Closed Bug 1734292 Opened 3 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Move Window to Left/Right Side of Screen doesn't work on MacOS


(Core :: Widget: Cocoa, defect, P3)

Firefox 92





(Reporter: grm.ales, Unassigned)




(1 file)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:92.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/92.0

Steps to reproduce:

Used keyboard shortcut on MacOS that work with virtually any other application to try and move the Firefox window to left or right side of screen.

Actual results:


Expected results:

Window should have moved to the left/right side of screen.

It works if the option is clicked with a mouse after hovering on the button.

The Bugbug bot thinks this bug should belong to the 'Core::Widget: Cocoa' component, and is moving the bug to that component. Please revert this change in case you think the bot is wrong.

Component: Untriaged → Widget: Cocoa
Product: Firefox → Core

Are these custom shortcuts that you set up in system settings, or are these default shortcuts for you? I ran a quick check with macOS 12.0 Beta and these shortcuts aren't there by default.

Flags: needinfo?(grm.ales)
Severity: -- → S3
Priority: -- → P3

(In reply to Stephen A Pohl [:spohl] from comment #2)

Are these custom shortcuts that you set up in system settings, or are these default shortcuts for you? I ran a quick check with macOS 12.0 Beta and these shortcuts aren't there by default.

The shortcuts are custom. But the commands are default, I've just tacked the shortcuts to them in System Settings. And I didn't encounter another application that would have this issue (yet).

Flags: needinfo?(grm.ales)

Thanks. I believe this is due to one of two possibilities:

  1. We don't expect the window control buttons to have shortcuts. Therefore, we never offer the shortcuts to the window controls to handle.
  2. The shortcuts may be otherwise assigned (i.e. built-in shortcuts). This is less likely, but would be an instance of bug 1333781.

Option 1 seems more likely, seems nothing appears to happen when I actually use the shortcuts.

Is this something that is likely to get resolved?

(In reply to grm.ales from comment #5)

Is this something that is likely to get resolved?

I may have a patch for this, but I can't seem to find a way to add these shortcuts in system settings to test. Could you please walk me through the steps that you've taken to create these shortcuts?

Flags: needinfo?(grm.ales)

Oh, the menu string has changed between macOS versions. I'm able to set these shortcuts now.

Flags: needinfo?(grm.ales)

Sure, it's pretty straightforward. Just in case.

  1. Apple
  2. System Preferences
  3. Keyboard
  4. Shortcuts
  5. App shortcuts
  6. Add a new shortcut using +
  7. For "Menu Title" write the command literally such as "Move Window to Right Side of Screen" and for "Keyboard Shortcut" simply choose what you want the shortcut to be

That's it.

A fix for this wasn't quite as easy as I'd hoped, but I'll keep looking at it.

Ever confirmed: true

Do you need more input about this?

(In reply to grm.ales from comment #10)

Do you need more input about this?

Not at this time, thank you. I had a separate conversation with :mstange about this, but we weren't able to find a quick solution to the issue. Unfortunately, this means that we won't have an immediate fix until someone can look into this in more detail.

I accidentally submitted more details in duplicate (I missed this report in my search), so I figured I should add my input here.

The MacOS keyboard shortcuts simply trigger existing Menu Items, but Firefox does not include "Move Window to Left Side of Screen" (and Right) in the Window drop down menu like many other applications. The function does work correctly if you mouse over the green dot and click. I don't know what is involved with adding the Menu Item, but hoping it's an easy fix since the functionality is already there. This is really a MacOS bug, since it really should have a shortcut to trigger this function at the OS level. But adding that Window menu item seems to be the best practice for compatibility.

See Also: → 1762937
See Also: → 1642138

This will be addressed as part of bug 1642138.

Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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