Closed Bug 1605557 Opened 5 years ago Closed 2 years ago

MACOS color picker has to be closed before Thunderbirds for text color to work


(Thunderbird :: Message Compose Window, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: webmaster2, Assigned: aleca)





(2 files)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.11; rv:70.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/70.0

Steps to reproduce:

Used color picker to select text color. I noticed that in version 68.3.1 (Mac) the UI of the color picker has been changed. I select the color and click OK. I have tried multiple times and each time same thing happens. If I instead enter a color name, or a hex code, the color will change.

Actual results:

Color of selected text does not change.

Expected results:

Color of selected text changes to selected color.

please be precise with your exact steps

Flags: needinfo?(webmaster2)
Attached video Screen video
Flags: needinfo?(webmaster2)

Hmm, works fine on Windows. Richard, can you take a look on Mac. Merry Christmas!

Flags: needinfo?(richard.marti)

This works for me on Mac. But the Mac colour picker needs to be closed to get the colour into the TB colour picker.

Flags: needinfo?(richard.marti)

My test was on OS X El Capitan, 10.11.6

And have you tried to close the Mac colour picker before the TB colour picker? Your video shows you never close the Mac colour picker.

If I select the color with the Mac color picker, then close the Mac color picker, then select OK in the TB color picker, it works.

I think the default use of the Mac color picker is that the text color changes immediately when the color is chosen. This can be seen for example in TextEdit.

The previous programming of the TB color picker was intuitive.

Alessandro, would it be somehow possible to get the colour also when the Mac colour picker isn't closed?

Flags: needinfo?(alessandro)
Component: Untriaged → Message Compose Window
OS: Unspecified → macOS
Summary: text color picker doesn't work → MACOS color picker has to be closed before Thunderbirds for text color to work

I disagree with the title change. It's not MacOS'es fault, it's a problem with the way TB used the MacOS color picker. For example, try TextEdit on the Mac and you'll see the proper use of the MacOS color picker.

Attached file colour.html

Please open the attached HTML file in Firefox and pick a colour. Does that work as you expect or not? If it doesn't work in Firefox, we'll move the bug to the Firefox queue. You need to understand that Thunderbird and Firefox share the Mozilla code base and many problems are not an issue in Thunderbird specific code, but in the Mozilla platform code. In this case, I'm pretty sure that the Mozilla code displays the colour picker.

Yes, the HTML color picker -- via the HTML above -- in Firefox works as expected.

But, Thunderbird refuses to change font colors.

I've now duplicated this Thunderbird font color bug on three computers running either 10.15.2 or 10.14.6.

OK, well, if the picker works as expected in FF, then we should take a look at it.

Indeed, it's not a macos only issue and we should follow what FF did.
I'll take this bug as I've been working on the messenger compose window for a while now.
Wish me luck, and if anyone has a patch or a solution, feel free to take over.

Flags: needinfo?(alessandro)
Assignee: nobody → alessandro
Ever confirmed: true

In Windows OS, the 'Windows colour picker' requires you to choose a colour and then click on 'OK' in order to confirm colour and close the 'windows colour picker' window and then you click on OK in the TB colour picker to confirm selection.
You cannot even select the OK on the TB colour picker until the 'windows colour picker' window has been closed, so naturally forcing the user to click on 'OK' to select and close.

It would seem that that the 'MAC colour picker' window does not have an 'OK' button, so easy to leave it open. It is also possible to regain focus on the 'TB colour picker' and select that OK, whilst the 'MAC colour picker' window is still open. This does not occur in Windows OS, hence why no problem.

As the 'MAC colour picker' has no 'OK' - (so needing to click on the top left 'close' icon), is there any way focus can be kept on the 'MAC colour picker' window whilst it is open, so impossible to select anything in the 'TB colour picker' window. This would force the user to close that MAC colour picker window and solve the issue.

It seems that it is normal for MAC users to leave that 'MAC colour picker' window open, a person in Support Forum mentioned that it is possible to run a little app that makes the colour picker even more persistent - it's basically on screen all the time which explains why there is no OK button - it is expected that it is not required. When colour is selected that colour is passed to eg: TB colour picker or other program as required, but in the case of Thunderbird, it seems TB cannot use it until specific event takes place eg: Closure of MAC / Windows colour picker.

I can't reproduce this issue anymore since the color chooser dialog in the compose can't be closed if the macOS color picker is still opened.
The behaviour of the native color picker is also a platform issue, maybe it could be avoid by changing things in toolkit, but it's not a Thunderbird issue.
We're gonna drop those compose dialogs in the the next cycle anyway, so this is acceptable for now.

Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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