Closed Bug 1741885 Opened 3 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Icon doesn't appear in taskbar (yes, taskbar, not system tray)


(Thunderbird :: Untriaged, defect)

Thunderbird 91


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: dankelly613, Unassigned)



(1 file)

Attached image TB_icon_bug.jpg

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.45 Safari/537.36

Steps to reproduce:

I allowed Thunderbird to update to the lastest version.

--- Steps I've already tried to fix it ---

  1. Reboot
  2. Restart Explorer from the Task Manager
  3. Cleared Temp files
  4. Deleted Icon cache
  5. Followed all methods here:
  6. Gone to the Start menu icon (which appears correctly) changed it to a different Thunderbird icon.
  7. Gone to the Start menu icon (which appears correctly) changed it to a different icon completely.

--- Strange Happening ---
If I unpin from taskbar and TB is open, the icon turns into the TB icon. But, as soon as I pin it back, it goes back to the generic icon.

Actual results:

After the update, the Windows taskbar (not the system tray) icon is a generic white 'paper' icon, not the standard Thunderbird logo.

Expected results:

I should see the Thunderbird logo instead of a generic logo.

I have similar behavior about the TB icon on the taskbar under Windows 10 (64 bits) latest version, TB 91.6.0 (32 bits).
Every 2 or 3 months or so, TB blue and white icon turns into a mere white rectangular icon (generic icon as displayed above).
A couple of days after, the generic icon disappears.
I can drop again the TB icon (from the start menu) into the taskbar (auto hide). But it shows (pop-up) an additional number.
This number managed to be in an incremental mode. Today I experience "Thunderbird (7)".

Not really critical, but strange.
I hope I'm not running 7 Thunderbird instances at the same time.

Similar but problem first start with latest update 91.8 , all other before was fine
Windows latest build 10.0.19044 21H2 1645 64b

(In reply to Tobias B. from comment #2)

Similar but problem first start with latest update 91.8 , all other before was fine
Windows latest build 10.0.19044 21H2 1645 64b

short update after clear icon cache and also 6x times changing the icon from normal to the one with red dot in upper corner now windows has icon back to normal

Do you still see this in version 102?

Flags: needinfo?(dankelly613)
Whiteboard: [closeme 2022-10-15]

no problem so far , also 102.3.0 is fine at my side

Resolved per whiteboard and Comment 5

Closed: 2 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(dankelly613)
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Whiteboard: [closeme 2022-10-15]
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