Closed Bug 1707419 Opened 3 years ago Closed 3 years ago

Thunderbird 68.12 crashes/freezes during install/open on macOS El Capitan


(Thunderbird :: Untriaged, defect)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: crystal, Unassigned)


(Keywords: hang)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.11; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0

Steps to reproduce:

I'm running macOS El Capitan v10.11.6 and Thunderbird v60.9.1. It's a very stable system.
I have never been able to successfully install any version of Thunderbird v68.x.

Today, I again attempted to install TB v68.12.0.

Again, my system freezes during the install/open. I have to restart MacOS, then trash the new TB 68.12 app, which is located in my Applications folder, and then reinstall an old version of the TB 60.9.1 App to get the MacOS back up and running.

What’s up with this?

I’ve been using Macs since 1985 and running Thunderbird for almost 20 years without any problems like this. I don’t want to become a systems programmer just to run an email program.

Actual results:

Today, I again attempted to install TB v68.12.0.

Again, my system freezes during the install/open. I have to restart MacOS, then trash the new TB 68.12 app, which is located in my Applications folder, and then reinstall an old version of the TB 60.9.1 App to get the MacOS back up and running.

What’s up with this?

I’ve been using Macs since 1985 and running Thunderbird for almost 20 years without any problems like this. I don’t want to become a systems programmer just to run an email program.

Expected results:

Thunderbird v68.12.0 should have opened up normally instead of freezing MacOS. Dah!

Version 68 (and 60) are no longer supported.

That aside, I suspect this is Bug 1662759 - [Mac] When updating from 68.12.0 to 78.2.1, thunderbird hangs high memory about 2 seconds after start-up while reading from the Mac system address-book
See bug 1662759 comment 28 for the workaround. Can you confirm?

Flags: needinfo?(crystal)
Keywords: hang
OS: Unspecified → macOS

Thanks for responding. Sorry that it took me so long to respond. I'm on a tight schedule.
I was not updating from T-bird 68.12.0 to 78.2.1. Instead, I was updating from 60.9.1 to 68.12.1.

Also, let me clarify. My macOS did not hang during the T-bird update. Instead, T-bird hung (froze with the rotating beach ball) during the T-bird update. I had to Force Quit T-bird. Reinstalling the update produced the same problem. Also, I tried restarted the macOS, but the problem persisted. After I Forced Quit T-bird during the update, the new T-bird app, 68.12.1, was located in my Applications folder. I had to trash it and replace it with an old version of T-bird, 60.9.1, to get T-bird working again.

Every time Mozilla has sent my system an auto-update for T-bird 68.x during the past year, or so, I've experienced the same install problem. That is why I am still running an old version, 60.9.1, of T-bird.

Thanks much, any help is appreciated.

Flags: needinfo?(crystal)

You can still attempt the workaround bug 1662759 comment 28 for version 68

OK, I followed the instructions for the workaround bug 1662759 comment 28 for version 68.

What I discovered is that my Privacy Box (step #6) for Thunderbird is already "unchecked." That means my T-bird install problem for v68.12.1 is occurring with "Privacy" unchecked.

My understanding is that T-bird v68.12.1 is compatible with macOS El Capitan 10.11.6. Is that really true? I'm running on a Mac Pro desktop (Mid 2012).

In all of the years that I have run T-bird, this is the first time an update did not work.

(In reply to William from comment #4)

OK, I followed the instructions for the workaround bug 1662759 comment 28 for version 68.

What I discovered is that my Privacy Box (step #6) for Thunderbird is already "unchecked." That means my T-bird install problem for v68.12.1 is occurring with "Privacy" unchecked.

Privacy being unchecked doesn't/shouldn't matter to Thunderbird. What matters is the value of contacts checkbox

My understanding is that T-bird v68.12.1 is compatible with macOS El Capitan 10.11.6. Is that really true? I'm running on a Mac Pro desktop (Mid 2012).

Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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