Closed Bug 1756937 Opened 3 years ago Closed 3 years ago

Intermittent /webdriver/tests/execute_async_script/ | test_default[alert-None] - webdriver.error.JavascriptErrorException: javascript error (500): JavaScriptError: Document was unloaded


(Remote Protocol :: Marionette, defect, P5)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)



(Keywords: intermittent-failure)

Filed by: apavel [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:

[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.474Z] 05:27:15     INFO - TEST-PASS | /webdriver/tests/execute_async_script/ | test_accept_and_notify[capabilities0-prompt-] 
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.474Z] 05:27:15     INFO - TEST-PASS | /webdriver/tests/execute_async_script/ | test_dismiss[capabilities0-alert-None] 
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.474Z] 05:27:15     INFO - TEST-PASS | /webdriver/tests/execute_async_script/ | test_dismiss[capabilities0-confirm-False] 
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.474Z] 05:27:15     INFO - TEST-PASS | /webdriver/tests/execute_async_script/ | test_dismiss[capabilities0-prompt-None] 
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.474Z] 05:27:15     INFO - TEST-PASS | /webdriver/tests/execute_async_script/ | test_dismiss_and_notify[capabilities0-alert-None] 
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.474Z] 05:27:15     INFO - TEST-PASS | /webdriver/tests/execute_async_script/ | test_dismiss_and_notify[capabilities0-confirm-False] 
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.474Z] 05:27:15     INFO - TEST-PASS | /webdriver/tests/execute_async_script/ | test_dismiss_and_notify[capabilities0-prompt-None] 
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.474Z] 05:27:15     INFO - TEST-PASS | /webdriver/tests/execute_async_script/ | test_ignore[capabilities0-alert] 
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.474Z] 05:27:15     INFO - TEST-PASS | /webdriver/tests/execute_async_script/ | test_ignore[capabilities0-confirm] 
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.475Z] 05:27:15     INFO - TEST-PASS | /webdriver/tests/execute_async_script/ | test_ignore[capabilities0-prompt] 
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.475Z] 05:27:15     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | /webdriver/tests/execute_async_script/ | test_default[alert-None] - webdriver.error.JavascriptErrorException: javascript error (500): JavaScriptError: Document was unloaded
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.475Z] 05:27:15     INFO - check_user_prompt_closed_with_exception = <function check_user_prompt_closed_with_exception.<locals>.check_user_prompt_closed_with_exception at 0x7ffd220ec950>
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.475Z] 05:27:15     INFO - dialog_type = 'alert', retval = None
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.475Z] 05:27:15     INFO - 
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.475Z] 05:27:15     INFO -     @pytest.mark.parametrize("dialog_type, retval", [
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.475Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         ("alert", None),
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.475Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         ("confirm", False),
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.475Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         ("prompt", None),
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.475Z] 05:27:15     INFO -     ])
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.475Z] 05:27:15     INFO -     def test_default(check_user_prompt_closed_with_exception, dialog_type, retval):
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.475Z] 05:27:15     INFO - >       check_user_prompt_closed_with_exception(dialog_type, retval)
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.475Z] 05:27:15     INFO - 
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.475Z] 05:27:15     INFO - check_user_prompt_closed_with_exception = <function check_user_prompt_closed_with_exception.<locals>.check_user_prompt_closed_with_exception at 0x7ffd220ec950>
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.475Z] 05:27:15     INFO - dialog_type = 'alert'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.475Z] 05:27:15     INFO - retval     = None
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.476Z] 05:27:15     INFO - 
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.476Z] 05:27:15     INFO - tests/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/execute_async_script/ 
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.476Z] 05:27:15     INFO - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.476Z] 05:27:15     INFO - tests/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/execute_async_script/ in check_user_prompt_closed_with_exception
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.476Z] 05:27:15     INFO -     create_dialog(dialog_type, text=dialog_type)
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.476Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         create_dialog = <function create_dialog.<locals>.create_dialog at 0x7ffd220eca70>
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.476Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         dialog_type = 'alert'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.476Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         retval     = None
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.476Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         session    = <Session 8f37852c-11e5-b947-b611-1eef206720aa>
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.476Z] 05:27:15     INFO - tests/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/support/ in create_dialog
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.476Z] 05:27:15     INFO -     """, args=(dialog_type, text))
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.476Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         dialog_type = 'alert'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.476Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         session    = <Session 8f37852c-11e5-b947-b611-1eef206720aa>
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.476Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         text       = 'alert'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.477Z] 05:27:15     INFO - tests/web-platform/tests/tools/webdriver/webdriver/ in inner
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.477Z] 05:27:15     INFO -     return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.477Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         args       = ('\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.477Z] 05:27:15     INFO -  '            let dialog_type = arguments[0];\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.477Z] 05:27:15     INFO -  '            let text = arguments[1];\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.477Z] 05:27:15     INFO -  '\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.477Z] 05:27:15     INFO -  '            setTimeout(function() {\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.477Z] 05:27:15     INFO -  "              if (dialog_type == 'prompt') {\n"
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.477Z] 05:27:15     INFO -  "                window.dialog_return_value = window[dialog_type](text, '');\n"
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.477Z] 05:27:15     INFO -  '              } else {\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.477Z] 05:27:15     INFO -  '                window.dialog_return_value = window[dialog_type](text);\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.478Z] 05:27:15     INFO -  '              }\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.478Z] 05:27:15     INFO -  '            }, 0);\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.478Z] 05:27:15     INFO -  '            ',)
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.478Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         func       = <function Session.execute_async_script at 0x7ffd1e82d290>
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.478Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         kwargs     = {'args': ('alert', 'alert')}
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.478Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         self       = <Session 8f37852c-11e5-b947-b611-1eef206720aa>
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.478Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         session    = <Session 8f37852c-11e5-b947-b611-1eef206720aa>
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.478Z] 05:27:15     INFO - tests/web-platform/tests/tools/webdriver/webdriver/ in execute_async_script
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.478Z] 05:27:15     INFO -     return self.send_session_command("POST", "execute/async", body)
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.478Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         args       = ('alert', 'alert')
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.478Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         body       = {'args': ('alert', 'alert'),
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.478Z] 05:27:15     INFO -  'script': '\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.478Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            '            let dialog_type = arguments[0];\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.478Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            '            let text = arguments[1];\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.479Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            '\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.479Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            '            setTimeout(function() {\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.479Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            "              if (dialog_type == 'prompt') {\n"
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.479Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            '                window.dialog_return_value = '
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.479Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            "window[dialog_type](text, '');\n"
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.479Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            '              } else {\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.479Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            '                window.dialog_return_value = '
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.479Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            'window[dialog_type](text);\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.479Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            '              }\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.479Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            '            }, 0);\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.479Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            '            '}
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.479Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         script     = ('\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.479Z] 05:27:15     INFO -  '            let dialog_type = arguments[0];\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.479Z] 05:27:15     INFO -  '            let text = arguments[1];\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.480Z] 05:27:15     INFO -  '\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.480Z] 05:27:15     INFO -  '            setTimeout(function() {\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.480Z] 05:27:15     INFO -  "              if (dialog_type == 'prompt') {\n"
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.480Z] 05:27:15     INFO -  "                window.dialog_return_value = window[dialog_type](text, '');\n"
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.480Z] 05:27:15     INFO -  '              } else {\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.480Z] 05:27:15     INFO -  '                window.dialog_return_value = window[dialog_type](text);\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.480Z] 05:27:15     INFO -  '              }\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.480Z] 05:27:15     INFO -  '            }, 0);\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.480Z] 05:27:15     INFO -  '            ')
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.480Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         self       = <Session 8f37852c-11e5-b947-b611-1eef206720aa>
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.480Z] 05:27:15     INFO - tests/web-platform/tests/tools/webdriver/webdriver/ in send_session_command
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.480Z] 05:27:15     INFO -     return self.send_command(method, url, body, timeout)
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.480Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         body       = {'args': ('alert', 'alert'),
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.481Z] 05:27:15     INFO -  'script': '\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.481Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            '            let dialog_type = arguments[0];\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.481Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            '            let text = arguments[1];\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.481Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            '\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.481Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            '            setTimeout(function() {\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.481Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            "              if (dialog_type == 'prompt') {\n"
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.481Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            '                window.dialog_return_value = '
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.481Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            "window[dialog_type](text, '');\n"
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.481Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            '              } else {\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.481Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            '                window.dialog_return_value = '
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.481Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            'window[dialog_type](text);\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.481Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            '              }\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.481Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            '            }, 0);\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.482Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            '            '}
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.482Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         method     = 'POST'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.482Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         self       = <Session 8f37852c-11e5-b947-b611-1eef206720aa>
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.482Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         timeout    = None
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.482Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         uri        = 'execute/async'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.482Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         url        = 'session/8f37852c-11e5-b947-b611-1eef206720aa/execute/async'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.482Z] 05:27:15     INFO - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.482Z] 05:27:15     INFO - 
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.482Z] 05:27:15     INFO - self = <Session 8f37852c-11e5-b947-b611-1eef206720aa>, method = 'POST'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.482Z] 05:27:15     INFO - url = 'session/8f37852c-11e5-b947-b611-1eef206720aa/execute/async'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.482Z] 05:27:15     INFO - body = {'args': ('alert', 'alert'), 'script': '\n            let dialog_type = arguments[0];\n            let text = argument...           window.dialog_return_value = window[dialog_type](text);\n              }\n            }, 0);\n            '}
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.482Z] 05:27:15     INFO - timeout = None
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.482Z] 05:27:15     INFO - 
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.482Z] 05:27:15     INFO -     def send_command(self, method, url, body=None, timeout=None):
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.482Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         """
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.482Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         Send a command to the remote end and validate its success.
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.483Z] 05:27:15     INFO -     
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.483Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         :param method: HTTP method to use in request.
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.483Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         :param uri: "Command part" of the HTTP request URL,
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.483Z] 05:27:15     INFO -             e.g. `window/rect`.
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.483Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         :param body: Optional body of the HTTP request.
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.483Z] 05:27:15     INFO -     
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.483Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         :return: `None` if the HTTP response body was empty, otherwise
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.483Z] 05:27:15     INFO -             the `value` field returned after parsing the response
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.483Z] 05:27:15     INFO -             body as JSON.
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.483Z] 05:27:15     INFO -     
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.483Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         :raises error.WebDriverException: If the remote end returns
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.483Z] 05:27:15     INFO -             an error.
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.483Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         :raises ValueError: If the response body does not contain a
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.483Z] 05:27:15     INFO -             `value` key.
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.483Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         """
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.483Z] 05:27:15     INFO -     
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.484Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         response = self.transport.send(
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.484Z] 05:27:15     INFO -             method, url, body,
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.484Z] 05:27:15     INFO -             encoder=protocol.Encoder, decoder=protocol.Decoder,
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.484Z] 05:27:15     INFO -             session=self, timeout=timeout)
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.484Z] 05:27:15     INFO -     
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.484Z] 05:27:15     INFO -         if response.status != 200:
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.484Z] 05:27:15     INFO -             err = error.from_response(response)
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.484Z] 05:27:15     INFO -     
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.484Z] 05:27:15     INFO -             if isinstance(err, error.InvalidSessionIdException):
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.484Z] 05:27:15     INFO -                 # The driver could have already been deleted the session.
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.484Z] 05:27:15     INFO -                 self.session_id = None
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.484Z] 05:27:15     INFO -     
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.484Z] 05:27:15     INFO - >           raise err
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.484Z] 05:27:15     INFO - E           webdriver.error.JavascriptErrorException: javascript error (500): JavaScriptError: Document was unloaded
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.484Z] 05:27:15     INFO - E           
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.484Z] 05:27:15     INFO - E           Remote-end stacktrace:
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.485Z] 05:27:15     INFO - E           
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.485Z] 05:27:15     INFO - E           WebDriverError@chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/Errors.jsm:181:5
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.485Z] 05:27:15     INFO - E           JavaScriptError@chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/Errors.jsm:360:5
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.485Z] 05:27:15     INFO - E           evaluate.sandbox/promise</unloadHandler<@chrome://remote/content/marionette/evaluate.js:132:20
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.485Z] 05:27:15     INFO - E           openPromptSync@resource://gre/modules/Prompter.jsm:1117:17
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.485Z] 05:27:15     INFO - E           alert@resource://gre/modules/Prompter.jsm:1394:17
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.485Z] 05:27:15     INFO - E           @moz-nullprincipal:{db4d9aae-95d8-44e7-b641-40f813ece046}:10:65
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.485Z] 05:27:15     INFO - 
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.485Z] 05:27:15     INFO - body       = {'args': ('alert', 'alert'),
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.485Z] 05:27:15     INFO -  'script': '\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.485Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            '            let dialog_type = arguments[0];\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.485Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            '            let text = arguments[1];\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.485Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            '\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.486Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            '            setTimeout(function() {\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.486Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            "              if (dialog_type == 'prompt') {\n"
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.486Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            '                window.dialog_return_value = '
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.486Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            "window[dialog_type](text, '');\n"
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.486Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            '              } else {\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.486Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            '                window.dialog_return_value = '
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.486Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            'window[dialog_type](text);\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.486Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            '              }\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.486Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            '            }, 0);\n'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.486Z] 05:27:15     INFO -            '            '}
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.486Z] 05:27:15     INFO - err        = <JavascriptErrorException http_status=500>
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.487Z] 05:27:15     INFO - method     = 'POST'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.487Z] 05:27:15     INFO - response   = <Response status=500 error=<JavascriptErrorException http_status=500>>
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.487Z] 05:27:15     INFO - self       = <Session 8f37852c-11e5-b947-b611-1eef206720aa>
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.487Z] 05:27:15     INFO - timeout    = None
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.487Z] 05:27:15     INFO - url        = 'session/8f37852c-11e5-b947-b611-1eef206720aa/execute/async'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.487Z] 05:27:15     INFO - 
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.487Z] 05:27:15     INFO - tests/web-platform/tests/tools/webdriver/webdriver/ JavascriptErrorException
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.489Z] 05:27:15     INFO - ..
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.489Z] 05:27:15     INFO - TEST-OK | /webdriver/tests/execute_async_script/ | took 13066ms
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.489Z] 05:27:15     INFO - Restarting browser for new test group
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.504Z] 05:27:15     INFO - STDOUT: method     = 'POST'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.505Z] 05:27:15     INFO - STDOUT: response   = <Response status=500 error=<JavascriptErrorException http_status=500>>
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.505Z] 05:27:15     INFO - STDOUT: self       = <Session 8f37852c-11e5-b947-b611-1eef206720aa>
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.506Z] 05:27:15     INFO - STDOUT: timeout    = None
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.506Z] 05:27:15     INFO - STDOUT: url        = 'session/8f37852c-11e5-b947-b611-1eef206720aa/execute/async'
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.507Z] 05:27:15     INFO - STDOUT: tests/web-platform/tests/tools/webdriver/webdriver/
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.508Z] 05:27:15     INFO - STDOUT: :604: JavascriptErrorException
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.508Z] 05:27:15     INFO - STDOUT: =============================== warnings summary ===============================
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.509Z] 05:27:15     INFO - STDOUT: tests/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/execute_async_script/[capabilities0-alert-None]
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.509Z] 05:27:15     INFO - STDOUT:   /opt/worker/tasks/task_164568013410459/build/tests/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/support/ DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from '' is deprecated since Python 3.3,and in 3.9 it will stop working
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.510Z] 05:27:15     INFO -     if isinstance(value, collections.Mapping) and value:
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.510Z] 05:27:15     INFO - STDOUT: -- Docs:
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.511Z] 05:27:15     INFO - STDOUT: =========================== short test summary info ============================
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.511Z] 05:27:15     INFO - STDOUT: FAILED tests/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/execute_async_script/[alert-None]
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.512Z] 05:27:15     INFO - STDOUT: =================== 1 failed, 17 passed, 1 warning in 12.96s ===================
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.513Z] 05:27:15     INFO - PID 1334 | 1645680435340	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,61,"WebDriver:SetWindowRect",{"height":600,"width":800}]
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.513Z] 05:27:15     INFO - PID 1334 | 1645680435340	Marionette	DEBUG	0 <- [1,61,null,{"x":100,"y":100,"width":800,"height":600}]
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.514Z] 05:27:15     INFO - PID 1334 | 1645680435340	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":{"x":100,"y":100,"width":800,"height":600}}
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.515Z] 05:27:15     INFO - PID 1334 | 1645680435342	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> POST /session/8f37852c-11e5-b947-b611-1eef206720aa/frame {"id": null}
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.515Z] 05:27:15     INFO - PID 1334 | 1645680435342	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,62,"WebDriver:SwitchToFrame",{"id":null}]
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.516Z] 05:27:15     INFO - PID 1334 | 1645680435343	Marionette	DEBUG	0 <- [1,62,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.517Z] 05:27:15     INFO - PID 1334 | 1645680435343	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.517Z] 05:27:15     INFO - PID 1334 | 1645680435359	Marionette	TRACE	[32] MarionetteEvents actor created for window id 12
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.518Z] 05:27:15     INFO - PID 1334 | 1645680435365	Marionette	TRACE	[33] MarionetteEvents actor created for window id 14
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.519Z] 05:27:15     INFO - PID 1334 | 1645680435366	Marionette	TRACE	[34] MarionetteEvents actor created for window id 16
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.520Z] 05:27:15     INFO - Closing logging queue
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.520Z] 05:27:15     INFO - queue closed
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:15.523Z] 05:27:15     INFO - Starting runner
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:16.848Z] 05:27:16     INFO - PID 1393 | 1645680436209	geckodriver	INFO	Listening on
[task 2022-02-24T05:27:16.849Z] 05:27:16     INFO - WebDriver HTTP server listening at
Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Moving bug to Remote Protocol::Marionette component per bug 1815831.
Component: geckodriver → Marionette
Product: Testing → Remote Protocol
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