Closed Bug 1585046 Opened 5 years ago Closed 5 years ago

[meta] Expand the raptor-browsertime unit test coverage


(Testing :: Raptor, enhancement, P2)

Version 3


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: rwood, Assigned: onegru)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: meta)

Add more raptor framework python unit tests. Note: Focus on the browsertime-raptor specific code path, since we may be moving to browsertime soon and eventually removing the raptor webext, control server etc.

Blocks: 1582756

Octavian can you take this one please

Assignee: nobody → onegru
Flags: needinfo?(onegru)

Yes, I will work on it after finishing work on Bug 1585966.

Flags: needinfo?(onegru)

Unit testing can be placed in testing/raptor/test/ file,
since both Raptor and Browsertime components reside in testing/raptor/raptor/ file.

The unit testing of the Browsertime component can be done with the following steps:
1. Adapt Browsertime to already-written test-cases (add Browsertime to @pytest.mark.parametrize):
2. Write new test case for run_test method.

Proposal: write tests only for public Browsertime methods. The methods in which Browsertime have its inner logic, like
must not be tested, because they will make the test cases more brittle.

Note: step 1 is already done and will be submitted along with step 2 in one single commit.

Edit: this comment is outdated. The discussion related to tested components will continue here

I see that Browsertime's integration is mostly spread across 3 main modules:

We should split this ticket in 3 subtasks, one for each module.

Depends on: 1590035
Keywords: meta
Depends on: 1590038
Depends on: 1590040
Summary: Expand the raptor-browsertime unit test coverage → [meta] Expand the raptor-browsertime unit test coverage

keep in mind that and will be refactored in the future so maybe we should not spend to much time in these modules.

OK, I will try not to refactor, but to better shape the code for easy testing.
No breaking changes will be added.

Keywords: leave-open

Hey Octavian, are you finished with this bug or are you adding more unit tests? If you're finished please close, thanks!

Flags: needinfo?(onegru)

Finished, resolved. Thanks for reminding :)

Flags: needinfo?(onegru)
Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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