Closed Bug 1749561 Opened 2 years ago Closed 2 years ago

refining supersearch after a "field exists" search yields all results


(Socorro :: Webapp, defect, P2)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: willkg, Assigned: willkg)




(2 files)

If you do a supersearch for "mac_crash_info exists" with "mac_crash_info" as one of the facets, then you can further refine the supersearch by clicking on one of the "mac_crash_info" values.

That'll create a supersearch with these two filters:

  • "mac_crash_info exists"
  • "mac_crash_info is SOMEVALUE"

However, supersearch sees both of those having the same field and does an OR with them. So then you end up with "mac_crash_info exists OR mac_crash_info is SOMEVALUE" which is exactly the same result set as "mac_crash_info exists" and doesn't reflect the refinement.

This bug covers figuring out what to do about that.

I think maybe the best thing to do here is fix the refinement link to drop any existing filters for that specific field when adding the "is" filter. The thinking is that you're refining the query such that the field value is a specific value. I can't think of a situation where you'd want other filters applying to that field as an OR.

I'm going to grab this to tinker with that.

Assignee: nobody → willkg

I deployed this to prod in bug #1751199, but it's not working and I'm puzzled. I'll have to look into it.

All the problems I'm seeing are from when you click on a "Refine search" item in a way that does the search in the page. That's happening in javascript land. If you instead right-click on the "Refine search" item" and open the search in a new tab, that does a request to the server for the entire page and it's handled correctly.

I'm fixing some of the issues in the javascript code. There's no tests for it. It might be better for everyone if we just removed it so it always goes back to the server, but I think that's more complicated to do than it is to do some minor fixes so I'll table that for now.

Fun times.

I deployed the fix to the javascript code in bug #1751431 just now.

Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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