Closed Bug 1633234 Opened 4 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Add-on popups disappear when focusing password input field


(Core :: Widget: Gtk, defect)

75 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: alexisgandroid, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:75.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/75.0

Steps to reproduce:

  • CentOS Linux release 7.7.1908 (Core), default version with gnome
  • Firefox 75.0 64b
  • Bitwarden firefox extension 1.43.4
  • GNOME Shell 3.28.3

Same effect as Bug 1405634

From, this is fixed in 3.31.2.
Centos 7.7.1908 supports only the gnome-shell version 3.28.3 as the latest version.
Centos 8 has the version 3.32.2.

Please feel free to close this bug.

Actual results:

2 effects:

  1. The popup gets closed with the password field focused.
  2. Using the bitwarden sidebar, I still can write characters in the password field but it's blinking like clubbing.

It seems that happens only when a second input entry is configured. (English + Japanese (Kana Kanji))

GTK_IM_MODULE=gtk-im-context-simple firefox fixes the problem, the pop-up doesn't disappear.

Expected results:

The pop-up shouldn't disappear and I should be able to write my password.

Thanks for taking the time to file this!

Given your gnome-shell version and given that the GTK_IM_MODULE thing fixes it, I suspect this is the same underlying bug after all, so I'll dupe it to the main bug report about this, bug 1451466.

Sorry for having prompted you to spin off a new bug -- I was guessing it was different, because both of these aspects are new to me with respect to this general bug:
(1) "can write characters in the password field but it's blinking like clubbing" -- in other bug reports & in my experience, the dialog would entirely disappear after you focus the field.
(2) the requirement for 2 languages/input-methods.
...but now I suspect the bug simply manifests differently on CentOS as opposed to Ubuntu, due to different default languages/configuration. (Note that most of our reports, including my own experience, come from Ubuntu, so I don't know exactly how this manifests elsewhere.)

Unfortunately there's not much we can easily do to fix this in Firefox, based on earlier investigation (see bug 1451466 comment 29) - this is literally an external piece of software (not Firefox) being hyperactive and stealing focus away from us & then immediately returning it.

To address the issue yourself, you have a few options:
(1) To fix it locally: you can probably put export GTK_IM_MODULE=gtk-im-context-simple in some config file (.bashrc or .profile or similar), or launch firefox with a script/launcher that sets that env variable before launching it.
(2) To address it generally for CentOS 7 users: if your CentOS (i.e. Red Hat) version is actively maintained, it's possible you can convince Red Hat (or whoever) to cherrypick the patch from upstream gnome-shell, just like Ubuntu did for Ubuntu 18.04.
(3) ...or it sounds like an upgrade to CentOS 8 would work.

Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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