Open Bug 1714784 Opened 4 years ago Updated 11 months ago

FF eats CPU and gets really slow


(Core :: Graphics: WebRender, defect)

Firefox 90





(Reporter: bugs.mozilla.07.2020, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(3 files)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:88.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/88.0

Steps to reproduce:

Browsing in the web, opening and closing FF windows, doing searches

Actual results:

The FF processes fill all my CPU kernels and takes up to the half of my available RAM till I can not use it any more, because it gets really slow.

Expected results:

FF should do the same performance from start till end of browsing.

The Bugbug bot thinks this bug should belong to the 'Core::Performance' component, and is moving the bug to that component. Please revert this change in case you think the bot is wrong.

Component: Untriaged → Performance
Product: Firefox → Core
  • OS is Linux (openSuSE Tumbleweed), at a 64bit system
  • problem exists multiple weeks
  • can only be temporary corrected by restarting the computer

Would be willing to take a performance profile to help us debug the issue?

Can you also post your info from visiting the about:support URL?

Flags: needinfo?(bugs.mozilla.07.2020)
Attached file ff_support.json

I added the support info to this ticket. Profiler is running, I will send results when the next error occurs.

I did the profiling (start, using FF till problem occurs, stop and restart computer).
Where can I find the file to upload?

Attached file ff_support89.json

Problem still exists in FF 89, even seems to be much worse.

I can not upload my profile, because "'Unable to make a connection to publish the profile'". What could I do?

Flags: needinfo?(bugs.mozilla.07.2020)

From the profile, I can tell you have lots of windows open, each with quite a few tabs in them. Because there are a number of foreground tabs across each of these windows, there are also a number sites simultaneously painting and uploading things to the compositor.

Do you keep all of these windows visible at all times?

I also see quite a bit of waiting for the X server to respond to various synchronous requests when handling mousemove events.

Tentatively moving this over to Graphics : WebRender, since I think that's where most of the time is being spent...

Component: Performance → Graphics: WebRender

I know, that I use a lot of windows and tabs.
One window for each topic and switching between them.

It did work ok till (I think so) version 88 (a few weeks before now) came.

Do you keep all of these windows visible at all times? Or do they tend to overlap one another / hide one another?

I use Linux (openSuSE Tumbleweed) and 2 displays. So I show max. 2 windows at a time.


Are you using a distro build of Firefox or an official one from Mozilla? The profile doesn't have proper symbols which suggests that you're perhaps using a distro build. If so can you try to reproduce the problem with an official build and upload a new profile?

Also, it looks like you may have hardware acceleration turned off. Is that intentional? What's the value layers.acceleration.disabled in about:config

Flags: needinfo?(bugs.mozilla.07.2020)

I did turn "layers.acceleration.disabled" to true following some hints in the net, that it could solve performance problems in FF.

Here is a new profile with FF 90.0.2:

The problem still exists. After using FF about 1 hour it gets really slow till I can't do anything. The only possibility to make it fast again is to restart the computer. Often I even can't exit FF normally, so I left it open when I shutdown.
After reboot FF did forget about some tabs.
I did make "chmod a+rw -R /home/user/.mozilla/firefox/profile", but it didn't change anything.

Flags: needinfo?(bugs.mozilla.07.2020)
OS: Unspecified → Linux
Hardware: Unspecified → x86_64
Version: Firefox 88 → Firefox 90

There's a website running a SMIL animation at 60fps. Trimmed version of the profile:

Do you know which website could it be? The profiler you uploaded doesn't have URLs.

Could it be something like Youtube?
I will capture a new profile and save it with URLs.

Here ist the new profile with the URLs:
I hope, that we will find a solution. I'm going crazy restarting the FF multiple times per hour, because it doesn't responds. :-(

Here is a new profile with URLs:
I hope, that we find a solution, because I'm going crazy restarting FF multiple times per hour (no responding). :-(

Thanks for your help!


Both of those profiles are the same and it looks like they're still missing URLs.

Also, if you use the "Upload" function from the "Upload local profile" dialog it produces a link like which can be opened directly which is easier to use.

Sorry, I did have problems again when adding the comments, so I did it twice, because I didn't see the first one.
How can I add all URLs? Do I have to toggle through all windows and tabs or do I have to reload all tabs?
Upload fails every time, I think because the profile is to big ( > 80 MB).

Thanks for your help!

Whether there are URL or not should be controlled by the "Include resource URLs and paths" in the "Share Performance Profile" dialog.

Profiling for a shorter profile that's under the upload limit and still give us enough data.

I did include all URLs, maybe there are some missing because of the memory problem?
Ok, I will profile like about 5 minutes and upload this.
Thanks for your help!

I did gather some more information:

  • adblock plus makes the FF slow
  • swipe the cache helps a little

"preferenceName": "network.process.enabled",
"value": true,
"previousValue": false

"slug": "bug-1703186-rollout-http3-support-release-88-89",
"preferenceName": "network.http.http3.enable_0rtt",
"value": false,
"previousValue": true

bug 1724429/bug 1382886: The problem could have been caused by network.process.enabled, network.http.http3.enabled and network.http.http3.enable_0rtt.

Please open about:support, click on "Copy text to clipboard" and paste it here. Thanks!

Attached file about:support text
Attachment #9246302 - Flags: feedback+

@Darkspirit: I did attach the requested information. Could you give me any advice how to investigate this problem further?

Flags: needinfo?(jan)

Nightly 94 became Beta 94 on 2021-10-04, tomorrow it will be released as Firefox 94. Hopefully it fixes this problem.
Firefox 94 switched from GLX to EGL on X11. EGL partial present will be more efficent for your large display.
You could also try setting fission.autostart to true on about:config.

Flags: needinfo?(jan)
Severity: -- → S3
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