Closed Bug 1713355 Opened 3 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Make "is" searches work on 'mac_crash_info'


(Socorro :: General, defect, P2)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: smichaud, Assigned: willkg)




(1 file)

Currently (at an "is" search on "mac crash info" returns no results, even if matching crash reports do exist:

A "contains" search also fails if the search criterion is the entire "mac crash info" record:

Can we make these searches work? Otherwise it won't be possible to search for crash reports by clicking on an item in a list "faceted" on "mac crash info".

The "is" query does a term filter against the ".full" value. I'm not sure what's going on. I'll have to look into it.

Type: task → defect
Priority: -- → P2

I tinkered with this a little today. My current hunch is that this is a problem with whitespace matching. When the processor extracts the value from json_dump, it encodes the structure as JSON in a way that's good for display, but probably bad for indexing and searching.

I'll test out my hunch tomorrow.

Assignee: nobody → willkg

I verified it's a problem with the whitespace. Also, there's this annoying thing where if you're going from a "mac_crash_info exists" supersearch and then click on a value to refine the search, you end up with a supersearch doing "mac_crash_info exists" and "mac_crash_info is <somevalue>". When that happens, supersearch is doing an OR between those filters because it's for the same field--you're getting "mac_crash_info exists OR mac_crash_info is <somevalue>". That's unhelpful.

I'm going to fix "is" for mac_crash_info by removing the whitespace in the indexed value. Then what you're doing will mostly work. You'll need to manually remove the "mac_crash_info exists" filter from the refined query.

I'm going to defer fixing the "we shouldn't mix exists with is for the same field" issue to a new bug.

See Also: → 1749561

This deployed a little bit ago in bug #1749582.

I'm still working on a fix for bug #1749561. Also, this changes how the data is extracted from json_dump, so we'd need to reprocess affected crash reports. It looks like there are a fair number of crash reports with mac_crash_info.

Steven: I can reprocess crash reports. How far back do you want me to reprocess?

Flags: needinfo?(smichaud)

Steven: I can reprocess crash reports. How far back do you want me to reprocess?

Part of me wants to say "all of them" -- in other words go back six months.

Is that reasonable? If not, then I leave the decision up to you.

(Of course you'd only need to reprocess reports that actually contain (non-empty) mac_crash_info.)

Flags: needinfo?(smichaud)

I reprocessed all the crash reports with mac_crash_info. Marking as FIXED.

Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED

I did a quick test of this, by doing a "mac_crash_info exists" search, faceting on mac_crash_info, then right-clicking on one of the "facets". I did have to remove the original "mac_crash_info exists" line (now redundant, bug 1749561). But afterwards everything was as expected.


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