Closed Bug 1614238 Opened 5 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Consider increasing size of URL text in address bar dropdown


(Firefox :: Address Bar, enhancement, P3)






(Reporter: billdillensrevenge, Unassigned)



(Keywords: access, blocked-ux)


(5 files)

Attached image megabarBLUEurltext.png

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:73.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/73.0

Steps to reproduce:

The blue URL text in megabar should be larger. See attachment that compares megabar to Chrome and Edge (I added the green labels in the screenshot)

Expected results:

Please read through issues 1593886 and 1611929 for more info and background on this matter

Component: Untriaged → Address Bar
Ever confirmed: true
Summary: (megabar) increase size of blue URL text → Consider increasing size of URL text in address bar dropdown
Version: 73 Branch → unspecified
Keywords: access, blocked-ux
Priority: -- → P3
Attached image safarI_vs_firefox.png

Will asked me via email to do a similar comparison of Firefox vs. Safari, since he doesn't have access to a Mac. I superimposed Safari results over Firefox results. The style of the comparison is a bit different since Safari's results look drastically different compared to other browsers. Firefox's URL text is bigger in this case, but the overall size of the Safari results is much smaller.

We discussed this yesterday in a meeting with Verdi. We think we're striking the right balance here as we want to give the title visually more weight over the URL. On top of that, making URLs bigger would mean cutting them off more often, exacerbating bug 1585980 again.

Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX

(In reply to Dão Gottwald [::dao] from comment #2)

On top of that, making URLs bigger would mean cutting them off more often, exacerbating bug 1585980 again.

I'm sorry but this is just wrong. "Form follows function" as the saying goes, and by default, Firefox has way too much padding which is resulting in issues like 1585980 and being a factor in this issue being WONTFIXed. UI/UX should get rid of that extremely excessive padding so there can be more and/or bigger text, that is the correct thing to do. It's madness that all this padding is being 'protected' even though it's causing actual problems. Function is more important than form! And look at Chrome/Edge for comparison (I put the red boxes on Firefoxs default padding).

Attached image Ffmbpadding.png

The flexible spaces aren't purely aesthetic, they're there for dragging the window. We can discuss reducing them but that would be a different bug; it's somewhat off-topic for bug 1585980 because the user filing that bug had already removed the spaces from the toolbar.

(In reply to Dão Gottwald [::dao] from comment #5)

The flexible spaces aren't purely aesthetic, they're there for dragging the window. We can discuss reducing them but that would be a different bug; it's somewhat off-topic for bug 1585980 because the user filing that bug had already removed the spaces from the toolbar.

But drag space is supposed to be in the title bar, not within the app. So the excessive padding that was added in 75 really is purely about aesthetics. And Firefox already has good drag space in the title bar. There's even an extra option under Customize to add more drag space (though this seems to only apply when the window is not maximized). 74 has significantly less padding but considering the padding is compromising Megabar functionality and usability, all padding should be removed.

adding a couple of screenshots of what I'm talking about

Attached image 75 vs 74 padding.png
Attached image Ff74 drag space.png

(In reply to Will from comment #6)

So the excessive padding that was added in 75 really is purely about aesthetics. [...] 74 has significantly less padding

I don't see this and I'm not aware of any changes to the relevant code in 75 vs. 74. Please double-check (maybe try a new profile) and if you can still reproduce this please file a bug.

See Also: → 1616639
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