Closed Bug 1748573 Opened 3 years ago Closed 3 years ago

[wpt-sync] Sync PR 32242 - Update OffscreenCanvas variable name for tests


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, task, P4)




98 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox98 --- fixed


(Reporter: wpt-sync, Unassigned)




(Whiteboard: [wptsync downstream])


(5 files)

Sync web-platform-tests PR 32242 into mozilla-central (this bug is closed when the sync is complete).

Details from upstream follow.

Yi Xu <> wrote:

Update OffscreenCanvas variable name for tests

As part of the effort to unify the offscreencanvas and htmlcanvas tests,
the variable names that refer to the canvas is supposed to be the same
for both cases. Update all offscreencanvas variable name to canvas.


Change-Id: I82b5fe5ddac366838d31e15dabd78432a2a94786
Reviewed-by: Juanmi Huertas \<>
Commit-Queue: Yi Xu \<>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#955484}

Component: web-platform-tests → DOM: Core & HTML
Product: Testing → Core
Attached file Notable wpt changes
# CI Results Ran 7 Firefox configurations based on mozilla-central, and Firefox, Chrome, and Safari on GitHub CI Total 1664 tests and 1 subtests ## Status Summary ### Firefox OK : 500[Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-opt-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-opt-geckoview, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-tsan-qr-opt] 1664[GitHub] FAIL : 500[Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-opt-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-opt-geckoview, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-tsan-qr-opt] 1664[GitHub] ### Chrome OK : 1661 PASS : 1640 FAIL : 24 ERROR: 3 ### Safari OK : 1664 FAIL : 1664 ## Links [Gecko CI (Treeherder)]( [GitHub PR Head]( [GitHub PR Base]( ## Details (See attachment for full changes)
Attached file Notable wpt changes
# CI Results Ran 7 Firefox configurations based on mozilla-central, and Firefox, Chrome, and Safari on GitHub CI Total 1664 tests and 1 subtests ## Status Summary ### Firefox OK : 500[Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-opt-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-opt-geckoview, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-tsan-qr-opt] 1664[GitHub] FAIL : 500[Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-opt-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-opt-geckoview, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-tsan-qr-opt] 1664[GitHub] ### Chrome OK : 1661 PASS : 1640 FAIL : 24 ERROR: 3 ### Safari OK : 1664 FAIL : 1664 ## Links [Gecko CI (Treeherder)]( [GitHub PR Head]( [GitHub PR Base]( ## Details (See attachment for full changes)
Attached file Notable wpt changes
# CI Results Ran 7 Firefox configurations based on mozilla-central, and Firefox, Chrome, and Safari on GitHub CI Total 1664 tests and 1 subtests ## Status Summary ### Firefox OK : 500[Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-opt-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-opt-geckoview, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-tsan-qr-opt] 1664[GitHub] FAIL : 500[Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-opt-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-opt-geckoview, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-tsan-qr-opt] 1664[GitHub] ### Chrome OK : 1661 PASS : 1640 FAIL : 24 ERROR: 3 ### Safari OK : 1664 FAIL : 1664 ## Links [Gecko CI (Treeherder)]( [GitHub PR Head]( [GitHub PR Base]( ## Details (See attachment for full changes)
Attached file Notable wpt changes
# CI Results Ran 7 Firefox configurations based on mozilla-central, and Firefox, Chrome, and Safari on GitHub CI Total 1664 tests and 1 subtests ## Status Summary ### Firefox OK : 500[Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-opt-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-opt-geckoview, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-tsan-qr-opt] 1664[GitHub] FAIL : 500[Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-opt-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-opt-geckoview, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-tsan-qr-opt] 1664[GitHub] ### Chrome OK : 1661 PASS : 1640 FAIL : 24 ERROR: 3 ### Safari OK : 1664 FAIL : 1664 ## Links [Gecko CI (Treeherder)]( [GitHub PR Head]( [GitHub PR Base]( ## Details (See attachment for full changes)
Pushed by [wpt PR 32242] - Update OffscreenCanvas variable name for tests, a=testonly
Attached file Notable wpt changes
# CI Results Ran 7 Firefox configurations based on mozilla-central, and Firefox, Chrome, and Safari on GitHub CI Total 1664 tests and 1 subtests ## Status Summary ### Firefox OK : 500[Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-opt-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-opt-geckoview, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-tsan-qr-opt] 1664[GitHub] FAIL : 500[Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-opt-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-opt-geckoview, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-tsan-qr-opt] 1664[GitHub] ### Chrome OK : 1661 PASS : 1640 FAIL : 24 ERROR: 3 ### Safari OK : 1664 FAIL : 1664 ## Links [Gecko CI (Treeherder)]( [GitHub PR Head]( [GitHub PR Base]( ## Details (See attachment for full changes)
Test result changes from PR not available.
Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 98 Branch
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