Open Bug 1727256 Opened 3 years ago Updated 24 days ago

Privacy: Don't show user operating system, nor user emails in issues


( :: General, defect)






(Reporter: bugzilla.mozilla.reg, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0

Steps to reproduce:

In this day and age of mass surveillance, and focus on respecting user privacy, we shouldn't automatically extract and add browser fingerprint as well as Operating System in new issues.

At most, I would consider extracting browser (Firefox) and version (91.0), since that is pretty generic. The user might not even be reporting the bug with the actual problematic Mozilla-browser.

Also, displaying the other user email together with the profile avatar if you are logged in is also not great, and I think shouldn't happen.

Actual results:

I created a new issue, and personal information, such as browser fingerprint and Operating System and email was displayed, for others to see.

Expected results:

When I create a new issue, personal information shouldn't be displayed.

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