Closed Bug 1628335 Opened 4 years ago Closed 6 months ago

After the update to 68.6, the message and folder pane both blank, but still getting new message alerts. Solved with ``


(Thunderbird :: General, defect)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: isaacribeiro, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [support])


(8 files)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.163 Safari/537.36

Steps to reproduce:

Eu atualizei o meu Thunderbird da versão 68.5.0 para a versão 68.6.0.

Actual results:

Depois da atualização, o painel de pastas surgiu em branco. Tentei fazer downgrade para a versão 68.5.0, mas surgiu uma mensagem de que versão mais recente havia alterado o meu perfil. Saí do Thunderbird, atualizei para a versão beta 75.0b3 (64-bit) e continuo sem acesso às pastas pelo painel. As contas continuam configuradas, as novas mensagens continuam sendo baixadas e as pastas continuam no meu disco rígido dentro da pasta de perfil, embora o painel de pastas esteja em branco. Já alterei os modos de exibição do painel de pastas, mas isso também não resolveu o problema.

Expected results:

O Thunderbid deveria ter iniciado com o painel de pastas à esquerda após a atualização automática, uma vez que ele está ativado para exibição.

Please use English in bugzilla.

You can probably choose the profile if you start with "thunderbird -P"

Summary: Painel de pastas em branco após atualização para a versão 68.6.0. → After the update to 68.6, the folder panel appeared blank.
Whiteboard: [support]

Google Translator: The only existing profile is selected, but the folder panel is not displayed. All accounts are still set up, I keep getting new messages and the folders are still on my hard drive inside the profile folder, but the folder panel is blank. I have already changed the display modes of the folder panel, but that also didn't solve the problem.

Isaac, sorry it's been so long, partly because the issues reported of this type have not been solved.
Have you resolved your issue?

For some users, renaming global-messages-db.sqlite has helped (please rename rather than delete)

Component: Folder and Message Lists → General
Flags: needinfo?(isaacribeiro)
Summary: After the update to 68.6, the folder panel appeared blank. → After the update to 68.6, the message and folder pane both blank, but still getting new message alerts
See Also: → 1625874
See Also: → 1578539

Have you resolved your issue?
Hai risolto il tuo problema?

Whiteboard: [support] → [closeme 2020-07-10][support]

Resolved per whiteboard

Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Whiteboard: [closeme 2020-07-10][support] → [support]

(In reply to Wayne Mery (:wsmwk) from comment #5)

Have you resolved your issue?
Hai risolto il tuo problema?

Google Translator: I am using version 60.9.1 while I am unable to resolve this issue. I don't have "prefs.js" files with size 0, so I just removed the files I created with the name prefs.js-bkp from the folder. The current "prefs.js" file is 338 KB. In the profile folder, there was a 334 KB "prefs-1.js" file. I didn't try to replace one file with another for fear of losing important settings, so I just removed it from the folder. I also renamed the "global-messages-db.sqlite" file (this file was 5 GB while the new "global-messages-db.sqlite" file was 2 GB). I made these changes in version 60.9.1 and then I upgraded to version 78.0. I even tried to start with thunderbird.exe -p, choosing the only existing profile. No procedure solved my problem.

Flags: needinfo?(isaacribeiro)
Attachment #9164556 - Attachment mime type: text/plain → image/png
Ever confirmed: true
Resolution: INCOMPLETE → ---

Walt, any thoughts on how to proceed with determine if this happens in a newer version and if it relates to a known bug report?

Flags: needinfo?(wls220spring)

No updates solved my problem. (In reply to Wayne Mery (:wsmwk) from comment #10)

Walt, any thoughts on how to proceed with determine if this happens in a newer version and if it relates to a known bug report?

(In reply to Wayne Mery (:wsmwk) from comment #10)

Walt, any thoughts on how to proceed with determine if this happens in a newer version and if it relates to a known bug report?

Today I solved this problem with the tip of Xuân Baldauf available at bug 1578539. I updated again from version 60.9.1 to version 78.1.1. With the blank folder panel as comment 11, I verified that the name didn't yet exist in the settings file. So I added a new preference of type "Texto" (in the Portuguese version) with the name and the value "true", and restarted Thunderbird.

(In reply to Wayne Mery (:wsmwk) from comment #10)

Walt, any thoughts on how to proceed with determine if this happens in a newer version and if it relates to a known bug report?

Sorry, not really.

I'm totally baffled by the workaround in bug 1578539 comment 50

Flags: needinfo?(wls220spring)
Summary: After the update to 68.6, the message and folder pane both blank, but still getting new message alerts → After the update to 68.6, the message and folder pane both blank, but still getting new message alerts. Solved with ``

Did you resolve this issue, and if so how?
And if not, have you seen it in the past year?

Flags: needinfo?(isaacribeiro)

(In reply to Wayne Mery (:wsmwk) from comment #19)

Did you resolve this issue, and if so how?
And if not, have you seen it in the past year?

Google Translator: I resolved this as per the comment #14. I didn't see that last year.

Flags: needinfo?(isaacribeiro)


Items from the error console screen shots:

  • 0x80520001 NS_ERROR_FILE_UNRECOGNIZED_PATH L10nRegistry.jsm
  • Uncaught Exception 0x8000ffff NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED nsIPrefBranch.getComplexValue
  • Uncaught ReferenceError can't access lexical declaration 'PanelUI' before initialization msgMail3PaneWindow.js
Closed: 4 years ago6 months ago
Duplicate of bug: 1578539
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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