Open Bug 1768207 Opened 3 years ago Updated 3 months ago

Events created using Android's Calendar app don't populate / sync


(Calendar :: General, defect)

Thunderbird 101
Windows 10


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: thee.chicago.wolf, Unassigned)



(4 files)

I'm using a Pixel 3a, fully updated as of May 2022. Android Calendar version 2022.16.2-443588091-release


  1. This seems easier to qualify and repro if you have two PCs running TB at different locations (i.e., at home and at work)
  2. Using Android's Calendar app, create and save a few events (on the same date or that will fire off in a day or two)
  3. Go to TB and ctrl-shift-c (now Alt+3)
  4. Click the Synchronize button to ensure TB goes out and finds the newly created events from step 1 and pulls them into TB's calendar for the associated GMail account from step 1

Actual result

  1. No events get pulled into TB on at least one PC (apparently not the one in front of you when you've created the event via Android)
  2. Logging into the web UI for the GMail account from STR step 1 does show the event(s) present

Expected result

  1. Events created from STR step 1 get synched / pulled into TB's calendar regardless of the PCs location

[UPDATE: 6/19/2023]

I have since upgraded to Pixel 6a and am on latest Android 13 June security update.

Turning off "Offline Support" and then doing a Sync threw a LOT of new errors:

10:19:58.578 This page is in Quirks Mode. Page layout may be impacted. For Standards Mode use “<!DOCTYPE html>”. 3 calItemBase.js:431:30

10:19:58.597 Calendar: Parsing failed for parts of the item (while this is considered to be a minor issue, we continue processing the item): CalIcsParser.jsm:159

It gets weirder and weirder. After disabling Offline Support and doing a Synchronize action from the ctrl-shift-C / Calendar tab, something funny happened. Two event reminders from April went off. But this is the weird part: I clicked Dismiss on just one event and both events were dismissed. I did not click Dismiss All.

I captured that output in the attached log.

Re-enabling Offline Support and doing and Synchronize action from the ctrl-shift-C / Calendar tab made those two dismissed events pop up again. Once again, I clicked Dismiss on just one event and both events were dismissed. I did not click Dismiss All.

So I went a bit nuclear and just blew out all my saved passwords and unsubscribed from all my Calendars as I was wondering if this might be an OAuth2 thing. I started everything from scratch with passwords and approval to let TB manage my accounts, calendars, etc. TB found my work account/calendar (a GMail account) just fine but my other gmail account doesn't populate any of my previously created events. It's totally blank now but pointing to the right CalDAV info. Before I unsubscribed all my calendars and blew out all my passwords, my regular gmail account's calendar was populated. Earlier this morning at least.

I'm testing a theory that TB 100 or 101 mangled something with that calendar so I grabbed Portable TB 91.9.0 and went through the process of adding my GMail account and calendar. There too it's not populating anything in the mini-month or the Calendar Tab. Still totally blank. Though if I create a new event in TB, it populates in my Android Calendar. Just not vice versa.

It's like deja vu all over again. Sadly, I didn't have verbose logging turned on in my instance of 91.9.0 portable but I managed to capture whatever happened in the attached log file.

After an event notification that I created via 91.9.0 portable fired off, suddenly my calendar populated itself again. But then 39 (!!!!!!) event reminders popped up along with a "Test" reminder I created.

And because I don't want you guys to think I am making this up or going crazy, here is the image of my 39 events reminder window from my 91.9.0 portable instance.

I'm going to try and repro with 101.0b1 since there I have all my verbose logging turned on.

I had the presence of mind to keep this 39 event reminder window up for this instance of 91.9.0 portable so that I could clear the error console and see what happens with a single press of Dismiss All.

Error Console first gave me one error:

13:18:42.993 NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE: ActivityManager.jsm:129
getActivity resource:///modules/ActivityManager.jsm:129
removeActivity resource:///modules/ActivityManager.jsm:82
onFolderRemovedFromQ resource:///modules/activity/autosync.jsm:247
_timerCallback resource:///modules/AppIdleManager.jsm:30

Followed by a whole slew of successful events, then an error:

13:18:43.282 PUT<removed>/events/
[HTTP/3 403 Forbidden 54ms]

13:18:43.581 Calendar: CalDAV: Unexpected status modifying item to <removed>: 403 CalDavCalendar.jsm:754
PRODID:-// Mozilla Calendar V1.1//EN

SUMMARY:Test 123
DESCRIPTION:This is an event reminder

Followed by a whole slew of successful events. Leaving just one item that didn't get dismissed. One last press of Dismiss All removed that remaining event without further errors.

So in trying to repro this with 101.0b1:

  1. I created a single event with TB 101.0b1 that would go off in 15 minutes. I saw the event populate in my Android Calendar too.
  2. The event fired off and I was able to capture the Error Console output with all the debugging options turned on.
  3. I did not get a 39 event reminder window like with 91.9.0 portable, just the single reminder I created from step 1.
  4. My calendar did not automagically populate with all the events as it did in 91.9.0 portable. I had to ctrl-shift-c and click on Synchronize. Now it's fully populated and now I even see the previous events I created using Android Calendar.

I'm closing this as WFM. Something in 101.0b1 was not acting right. 101.0b2 seems to have fixed whatever was wrong. Events entered via Google Calendar do sync properly now.

I hesitate to say there's some involvement with bug 1768344 but after wiping out all passwords and entering them again and allowing TB to manage Calendar and everything else, this issue seems to have gone away. WMMV. I'll re-open if I see it again.

Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME

Well, this came back to bite me today. 101.0b4 seems to have regressed as this was ok in 101.0b2/b3. Last night I created two events via my Android Calendar app (version is now 2022.18.2-448173739-release) and they were not showing up in Today pane. No amount of clicking the Synchronize button button helped.

When I logged into my GMail account via browser, edited the events that TB wasn't seeing and then did a sync, they popped up right away.

Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---

Still saw this issue on 102 RC2 a couple times. I just bumped up to 103 b1 today. A day or so ago I saw Google Play offer 2022.24.0-454475015-release so I updated. Just created a new event and had TB Sync and it did show up on my office PC. I'll check my home PC later tonight.

(In reply to Arthur K. [He/Him] from comment #11)

Still saw this issue on 102 RC2 a couple times. I just bumped up to 103 b1 today. A day or so ago I saw Google Play offer 2022.24.0-454475015-release so I updated. Just created a new event and had TB Sync and it did show up on my office PC. I'll check my home PC later tonight.

The event didn't show up on my home PC even after a PC reboot and restart of TB.

Seems to still be and issue and may now be bleeding over into regular TB as the culprit. I am seeing instances where on my home PC I have events that are scheduled for my work calendar that do appear there but not on my office PC. They appear and fire off on my Android Calendar app as well. There's somehow a lack of sync happening. I am now on 105.0b3.

(In reply to Arthur K. (he/him) from comment #13)

Seems to still be and issue and may now be bleeding over into regular TB as the culprit. I am seeing instances where on my home PC I have events that are scheduled for my work calendar that do appear there but not on my office PC. They appear and fire off on my Android Calendar app as well. There's somehow a lack of sync happening. I am now on 105.0b3.

Seems like we would have other reports of this?


I for sure see this on my newer work PC. there, I am using portable TB 102.12 and nearly anything I create using the Android Calender app doesn't get picked up by TB.

The other day on my home PC---which has been in a coma for the past 6+ weeks---I believe I did see all events created in Android Calendaring app appear. I will double check this again tonight. I am using 115.0b3 there now.

So I bit the bullet and installed TB Portable 115.0b1 on my work PC that was previously running Portable TB 102.13.0. An official TB Portable 115 hasn't been released yet. I am confirming that 115.0b1 is picking up the events that my Android calendar made that were previously NOT being seen by 102.13.0. However, the events are not firing off when their scheduled time hits. In fact, I am seeing errors / issues trying to dismiss any events that happen to fire off.

PUT<removed>/events/0086fdf8-432d-4e6f-8bf7-e4aabc69119b.ics [HTTP/3 412 Precondition Failed 804ms] when an event does fire and I try to dismiss it. No matter how much I spam the Dismiss button or Dismis All button.

So it's 1/2 fixed if I had to put a fine point on it. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ We'll see what happenes when I update to a non-beta / release of portable 115.

So my work PC has been running 115.2.2 since a few days ago and it seems much better.....but. There's always a but. I am thinking that this could have been a bug in an earlier version of the Android Calendar app since I only see a couple of events that I created a while ago (5-6 months ago) that don't sync and fire off on my TB session. They do in my Android Calendar app though. Methinks an older Android Calendar app was mangling or creating calendar events that were "bad", for lack of a better word, and TB wasn't able to pick them up.

What I'll try to do is see how far back these potentially "bad" events were created on my Android Calendar app and then edit them to start on a an upcoming day and see if TB picks them up properly after saving the changes.

So I am going to hesitantly close this as WFM as of 115.3.x. Afer re-editing and saving these events in Android calendar, TB did pick them up and I haven't had issues since. If I see it again, I'll re-open.

Closed: 3 years ago1 year ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME

This has been happening a lot for me. Specifically since updating to 115.8.1. I thought it might be related to bug 1809023. I created an event in my Android Google Calendar (version 2024.07.0-608174112-release) around 4:05PM CST to fire off at 4:30PM. Worked fine on my Android device. TB doesn't even see the event existing. For good measure, I restarted TB thinking it might pick up the event per the above bug but it did not.

Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---

Sadly, this seems to have come back in some form. I want to say I noticed it first between TB 128.4.x > 128.5.x. On my Android, I can see a couple events that don't show on my TB Calendar and I am certain these are events I created on my home PC. My home and office PCs run TB Portable 128.5.2.

As an experiment, I edited one event that doesn't show on TB using my Android Calendar app. I changed the recurring event's time from 9AM to 9:30AM. I then restarted TB and there was the event. Already tried Alt-3 > right-click the Calendar and choosing Synchronize before I did the experiment.

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