Open Bug 1649482 Opened 4 years ago Updated 3 years ago

Deprecate Master Password; Replace with Primary Password


(SeaMonkey :: General, enhancement, P2)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: betsymi, Unassigned)



The term "master" in software makes reference to the "Master/Slave" relationship. As one action to uproot this problematic terminology (see Meta bug), we are replacing the term Master Password with Primary Password

See Transvision for instances of where this term appears in SeaMonkey.

(In reply to Betsy Mikel [:betsymi] from comment #0)

The term "master" in software makes reference to the "Master/Slave" relationship.

Are you sure about this? Certainly there are some uses of "master" in technology that do use the "master/slave" metaphor, but I am not sure that this is one of them. I have never heard of a "slave" password.

Note that I'm not arguing that the term shouldn't be changed in SeaMonkey. There may well be other valid reasons for changing it (such as for consistency with Firefox, which I see has already changed it, or maybe even if the term is likely to offend users irrespective of its etymology). I'm just not sure that the particular reason you've given is valid, and was wondering if you could provide further details.

OMG, please stop it with the SJW virtue-signaling twattery. This is the dumbest trend I've ever seen in the tech community. Just stop it, now. You're making fools of yourselves.

Please choose a different synonym for the master password. Using "Primary password" indicates that there are secondary or tertiary passwords that will allow the same access, and this should not ever be the case. So, please try again.


Jack of all trades and master of none.

Guess we will need to rename masters degree, The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov, master sergeant and every other use of word master in any shape or form.

More to the subject: 👍 to @stine - I think "primary" is a bad choice here

Restrict Comments: true

'Primary' is more than a bad choice, it is inaccurate and why on earth is it being discussed anyway.

'Master' as used in the context of 'Master Password' has absolutely no reference in any shape or form with people who are or were enslaved.

A Blackboard is called a Blackboard because it is a board that is black and the opposite colour - white chalk is used on it.
A Whiteboard is called a whiteboard because it is white and various coloured pens can used on it.
Neither of the above has anything to do with a racist comment towards a white or a black person. It is a reference to the colour of a board.

'Master Password' is perfect because it is correct. It is the controlling password that offers access to other passwords.
The word 'Master' has various noun, verb, adverb, adjective meanings and that meaning can be influenced by the situation, useage in sentence and conjoining with other words.
The 'Master Key' is the key that unlocks all doors.
The 'Master Password' is the password that unlocks access to all passwords.

There is no reference or meaning of derisive offensive terminology implied or otherwise. So do not try to find it.

'Primary' means first, developing or happening first; earliest, main; most important; basic........none of which mean the 'controller' of the following word. It is wholly inaccurate.

And by the way....a Clutch Slave Cylinder has nothing to do with the enslavement of people.

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