a Desktop mozconfig and with no mozconfig at all and I didn't see mach configure running. Do you see this when running with Python 3 as well?

This is being triggered when instantiating the MachCommandBase object here:

Which triggers this:

Still haven't quite groked the missing environment, but it's starting to make sense.

Took longer than I would have liked, but finally figured it out. Python 3 uses __bool__ instead of __nonzero__:

Print debugging a task that runs gradle has been really annoying as gradle
reads the output of 'mach environment' and fails as soon as a debug line shows

What's worse, is it redirects stderr into stdout so even printing to
'sys.stderr' fails. This fixes that so writing to stderr will at least work.

Pushed by
[gradle] Stop redirecting stderr into stdout when calling 'mach environment', r=nalexander
[configure] Define '__bool__' on PositiveOptionValue for Python 3 compatibility, r=nalexander
[mozlint] Run |mach lint| with Python 3 and drop support for Python 2 r=mars
Closed: 5 years ago
Keywords: leave-open
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Regressions: 1585385
Regressions: 1585565
Regressions: 1585672
Regressions: 1585686
Regressions: 1585734
Regressions: 1585744
Regressions: 1585751
Blocks: 1566979
Regressions: 1587525
Product: Firefox Build System → Developer Infrastructure
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