Cannot open local file from shortcut, only white screen. If i reload it show normal
(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: General, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: Daniel.sara, Unassigned)
(Keywords: regression)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Android 8.0.0; Mobile; rv:68.0) Gecko/68.0 Firefox/68.0
Steps to reproduce:
I create shortcut do desktop for local saved file. (html with css and js in separeta files). My device is huawei. If i tap to shortcut from desktop, open new tab with white screen. I try reload it and voila html is here.
Url is file:///storage/1034-BC11/Download/email/Desktop/tet.html
Actual results:
White screen, in new tab, after reload all ok
Expected results:
In the same tab (if is open) opened local html
Comment 1•5 years ago
Sounds like fallout from bug 803143. I doubt this behavior will change.
Updated•5 years ago
Hi, from my investigation this seems similar to Bug1558502, i will put a see also.
@Dan, can you please confirm that this is your issue?
Load a local HTML file, eg from the Downloads folder.
Once loaded, long-press the address bar and then select 'Add Page Shortcut'.
Place the shortcut on the homescreen.
Tap the shortcut.
Expected result:
The page opens in a new tab.
Actual Result:
The browser opens a blank page.
Work around:
Tapping the address bar and then the 'go' arrow loads the page as expected.
Loading from a bookmark works as expected.
Yes, this is the same. Thanks
Assignee | ||
Updated•4 years ago