Closed Bug 1702289 Opened 3 years ago Closed 3 years ago

Refresh the address bar icons


(Firefox :: Theme, enhancement, P1)




89 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox89 --- fixed


(Reporter: sfoster, Assigned: mconley)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [proton-icons])


(1 file)

We have newly drawn icons for the various elements of the address bar.

  • Lock, security-warning, security-broken
  • Search glass, search-inverted
  • Tab icon
  • History
  • Reader mode

I think the ETP/Shield icon and the various permissions icons will need their own bugs.

I think we've got all of the icons listed in the bullets, so I'll try to take this one.

Assignee: nobody → mconley

Some notes for QA when it comes to testing this batch:


This icon appears in the URL bar and Control Center when viewing a secure HTTPS page. It also appears in the Fullscreen / Pointerlock warning when fullscreen or pointer lock is requested on a secure site. You can also find it in about:config for any preferences that are locked.

Lock warning, Lock broken

These icons appear mainly in the URL bar and Control Center. You can view the warning one when visiting a site with a busted certificate (like, and you can view the lock broken when visiting an HTTP site ( with HTTPS-only mode disabled).

The broken lock one also appears in the Fullscreen / Pointerlock warning when fullscreen or pointer lock is requested on an insecure site.

Search glass

This one is used in a bunch of places. You can find it in the URL bar panel when showing search autocomplete results. It's also in the URL bar when the bar is focused. You can find it in the search fields in about:logins, about:home, about:config, and about:preferences. You can also find it in the Downloads Panel and Downloads section of the Library for completed downloads. Apparently, this can also be shown when in an "invalid proxy state in the URL bar", but I'm not sure how to get into that state. You can also find it in the "Find" item (in the customization palette) and the "Search" item (also in the customization palette). Finally, this item can also appear in the macOS touchbar.

Search-glass inverted

This item appears in the URL bar panel when we offer to let users search immediately from the URL bar. This happens when browser.urlbar.tabToSearch.onboard.interactionsLeft is greater than 0, and the user types the start of a search engine in the URL bar, like goog or something.

Tab icon

This icon can be found in the URL bar panel at the bottom, as well as the icon for the Synced Tabs item (in customize mode), in the Sidebar (for synced tabs), and the about:preferences "sync" section.


This icon can be found int he URL bar panel at the bottom, as well as the History button (in customize mode), in about:preferences (in the sync section), and in the Sidebar.

Reader Mode

This icon appears in the URL bar when the user is on an article that can be converted using Reader Mode. It can also appear in the macOS touchbar.

Pushed by
Update some icons used in the URL bar. r=harry,desktop-theme-reviewers
Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 89 Branch
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