Closed Bug 1769553 Opened 3 years ago Closed 2 years ago

[Ubuntu 16x86] Firefox window becomes invisible after enabling/ disabling the Title bar


(Core :: Widget: Gtk, defect, P3)




Tracking Status
firefox-esr91 --- unaffected
firefox100 --- unaffected
firefox101 --- wontfix
firefox102 --- wontfix
firefox103 --- fix-optional


(Reporter: atrif, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug, Regression)


(Keywords: regression)


(2 files)

Affected versions

  • 102.0a1 (20220515214519)
  • 101.0b7 (20220513165813)

Affected platforms

  • Ubuntu 16 32bits

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open Customize menu and enable/ disable the title bar.

Expected result

  • Title bar is enabled/ disabled properly.

Actual result

  • Firefox becomes invisible.

Regression range

  • I will search for one ASAP. This is not reproducible with Firefox 100.01 (20220513165813). I can reproduce this with 101.0b1 as well.


  • Screen recording attached.
  • This is only reproducible with Ubuntu 16x86.
  • If the issue does not repro please enter Fullscreen or make the window bigger and try again.
  • S2 because I cannot reproduce the issue with Firefox Firefox 100.01 (20220513165813) on the same Ubuntu 16 32 bits machine.
  • On Ubuntu 20.04 and 16.x64 the window disappears and appears again after enabling/ disabling the Title bar.
Has Regression Range: --- → no
Has STR: --- → yes
QA Whiteboard: [qa-regression-triage]

Can you use mozregression to find the broken commit?

Blocks: gtktitlebar
Flags: needinfo?(alexandru.trif)
Priority: -- → P3

Hey Martin!
So I looked over this today and it seems that mozregression doesn't want to run on my Ubuntu 16 32 bits, and the machine moves really slow when unpacking builds, so a manual regression will be really hard to find. So I searched for a similar issue on Ubuntu 18. The steps I used in Ubuntu 18 are:

  1. Enter fullscreen.
  2. Inside Customize menu enable or disable the title bar.
  3. Drag Firefox from the above to exit the full screen.

Expected result: Firefox window should restore to the previous width and height.
Actual result: On Ubuntu 18 the Firefox window is really small. On Ubuntu 16 the firefox window is only a line.

I believe that this happens on Ubuntu 16 as well with steps from comment 0 but the Firefox Window became really small when enabling the title bar and not in full screen.

The regression range made on Ubuntu 18:
Last good revision: d1eb6fe5a1fa5457425c5a33f212516a5eeaa381
First bad revision: 498e0e6f9b19107c8c17525a3d01a659f89002e8

Also attaching a screen recording on Ubuntu 18. Please feel free to ping me if the regression range is not good or if we should change this bug to treat the issue described in this comment or log a new one. Thank you!

Flags: needinfo?(alexandru.trif)

To be clear here, the system titlebar is not disabled by default, right?

Flags: needinfo?(alexandru.trif)
Regressed by: 1756903
Attached image image.png

(In reply to Martin Stránský [:stransky] (ni? me) from comment #3)

To be clear here, the system titlebar is not disabled by default, right?

On ubuntu 16 Firefox Title Bar is enabled by default on new profiles. On Ubuntu 18/20/21 it is not with Firefox 101.0b8(2022051718920). Just to be sure this is about the Firefox Title Bar, right? Thanks!

Flags: needinfo?(alexandru.trif)

:emilio, since you are the author of the regressor, bug 1756903, could you take a look?
For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(emilio)

Alexandru, does launching firefox with the terminal with MOZ_GTK_TITLEBAR_DECORATION=system ./firefox fix the issue? It should but just confirming.

Flags: needinfo?(emilio) → needinfo?(alexandru.trif)

(In reply to Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) from comment #6)

Alexandru, does launching firefox with the terminal with MOZ_GTK_TITLEBAR_DECORATION=system ./firefox fix the issue? It should but just confirming.

I cannot reproduce either of the above issues with MOZ_GTK_TITLEBAR_DECORATION=system ./path_to_firefox on Ubuntu 18 and Ubuntu 16 32 bits.

Flags: needinfo?(alexandru.trif)
Has Regression Range: no → yes

(In reply to Alexandru Trif, QA [:atrif] from comment #0)

  • S2 because I cannot reproduce the issue with Firefox 100.01 (20220513165813) on the same Ubuntu 16 32 bits machine.

Could you clarify the reasoning behind the choice of S2? Did you mean a lower severity here?

Flags: needinfo?(alexandru.trif)

(In reply to Marco Castelluccio [:marco] from comment #8)

(In reply to Alexandru Trif, QA [:atrif] from comment #0)

  • S2 because I cannot reproduce the issue with Firefox 100.01 (20220513165813) on the same Ubuntu 16 32 bits machine.

Could you clarify the reasoning behind the choice of S2? Did you mean a lower severity here?

This was set as an S2 because was a recent regression. I will lower the severity because the disappearing window issue can only be reproduced on Ubuntu 16x86. Thanks!

Severity: S2 → S3
Flags: needinfo?(alexandru.trif)

Set release status flags based on info from the regressing bug 1756903

Given this only happens on 32-bit versions of unsupported ubuntu versions, I think we can confidently WONTFIX this.

Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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