Open Bug 387070 Opened 17 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Consider adding aliases/keywords to default/shipped search engines


(Firefox :: Search, enhancement, P3)





(Reporter: rflint, Unassigned)


(Depends on 1 open bug)


(Keywords: parity-chrome, parity-opera, Whiteboard: [fxsearch][snt-scrubbed][search-parity])

Now that users can actually utilize them, we should consider shipping a set of keywords with our default search plugins.
Severity: normal → enhancement
Whiteboard: parity-opera
Summary: Consider adding aliases to shipped search engines → Consider adding aliases/keywords to default/shipped search engines
Just a note that I think this would improve discoverability of the keyword search feature, and improve usage of the search feature, which would be good for the users. (Once I discovered this- yesterday- after... how many years?- I immediately went and installed a ton of search engines, because I'd never seen the point before.)

(Might also want to make the awesomebar surface things a little better once the keywords are populated, but that is probably a different bug.)
I just had a user tell me "you have to go and click and choose your search engine in FF, and in Chrome you just type the keyword."

I knew of the really old keyword feature, as I've been making my own keywords for a while, but I only discovered the fact that Firefox had separate UI for search engine keywords when I was formulating a response.

I think it would be wise to include keywords with all the default search engines.
Whiteboard: parity-opera → parity-opera parity-chrome
Target Milestone: Firefox 3 → ---
Priority: -- → P3
Whiteboard: parity-opera parity-chrome → [fxsearch]parity-opera parity-chrome
Rank: 33
Mass bug change to replace various 'parity' whiteboard flags with the new canonical keywords. (See bug 1443764 comment 13.)
Whiteboard: [fxsearch]parity-opera parity-chrome → [fxsearch]
Severity: normal → N/A

Will need to determine the specific keywords for engines that don't have them currently, and the engines to receive them.

See Also: → 1687153
Whiteboard: [fxsearch] → [fxsearch][snt-scrubbed][search-parity]
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