Closed Bug 105580 Opened 23 years ago Closed 16 years ago

[FEATURE] Enhanced context menu for selections


(SeaMonkey :: UI Design, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jruderman, Assigned: jag+mozilla)


(Depends on 3 open bugs, Blocks 1 open bug, )


This is a continuation of bug 15176. The idea is that when a user right-clicks on a selection, they should be given a context menu that pertains to the selection rather than to the object directly under the mouse cursor. Here are some ideas for commands that could be on the context menu for a selection. Most of them are from bug 15176 and dups. - copy - copy as text (eg to paste into MS Word) (bug 67142) - treat selected text as a link or e-mail address (bug 10080) - open [number] selected links in new windows (bug 9274) - view partial source (bug 49721) - open selection as a new document (eg to print, save, or use a bookmarklet) - search the web for [selection] (already implemented in bug 15176) - look up selection in a dictionary - look up selection in an encyclopedia - look up information about selected company name - highlight (change background color of selection)
Blocks: 10080
Depends on: 75338
it's not as if there's zero cost in adding this, as novice users may not need or want to distinguish between contextual clicking on a highlighted areas vs. unhighlighted areas. This adds one more layer of sophistication to contexutal features. i think any selection features should only be produced in a menu when and if a user is clicking over the selected area, otherwise he/she gets the previous available context. in other words if a user has selected text, but hasn't right clicked directly on it, he/she gets normal page/frame context menu. alternatively we could add a new subset of contextual menu items underneath the preceded context. so that the menu expands coherently as new contexts are revealed.
I think the best would be to show a normal context menu if the user doesn't click on the selection. It's too easy to create a selection and then forget about it.
i agree. it's also very easy to just accidentally select text. even worse, then scroll it out of view, and you wouldn't understand why you weren't getting a normal context menu. highlight and context-click directly over the selection is the most intentional way to call up the menu. the menu should be a subset of the normal context menu, with a new selection based set underneath.
What items from the normal context menu should be included? I can only think of "copy", but that shouldn't be on the non-selection context menu because it is always disabled.
Oops, just filed dupe bug 107662 > Browse to "selected text" context menu item.
*** Bug 107662 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
->marlon, cc mpt, for possible inclusion in spec
Assignee: pchen → marlon
No longer depends on: 75338
Blocks: 75338
No longer blocks: 75338
Depends on: 75338
Blocks: 9274
Depends on: 131542
--- these are good ideas. some of them have been included in my spec revision for context menus. however, some requests such as 'selected as URL or email' offer marginal utility, and don't quite deserve a spot in this context menu, relative to the items that do. "Look up selection in Encylopedia" would be entertaining, but not quite as useful as dictionary for example... i have posted the 2nd draft to the Context Menu Revision 2 document located:
It could have a "Translate selection" option... is there a bug for this?
No longer depends on: 75338
Depends on: 75338
No longer depends on: 131542
This needs to be turned into a meta bug or closed, it's not useful in its current state.
Depends on: 135225
Copy Highlight ---- Search Web for "foo" Look Up in Dictionary ---- Open 3 Links in Windows (bug 9274) \ Open 3 Links in Tabs | disabled if no links selected Copy Link Addresses / ---- View Selection View Selection Source (bug 49721) (may not be necessary if View Selection followed by View Source works correctly)
also, from marlon's spec: "Send Quoted Selection".
Depends on: 122524, 139005
Depends on: 146888
RFE: I would like to see 'View Page Source' in the context menu for images, since with current design trends in HTML pages, it's sometimes hard to see/find a spot where there is no (background) image :-)
Depends on: 169718
Depends on: 166317
The one I would use daily is Print Selection.
Product: Core → Mozilla Application Suite
@comment #0: my votes, for what might be useful: 1) copy 2) copy as text (eg to paste into MS Word) (bug 67142) (+) 3) treat selected text as a link or e-mail address (bug 10080) (+) 4) open [number] selected links in new windows (bug 9274) 5) view partial source (bug 49721) (+) 6) open selection as a new document (eg to print, save, or use a bookmarklet) (if this is possible at all?!) 7) search the web for [selection] (already implemented in bug 15176) - 8) look up selection in a dictionary - 9) look up selection in an encyclopedia - 10) look up information about selected company name - 11) highlight (change background color of selection) What i would like especially is: 4b) mark some text on the webpage and DO something with all marked links (this is similar to 4)); for example: download the link targets (this is Bug 245344 (closed))
I wanted to link to Bug 350867 here, to add "Copy as HTML" to the selection contextual menu. Also, some of this stuff can be done with extensions. For example there's an extension that converts a selected time to different timezones, really useful.
Depends on: 350867
Assignee: marlon.bishop → jag
QA Contact: bugzilla
Sorry, this bug mixes too many items. Please file individual bugs for individual things that should be in there. That said, in my view, most of those wishes are nothing we will fix in main UI, but feel free to develop an add-on for SeaMonkey 2 that achieves this.
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
If individual bugs are created, please remember to come back to this one to report them, so the current watchers can also watch those.
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