Closed Bug 173045 Opened 22 years ago Closed 21 years ago

scrolling creates black out spots ramdomly all over screen


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Windows NT
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: sbass, Assigned: asa)





(1 file)

When scrolling through any of the screens in this web site, black out squares appear all over the page. If you do a PAGE UP/DOWN they go away. Even switching to another screen and back removes the black out squares. The 'other' browser does not have this problem. Sam Bass
please mention build ID. What graphic card do you use ? Does it still happen when updating to latest graphic drivers ?
I am using a Compaq DPEP-P350 It has an ATI RAGE 3D compatible Graphic adapter Version 4.00.1381.1065, 4.0.0 Chip type ATI 3d RAGE IIC AGP G3-B3U1 DAC ATI Internal Dac Memory 2MB Adapter String 1002-475A-3A-1002-0088 Bios info 113-48302-104 I have not upgraded the driver. Corporate PC. We have a group that does that. Do you know what the best driver is for NT V4 SP 6a? Sam
Sam, could you provide a screenshot?
Screen print of srolling creating black outs
reporter (sam): can you reproduce this bug with a recent build of mozilla (for example, 1.3a)? if so, please comment again and give the buildID/version of the mozilla you are using. if not, please resolve this bug as WORKSFORME. thanks.
I have downloaded Mozilla 1.3a and tested it with the same web pages and it still act the same. I am running NT 4.0 SP6a Scrolling down with the side bar or up/down arrows creates these black squares. Paging down will remove the black squares. I see no change. Sam
Sam, are you still seeing this problem with Mozilla 1.3b or later?
I saw this bug before and face it again recently. I see similar problem relating to scrolling a page (both by mousewheel and vertical scroll bar, horizontal not tested) From my observation (i.e. feel, no proof), it seems that sometimes Mozilla has used up "resource" and make render after scroll not correct. It is true that "page up/down" or switch tab back/forth will redraw the page correctly. When this bug happen, I tried to "print screen" and paste the screen to MS Paint but it said not enough memory to paste the image (but I can see,through W2k Task Manager,there is over 100MB RAM available. I am running W2k, and this bug happen to me again since 2003031714.
This has not been fixed in Mozilla 1.3a or in Phoenix .5 . The black areas only appear when you are scolling new lines into the display area. Once there the only way to get rid of them is to PAGE UP/DOWN or a REFRESH. As soon as you scroll new lines the black areas reappear.
Not seeing this on 20031123 seamonkey and firebird WinXP builds. Sounds and looks very much like a driver issue. Reporter, are you still seeing this? Have you tried to upgrade your graphics driver?
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 104992 ***
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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