Open Bug 1712317 Opened 3 years ago Updated 10 months ago

Review page load site list and build TP7


(Testing :: Performance, task, P2)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: sparky, Unassigned)


(Depends on 5 open bugs)


(Whiteboard: [fxp])

This bug is for reviewing our page load site list and building a TP7 pageload test set.

Here is the doc for our meetings:

Summary from first meeting:

  • For TP7, we’ll expand the number of test sites we have to 200. We’ll use the following format for how we schedule them:
    • Perf-tier (PT) 1: Essential tests that run on autoland and on each mozilla-central commit. These should be tests which often catch changes. We will need to regularly refresh this list.
      • Max of 25 sites, with a handful of them running as very important tests.
    • Perf-tier (PT) 2: Weekly tests on the weekends for sites that we want to measure and monitor but without alerting on them and running them constantly.
      • Rest of the 175 sites will run here.
    • Limit login sites to 25 so we don’t overwhelm bebe and alexandrui with recordings.
    • Business as usual with PT1/tp6, rest of them go into PT2.
    • Start with this and see if we need to modify cadence.
    • Distinguish between mobile and desktop.
  • Blockers for this work:
    • [P1] Automate recordings for non-login sites.
    • [P2] Implement a smart page/browser cycles count selection method.
      • We could start by limiting PT2 tests to 10-15 cycles and expand on that going forward.
    • [P1] Use pre-built profiles rather than conditioned profiles to save the 30 seconds post startup delay.
  • Discuss with aerickson about setting up a system to use machines during their downtime for our PT2 tests.
Depends on: 1712318
Depends on: 1712320
Depends on: 1708760
Depends on: 1716825

Priority remains the same after triage.

Depends on: 1831305
Depends on: 1831307
Depends on: 1745021
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