Closed Bug 1592435 Opened 5 years ago Closed 5 years ago causes completely broken scrolling on Fenix with scroll-anchoring on.


(Core :: Panning and Zooming, defect, P2)




Webcompat Priority ?
Tracking Status
firefox72 --- fixed


(Reporter: twisniewski, Assigned: botond)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(7 files)

As just discovered in, the Add This widget is conflicting with scroll anchoring on touchscreens in Firefox to cause a sub-optimal scrolling experience (though it can be a subtle effect).

The reason is that the script adds a scroll event listener to the window, which throttles the following function to test whether the widget is visible on-screen or not:

function(e, t) {
        var i, o = (new Date).getTime();
        if (t = t || {}, t.cacheDuration = void 0 !== t.cacheDuration ? t.cacheDuration : 3e3, !e) return !1;
        if (e.scrollCheckID) {
            if (i = e.scrollCheckID, !(o - n[i] > t.cacheDuration)) return a[i];
            n[i] = o 
        } else e.scrollCheckID = n.length, n[n.length] = o, i = e.scrollCheckID;
        var r = e.getBoundingClientRect(),
            s = {
                top: 0,
                left: 0, 
                bottom: window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight,
                right: window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth
            d = 0,
            u = Math.max(,,
            c = Math.min(r.bottom, s.bottom),
            l = Math.max(r.left, s.left),
            f = Math.min(r.right, s.right),
            p = (r.right - r.left) * (r.bottom -;
        return d = c > u && f > l ? (c - u) * (f - l) : 0, a[i] = d / p, a[i]

My full diagnosis with more code fragments is on the link, but suffice to say that this seems very similar to other cases we've seen (and apparently resolved) with scroll anchoring, like the one in bug 1562793.


  • With tracking protection enabled I cannot go past the image, it gets stuck.
  • With tracking protection disabled I can scroll, though quite jankily.

I can see the page flicker a lot on desktop if I reduce the viewport, and if you execute addEventListener("scroll", () => console.log("scroll")) on the terminal you can see that it is indeed a scroll event loop with scroll anchoring.

Summary: Add This widget causes sub-optimal scrolling when scroll anchoring is enabled → Add This widget causes sub-optimal scrolling when scroll anchoring is enabled (and completely impossible to scroll when tracking protection is enabled on top)

The function that's causing scroll anchoring to come into play is:

	$( window ).scroll(function()
		windowPos = $( window ).scrollTop();
		bannerHeight = $( "#nav-banners" ).height();
		if ( windowPos >= bannerHeight )
			$( "#nav-banners" ).stop().slideUp();
			$( "#nav-banners" ).stop().slideDown();

Where #nav-banners is an overflow: hidden element which is in-flow, (and thus scroll-anchoring should apply when animating). So I think the rest is a matter of timeout scheduling. If we schedule the timeout fast enough, or too slow, the animation restarts and never completes.

The test-case in comment 4 blocks scrolling completely for me on Fenix, mind confirming?

If so, this is a scheduling difference I think (the test-case is wacky on chrome desktop)... :(

Flags: needinfo?(twisniewski)

Yes, I can reproduce on Fennec and Fenix nightlies (after scrolling down a bit, I can't scroll anymore at all). Chrome also acts a bit funky while scrolling the testcase for me, but at least I can still scroll.

Flags: needinfo?(twisniewski)
Summary: Add This widget causes sub-optimal scrolling when scroll anchoring is enabled (and completely impossible to scroll when tracking protection is enabled on top) → causes completely broken scrolling on Fenix with scroll-anchoring on.

Botond, I suspect Chrome is also hitting something like this under the hood (since the test-case is waky on Chrome desktop too). But somehow in Fennec/Fenix (unlike in desktop with apz, looks like) our touch scrolling seems to somehow block on the main thread, and thus we can never scroll...

Is this something you could provide some advice into how to fix?

Flags: needinfo?(botond)

The issue seems to be related to touch events vs. other event types: I can repro the "can't scroll at all" issue on a touchscreen laptop as well, if I'm using the touchscreen rather than the touchpad to scroll.

Here is a reduced testcase for the touch-scrolling issue. It's unrelated to scroll anchoring.


  1. Load the attached testcase on a touch-capable device.
  2. Try to pan the red area up out of view in a single gesture (without releasing the finger).

With touch events, the gesture is interrupted halfway through, and doesn't resume until you lift the finger and touch it down again.

With touchpad scrolling, you can keep scrolling without lifting the finger.

What's happening is the main thread's call to scrollBy() when you've scrolled the red area halfway out of view interrupts the current scroll gesture by calling CancelAnimation(), which resets the gesture state to NOTHING.

Touchpad scrolling generates pan gesture events, which have logic to resume the gesture if something interrupts it and puts it into the NOTHING state, if the fingers are still on the touchpad.

There is no comparable resumption logic for touch events.

Flags: needinfo?(botond)

(In reply to Botond Ballo [:botond] from comment #11)

There is no comparable resumption logic for touch events.

While this has been the case all along, I can't think of a good reason not to allow resuming touch drags like this, so I'm happy to try changing it.

Assignee: nobody → botond
Component: Layout: Scrolling and Overflow → Panning and Zooming
Priority: -- → P2

This is unrelated to this bug, I just ran into it while running the tests.

This makes the behaviour for touch-drags match the behaviour we already have
for pan gesture events.

Depends on D51201

Depends on D51202

(In reply to Botond Ballo [:botond] from comment #12)

(In reply to Botond Ballo [:botond] from comment #11)

There is no comparable resumption logic for touch events.

While this has been the case all along, I can't think of a good reason not to allow resuming touch drags like this, so I'm happy to try changing it.

For reference, my first attempt was to implement this similarly to pan gesture events: if we receive a touch-move event in the NOTHING state, transition to the TOUCHING state. However, this caused problems with multi-touch gestures and touch-action, where touch-action not allowing an event to be handled resulted in the gesture state changing to NOTHING, and we didn't want subsequent touch-moves in the input block to get us back into active states.

Instead, I took the approach of extending the mechanism added in bug 1522026 to avoid main-thread scroll updates cancelling momentum scrolling. This does mean that CancelAnimation() won't be called at all, but I think that's fine -- I've looked through the various things it does and I don't think any of them are relevant in the middle of a pan gesture.

That said, I do consider this somewhat of a risky change. If possible, it would be good to avoid uplifting it, or at least good to give it generous bake time before an uplift.

Pushed by Avoid a shutdown-crash during gtests. r=tnikkel Don't allow a main thread scroll update to interrupt a touch-drag gesture. r=tnikkel Add a gtest. r=tnikkel
Blocks: 1592902
Regressions: 1600567
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