Open Bug 1756159 Opened 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago

[US][] The Clear Form Autofill functionality is broken


(Toolkit :: Form Autofill, defect, P3)




Tracking Status
firefox97 --- affected
firefox98 --- affected
firefox99 --- affected


(Reporter: sbadau, Unassigned)


(Blocks 2 open bugs, )


Affected Versions:

Nightly 99.a1, Beta 98 and Release 97

Tested on:

MacOS 11
Windows 10

Preconditions: US
extensions.formautofill.addresses.enabled - true
extensions.formautofill.addresses.supported to "detect"
extensions.formautofill.addresses.supportedCountries US,CA

download latest Firefox Nightly with region locale
have a complete address already saved in about:preferences#privacy

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Reach the address form on
  2. In the Contact section click on the "Will someone else pick it up?" link
  3. Using the autofill feature, click in the First Name field and select 1 saved address entry.
  4. Click in the Email field and select Clear Autofill Form.
  5. Click again in the First Name field.

Expected Results:

The Clear Form option should be displayed in the auto-fill dropdown and should work accordingly.

Actual Results:

The Email field is Cleared but the First Name and the Last Name fields are not. The Clear Form option is not displayed anymore in the auto-fill dropdown.
For more details, please see the screencast.


Reproducible on Chrome: The behavior is different, the First Name and the Last Name fields are cleared, but the Email field is not (the Clear Form option is not displayed anymore in the auto-fill dropdown).

Summary: [US][] The autofill is not working for address field and the clear form option is working only after autofill is triggered for the second time → [US][] The Clear Form Autofill functionality is broken
Priority: -- → P3
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