Open Bug 1809023 Opened 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Thunderbird Google calendar not synced for event created outside Thunderbird unless Thunderbird is restarted


(Calendar :: Provider: CalDAV, defect)

Thunderbird 102


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: vqrhxw35a, Unassigned)




User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:108.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/108.0

Steps to reproduce:

In Thunderbird I have the Google calendar events showed on the right. No extension about this. Event are not updated if I create a new event outside of Thunderbird.

The new event create outside of Thunderbird will be not showed if Thunderbird is already opened and is not closed and restarted.

Actual results:

With Thunderbird open, active I added a Google calendar event on my phone.
Thunderbird never update the calendar if Thunderbird is not closed and restarted. I expect event are updated in Thunderbord without restart the app. Also manual sync never work.

Expected results:

Event added externally to Google Calendar should be updated also on Thunderbird without need to close and reopen the program.
I am looking for help to find a solution of this issue.

Thunderbird calendar doesn't seems are working fine, it works fine except for the auto update that works only if Thunderbird is closed and reopened.

Component: Untriaged → Provider: CalDAV
Product: Thunderbird → Calendar

Magnus, I am seeing this in the context of contacts sync. So is the issue a separate bug or a failure in the same component not initiating a sync to google using DAV?

Contacts would be a different bug.

Summary: Thunderbird Google calendar not sync if Thunderbird is not restarted → Thunderbird Google calendar not synced for event created outside Thunderbird unless Thunderbird is restarted

On 115.5.0 (64-Bit) I not even get externally created events synced reliably when restarting TB several times.
Which means it works sometimes, but mostly not.
The other way around seems to work well.
The events do not have non-ascii characters in their title.
This did definitely work until two weeks ago or so.
I do have a google mail account, with which the event calendar is working.
but I have also the addon "provider for google calendar" to be able to see google tasks.

--- update: of my 5 google calendars to be synced, only one shows the behaviour described in my last posting. I'll try and find out what is different with this calendar.

I could not find out the specialty, i.e. why this calendar does not update, while all the other do. I had to un-subscribe and re-subscribe to this calendar. This is repeating from time to time.

I don't know if this bug is related to mine (bug 1768207) but wanted to note in here just in case.

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