Could not find artifacts for a toolchain build named `rustc-dist-toolchain`.
(Firefox Build System :: General, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: bh7578, Unassigned)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36
Steps to reproduce:
I'm trying to build the firefox on windows, the source code checked out from tag FIREFOX_71_0_BUILD5 in mozilla-release channel. I followed the guides described in the link But I encountered the following error:
MozillaBuild Install Directory: C:\mozilla-build\
Identity added: /c/Users/bin/.ssh/id_rsa (/c/Users/bin/.ssh/id_rsa)
$ cd c:/
bin@DESKTOP-AN2T97P /c
$ cd mozilla-source/
bin@DESKTOP-AN2T97P /c/mozilla-source
$ cd mozilla-release/
bin@DESKTOP-AN2T97P /c/mozilla-source/mozilla-release
$ mach bootstrap
mach bootstrap is not fully implemented in MozillaBuild
Note on Artifact Mode:
Artifact builds download prebuilt C++ components rather than building
them locally. Artifact builds are faster!
Artifact builds are recommended for people working on Firefox or
Firefox for Android frontends, or the GeckoView Java API. They are unsuitable
for those working on C++ code. For more information see:
Please choose the version of Firefox you want to build:
1. Firefox for Desktop Artifact Mode
2. Firefox for Desktop
3. GeckoView/Firefox for Android Artifact Mode
4. GeckoView/Firefox for Android
Your choice: 2
Your version of Mercurial (5.2.1) is sufficiently modern.
Your version of Python (2.7.16) is new enough.
Your version of Rust (1.38.0) is new enough.
Rust supports i686-pc-windows-msvc, x86_64-pc-windows-msvc targets.
Mozilla recommends a number of changes to Mercurial to enhance your
experience with it.
Would you like to run a configuration wizard to ensure Mercurial is
optimally configured? (Yn): n
1:01.44 Downloading node.tar.bz2
1:01.53 Downloading to temporary location c:\Users\bin\.mozbuild\toolchains\db770dc9fee21fb9-node.tar.bz2
1:01.53 Downloaded artifact to c:\Users\bin\.mozbuild\toolchains\db770dc9fee21fb9-node.tar.bz2
1:01.81 rm tree: c:\Users\bin\.mozbuild\node
1:06.84 untarring "c:\Users\bin\.mozbuild\node.tar.bz2"
0:22.73 Downloading clang.tar.bz2
0:22.73 Downloading to temporary location c:\Users\bin\.mozbuild\toolchains\c9ba69d8052f225d-clang.tar.bz2
0:22.73 Downloaded artifact to c:\Users\bin\.mozbuild\toolchains\c9ba69d8052f225d-clang.tar.bz2
0:39.70 rm tree: c:\Users\bin\.mozbuild\clang
0:48.32 untarring "c:\Users\bin\.mozbuild\clang.tar.bz2"
0:50.28 Downloading cbindgen.tar.bz2
0:50.34 Downloading to temporary location c:\Users\bin\.mozbuild\toolchains\44eaca2a6a2c19c2-cbindgen.tar.bz2
0:50.34 Downloaded artifact to c:\Users\bin\.mozbuild\toolchains\44eaca2a6a2c19c2-cbindgen.tar.bz2
0:50.50 rm tree: c:\Users\bin\.mozbuild\cbindgen
0:50.50 untarring "c:\Users\bin\.mozbuild\cbindgen.tar.bz2"
0:22.10 Downloading clang-tidy.tar.bz2
0:22.10 Downloading to temporary location c:\Users\bin\.mozbuild\toolchains\0f36bee797a1f528-clang-tidy.tar.bz2
0:22.11 Downloaded artifact to c:\Users\bin\.mozbuild\toolchains\0f36bee797a1f528-clang-tidy.tar.bz2
0:22.52 rm tree: c:\Users\bin\.mozbuild\clang-tools\clang-tidy
0:31.52 untarring "c:\Users\bin\.mozbuild\clang-tools\clang-tidy.tar.bz2"
0:22.89 Downloading nasm.tar.bz2
0:22.89 Downloading to temporary location c:\Users\bin\.mozbuild\toolchains\bb7790f5b156ea82-nasm.tar.bz2
0:22.95 Downloaded artifact to c:\Users\bin\.mozbuild\toolchains\bb7790f5b156ea82-nasm.tar.bz2
0:23.11 rm tree: c:\Users\bin\.mozbuild\nasm
0:23.14 untarring "c:\Users\bin\.mozbuild\nasm.tar.bz2"
0:22.56 Downloading sccache.tar.bz2
0:22.58 Downloading to temporary location c:\Users\bin\.mozbuild\toolchains\6baccfc6f041da0d-sccache.tar.bz2
0:22.59 Downloaded artifact to c:\Users\bin\.mozbuild\toolchains\6baccfc6f041da0d-sccache.tar.bz2
0:22.87 rm tree: c:\Users\bin\.mozbuild\sccache
0:22.89 untarring "c:\Users\bin\.mozbuild\sccache.tar.bz2"
0:17.48 Could not find artifacts for a toolchain build named `rustc-dist-toolchain`. Local commits and other changes in your checkout may cause this error. Try updating to a fresh checkout of mozilla-central to use artifact builds.
Error running mach:
The error occurred in code that was called by the mach command. This is either
a bug in the called code itself or in the way that mach is calling it.
You can invoke |./mach busted| to check if this issue is already on file. If it
isn't, please use |./mach busted file| to report it. If |./mach busted| is
misbehaving, you can also inspect the dependencies of bug 1543241.
If filing a bug, please include the full output of mach, including this error
The details of the failure are as follows:
CalledProcessError: Command '['c:\\mozilla-build\\python\\python2.7.exe', u'c:\\mozilla-source\\mozilla-release\\mach', u'artifact', u'toolchain', u'--from-build', u'rustc-dist-toolchain', u'--no-unpack']' returned non-zero exit status 1
File "c:\mozilla-source\mozilla-release\python/mozboot/mozboot/", line 44, in bootstrap
File "c:\mozilla-source\mozilla-release\python/mozboot\mozboot\", line 516, in bootstrap
File "c:\mozilla-source\mozilla-release\python/mozboot\mozboot\", line 395, in maybe_install_private_packages_or_exit
self.instance.ensure_sccache_packages(state_dir, checkout_root)
File "c:\mozilla-source\mozilla-release\python/mozboot\mozboot\", line 109, in ensure_sccache_packages
File "c:\mozilla-source\mozilla-release\python/mozboot\mozboot\", line 328, in install_toolchain_artifact
subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=state_dir)
File "c:\mozilla-build\python\lib\", line 190, in check_call
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
bin@DESKTOP-AN2T97P /c/mozilla-source/mozilla-release
I didn't make any change to the source code.
I tried to changed the rust toolchain to other versions(1.37.0, 1.40.0, 1.43.0, stable, nightly....), all didn't work and got the same error.
Other interesting thing is I tried to check out 73 version code, on the same environment, the error is gone, and the the "mach bootstrap" run pass! But I need to build the 71 version code due to some reasons, so I need to solve the above error.
Actual results:
No matter what' toolchain I changed to, the following error keep occurs.
Could not find artifacts for a toolchain build named rustc-dist-toolchain
. Local commits and other changes in your checkout may cause this error. Try updating to a fresh checkout of mozilla-central to use artifact builds.
Expected results:
the command "mach bootstrap" should pass.
Comment 1•5 years ago
Bugbug thinks this bug should belong to this component, but please revert this change in case of error.
Comment 2•5 years ago
mach bootstrap
is not guaranteed to work for arbitrarily old versions of Firefox.
(In reply to Ricky Stewart from comment #2)
mach bootstrap
is not guaranteed to work for arbitrarily old versions of Firefox.
Thanks. But if mach bootstrap
is not support for old commits, how can I build the the old version of Firefox? I tried to run install the python and rust manually, then run "mach build", it has many errors.
Comment 4•5 years ago
With old commits you're generally responsible for configuring your own environment yourself. That would include installing the toolchain yourself and then setting up your mozconfig
so everything points to the right tools. If you have specific questions you can ask them on #build or file bugs and someone may help you. Obviously, no one can help if you don't provide details and you only say "it has many errors" :)