Closed Bug 1713483 Opened 3 years ago Closed 3 years ago

Deprecate Master Password; Replace with Prime Password (or other suggestion)


(SeaMonkey :: General, enhancement, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: sj, Unassigned)


+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #1649482 +++

The term "master" in software makes reference to the "Master/Slave" relationship. As one action to uproot this problematic terminology (see Meta bug), we are replacing the term Master Password with Prime Password

See Transvision for instances of where this term appears in SeaMonkey.


Recreating this bug, because the reasons for not changing given in the still-open ticket (on which comments have been closed) were clearly all made by men who cannot or will not empathize with the injury caused by the colonial and Jim Crow era popularization of the word "master" as terminology.

While the etymology does include non-enslavement based usage, the fact that it is inextricably tied to slavery and other oppressive regimes, such as in the case of "Master Race", and that better or more accurate terms do in-fact exist, along with the evidenced notion that the tech industry as a whole is changing, should be reason enough to change this term.

The etymology since the 14th century, however, is largely related to "the controlling and disposing of animals which one owns" especially dogs and slaves, with only secondary usages as reference to excelling in a subject, all originating from Magister.

Indeed, it is reasonable and expected that higher education will be changing their usage of the term to something appropriate, as quick research suggests that the term was originally "Magister", and that modern usage of the term 'Master' as we do today in education originates no earlier than 1870.

Deep research suggests that the Colonial Army of the United States did not have a rank of Master Sergeant, even though the colonizing Queens Navy did have one such rank, and that the first references to such in American history were in the Confederate Army during the American Civil War. The term was codified in 1920, which does not seem "coincidental" when in the context of Jim Crow, and considering the treatment of black men in the military at the time. I do expect that even though the military is steeped in tradition and that the rank has been written into NATO designation, that the military will find another term for their rank in time, as well.

Based on the above, I can't imagine the auto industry will continue to create "slave cylinders" for much longer, instead finding new term going forward, too, though because of the naming of historical parts, this will take longer to promulgate.

While "primary password" may imply a secondary password, a short think reveals that "Prime Password" may be a better term, which does not imply a secondary password. We can do better if we put our minds to solving issues, rather than thinking on how to reframe a suggestion as a problem itself. If one has a problem with the term, it would be best to suggest another term than to simply find reasons the suggestions is wrong. This is the essence of "being constructive" rather than being a blocker to progress.

Simply because others have not yet changed is not a reason to not improve yourself. "We've always done it this way" is one of the most dangerous phrases in the English language, as most software developers should already know.

For the etymology and meaning of "Prime" please reference here:

The difference between Prime and Primary:

It is especially notable that secondary meanings of "prime" are all related to "utmost" or to "to prepare or make ready for a particular purpose or operation"

This does seem most fitting of the description of this type of password.

Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE

'Master Password' is perfect because it is correct. It is the controlling password that offers access to other passwords.
The word 'Master' has various noun, verb, adverb, adjective meanings and that meaning can be influenced by the situation, useage in sentence and conjoining with other words.
The 'Master Key' is the key that unlocks all doors.
The 'Master Password' is the password that unlocks access to all passwords.

There is no reference or meaning of derisive offensive terminology implied or otherwise when using those two words in that situation.

You will find that it's logically impossible to prove that something doesn't exist, whereas I have already provided enough proof to suggest that there is a problem. There are other terms which would be equally suited, less alienating, and more descriptive.

I cannot fathom that Mozilla would like to normalize a Master / Slave relationship, which is precisely what this does, even without the word "slave" attached specifically to it. The word is demonstrably problematic.

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