Closed Bug 166317 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago

[RFE] Right-click should let me open a table cell in new Window (to overcome bad web site designs)


(SeaMonkey :: General, enhancement)

Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: manojd, Assigned: asa)



User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.1) Gecko/20020826 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.1) Gecko/20020826 Today, I can right-click the page & in case it uses frames, I can open the specific frame in a new window. My intranet web master (many other sites, I believe) likes to use tables for this purpose. Means the specific article I am interested in reading is in a table cell. Means I must put up with a lot of irrelevant garbage on screen. Wish I could right-click to open the contents of a table cell in a separate window. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. See Details above.
*** Bug 166316 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
a bit like 'view selection source', but in a regular window (not a view-source) ?
Sorry about duplicate submission. I actually had cancelled one - but it must have been sent by then. On comment#2: No, I don't mean View->PageSource. I mean a new window or tab. Perhaps the right-click menu item could be overloaded for table cell & frame (or any other appropriate portion of currently visible page).
Summary: Wish: Right-click should let me open a table cell in new Window (to overcome bad web site designs) → [RFE] Right-click should let me open a table cell in new Window (to overcome bad web site designs)
Just my $0.02 on this. Tables should not be used for presentational layouts, which is exactly what is being done here. Also, this kind of functionality breaks the normal usage of table cells for the vast majority of users. Suggest that this is an evangelism problem, and not something that needs to be added to mozilla. Possibly it could be done through a mozdev project, but remember, table cells are not like frames in any way, and should not be forced to behave like them. I would mark this as WONTFIX
Well, Eclectric. Evengelism takes effect over a 5y time span. Till then we have to put up with stupid & irritating pages! Here is a straight-forward fix that decouples evengelism from the way web masters are used to designing stuff.
Ctrl+click the table cell, then use the "view selection" bookmarklet from A "view only this table cell" feature would only work on pages that use tables for layout and even then unreliably, so that's wontfix, but including "Show Only This Selection" on the selection context menu would be reasonable (see also bug 105580).
Thanks Jesse. But I don't quite get it. a) Ctrl-LeftClick on table cell in Mozilla. Nothing happens. b) Ctrl-RightClick on table cell in Mozilla. Drop down menu appears, but its View Selection shows the HTML source. Can you give the details steps to use your workaound? Thank you.
Blocks: 105580
Details of the workaround: 1. Go to 2. Drag the green "view selection" link to your personal toolbar. 3. Select some text with the mouse, or Ctrl-click a table cell (in any page). 4. Click the "view selection" bookmarklet. This should open just the selection in a new window.
REsolving since there is a workaround. IMO, this is 3rd-party add-on territory anyway.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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