[XFA & AcroForm] Investigate what app.execMenuItem(XXX) and xfa.host.XXX actions can exist and which we can implement
(Firefox :: PDF Viewer, task)
(Reporter: marco, Assigned: marco)
(Blocks 1 open bug)
We can get some statistics by adding support for parsing (via regex) "app.execMenuItem(XXX)" to https://github.com/marco-c/pdf-finder/ and collect some stats on the most often used XXX.
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Updated•3 years ago
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Comment 1•3 years ago
Same for xfa.host.XXX.
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Comment 2•3 years ago
Most commonly used xfa.host.XXX in our XFA corpus:
('resetData', 713), ('messageBox', 680), ('setFocus', 643), ('numPages', 256), ('print', 250), ('name', 80), ('currentPage', 68), ('version', 54), ('gotoURL', 37), ('appType', 31), ('openList', 23), ('platform', 20), ('language', 20), ('variation', 19), ('beep', 11), ('exportData', 10), ('response', 7), ('pageDown', 7), ('importData', 5), ('pageUp', 5), ('resolveNode', 4), ('getFocus', 1), ('validationsEnabled', 1), ('SetFocus', 1), ('pagedown', 1), ('pageup', 1), ('messagebox', 1)
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Comment 3•3 years ago
Most commonly used app.execMenuItem(XXX) in our JS corpus:
[('SaveAs', 151), ('FitPage', 5), ('Print', 4), ('HandMenuItem', 3), ('ShowHideFileAttachment', 2), ('AddFileAttachment', 2), ('Close', 2), ('GeneralInfo', 2), ('\GeneralInfo\', 1), ('Scan', 1), ('ShowHideToolbarFind', 1), ('CollectionPreview', 1), ('SinglePage', 1), ('Web2PDF:OpnURL', 1), ('AcroSendMail:SendMail', 1), ('ZoomDragMenuItem', 1), ('ShowHideToolbarPageDisplay', 1), ('ShowHideOptCont', 1), ('Annots:Tool:InkMenuItem', 1), ('ShowHideToolbarEditing', 1), ('GeneralPrefs', 1), ('ShowHideToolbarPrintProduction', 1), ('GoForward', 1), ('ShowHideToolbarTypewriter', 1), ('ShowHideAnnotManager', 1), ('PageSetup', 1), ('ShowHideModelTree', 1), ('ShowHideToolbarTasks', 1), ('ShowHideToolbarForms', 1), ('ShowHideToolbarMeasuring', 1), ('TwoPages', 1), ('ZoomViewIn', 1), ('CollectionDetails', 1), ('GoBack', 1), ('FullScreen', 1), ('PropertyToolbar', 1), ('PrevPage', 1), ('ShowHideSignatures', 1), ('FindSearch', 1), ('CollectionShowRoot', 1), ('FitHeight', 1), ('ZoomViewOut', 1), ('GoBackDoc', 1), ('ActualSize', 1), ('LastPage', 1), ('Spelling:Check Spelling', 1), ('GoForwardDoc', 1), ('ShowHideToolbarCommenting', 1), ('FirstPage', 1), ('ShowHideBookmarks', 1), ('ZoomTo', 1), ('ShowHideToolbarNavigation', 1), ('TwoColumns', 1), ('OneColumn', 1), ('FitVisible', 1), ('ShowHideArticles', 1), ('rolReadPage', 1), ('NextPage', 1), ('OpenOrganizer', 1), ('GoToPage', 1), ('ShowHideToolbarFile', 1), ('ShowHideToolbarRedaction', 1), ('ShowHideToolbarEdit', 1), ('ShowHideToolbarData', 1), ('CollectionHome', 1), ('ShowHideToolbarBasicTools', 1), ('Find', 1), ('ShowHideThumbnails', 1), ('FitWidth', 1), ('Print, doc', 1), ('SaveAs, doc', 1)]
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Comment 4•3 years ago
Overall, it seems worth implementing only:
We have bug 1724398 tracking the first four, and bug 1724399 tracking the fifth.