Open Bug 1687153 Opened 4 years ago Updated 9 months ago

Search keyword is not consistent with localized Wikipedia search engine name


(Firefox :: Search, defect, P3)





(Reporter: mstanke, Unassigned)



(Keywords: papercut, Whiteboard: [sng-scrubbed][search-papercut])

The Wikipedia has a search keyword @wikipedia in Firefox, however in Czech the name is Wikipedie (see the logo in the top left and so the keyword should match the name.

Flod, are the keywords hardcoded, or can they be changed per locale, please?

Also I noticed not all search engines that ship with Czech Firefox by default have keyword configured by default. Is that desired to have the keywords only for the most prominent engines, or shall we provide keywords for all engines?

Flags: needinfo?(francesco.lodolo)
Summary: Search keyword is not consistent with Wikipedia search name → Search keyword is not consistent with localized Wikipedia search engine name

As far as I know, they're hard-coded. Not sure if Mark knows more about them, and if the issue was already considered, or can redirect the question.

Flags: needinfo?(francesco.lodolo) → needinfo?(standard8)
Component: cs / Czech → Search
Product: Mozilla Localizations → Firefox

I just checked, we'd be alright to add localised versions for Wikipedia.

I think the best way would be to change the keyword definition into an array, which contains a string that we localise per locale in a similar way to the name, and the standard English string.

We'd need a small fix to de-dupe the aliases for the English locale, but otherwise I think that would work.

Severity: -- → S3
Flags: needinfo?(standard8)
Priority: -- → P2
Keywords: papercut

We cant translate directly. may need to turn into comma seperate string

Whiteboard: [snt-scrubbed][search-papercut]
Priority: P2 → P3
See Also: → 387070

We're going to look at fixing this just after, or maybe as part of, our search configuration redesign work.

Depends on: search-config-v2
Whiteboard: [snt-scrubbed][search-papercut] → [sng-scrubbed][search-papercut]
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