Closed Bug 1692186 Opened 3 years ago Closed 3 years ago

5.03 - 42.54% a11yr dhtml.html / tabswitch / tp5o_scroll / tscrollx (linux64-shippable|-qr, macosx1014-64-shippable-qr, windows10-64-shippable|-qr) regression on push bd2b705457a3a72b97d343eb1ffa29a3bd9a7ecd (Tue February 9 2021)


(Core :: Panning and Zooming, defect)

Firefox 87



Tracking Status
firefox87 --- affected


(Reporter: alexandrui, Unassigned)




(4 keywords)

Perfherder has detected a talos performance regression from push bd2b705457a3a72b97d343eb1ffa29a3bd9a7ecd. As author of one of the patches included in that push, we need your help to address this regression.


Ratio Suite Test Platform Options Absolute values (old vs new)
43% tscrollx linux64-shippable-qr e10s stylo webrender 1.11 -> 1.58
29% tscrollx windows10-64-shippable-qr e10s stylo webrender 0.78 -> 1.01
26% tscrollx windows10-64-shippable e10s stylo 0.58 -> 0.73
21% tscrollx linux64-shippable e10s stylo 0.67 -> 0.81
21% tscrollx windows10-64-shippable-qr e10s stylo webrender-sw 0.95 -> 1.15
20% tscrollx linux64-shippable-qr e10s stylo webrender-sw 1.07 -> 1.29
18% tscrollx windows10-64-shippable-qr e10s stylo webrender-sw 0.95 -> 1.12
16% tp5o_scroll windows10-64-shippable-qr e10s stylo webrender 1.70 -> 1.97
15% tscrollx macosx1014-64-shippable-qr e10s stylo webrender 0.95 -> 1.09
15% tp5o_scroll linux64-shippable-qr e10s stylo webrender-sw 1.79 -> 2.05
14% tp5o_scroll windows10-64-shippable-qr e10s stylo webrender-sw 2.05 -> 2.33
12% tscrollx macosx1014-64-shippable-qr e10s stylo webrender-sw 0.92 -> 1.03
10% tp5o_scroll macosx1014-64-shippable-qr e10s stylo webrender 2.66 -> 2.92
5% a11yr dhtml.html windows10-64-shippable e10s stylo 303.94 -> 319.90
5% tabswitch linux64-shippable e10s stylo 7.79 -> 8.18

Details of the alert can be found in the alert summary, including links to graphs and comparisons for each of the affected tests. Please follow our guide to handling regression bugs and let us know your plans within 3 business days, or the offending patch(es) will be backed out in accordance with our regression policy.

For more information on performance sheriffing please see our FAQ.

Flags: needinfo?(botond)

Bug 1691160 was fixing a regression caused by bug 1687927. In bug 1687927 you can see the improvements that it was tagged with. I expect these perf regressions to be the mirror image of the improvements that bug 1687927 caused. Can you confirm?

Flags: needinfo?(botond) → needinfo?(aionescu)


Flags: needinfo?(aionescu)

So resolve this as wontfix?

Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
See Also: → 1692426
Has Regression Range: --- → yes
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