Closed Bug 1772549 Opened 2 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Hit MOZ_CRASH(invalid UTF-8 string: ReportBufferTooSmall) at /js/src/vm/CharacterEncoding.cpp:294 (debug only)


(Core :: Graphics: WebGPU, defect)




104 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox-esr91 --- unaffected
firefox-esr102 --- disabled
firefox102 --- disabled
firefox103 --- disabled
firefox104 --- fixed


(Reporter: jkratzer, Assigned: nical)


(Blocks 2 open bugs)


(Keywords: crash, regression, testcase, Whiteboard: [bugmon:bisected,confirmed])


(1 file)

Testcase found while fuzzing mozilla-central rev 2f53c261903e (built with: --enable-debug --enable-fuzzing).

I don't think that there's anything particularly dangerous about this but marking as S-S just in case.

Testcase can be reproduced using the following commands:

$ pip install fuzzfetch grizzly-framework
$ python -m fuzzfetch --build 2f53c261903e --debug --fuzzing -n firefox
$ python -m grizzly.replay ./firefox/firefox testcase.html
Hit MOZ_CRASH(invalid UTF-8 string: ReportBufferTooSmall) at /js/src/vm/CharacterEncoding.cpp:294

    ==588262==ERROR: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: SEGV on unknown address 0x000000000000 (pc 0x7f5932c5569d bp 0x7ffddb102940 sp 0x7ffddb102880 T588262)
    ==588262==The signal is caused by a WRITE memory access.
    ==588262==Hint: address points to the zero page.
        #0 0x7f5932c5569d in InflateUTF8ToUTF16<OnUTF8Error::Crash, (lambda at /js/src/vm/CharacterEncoding.cpp:565:14)> /js/src/vm/CharacterEncoding.cpp:294:9
        #1 0x7f5932c5569d in JS::ConstUTF8CharsZ::validate(unsigned long) /js/src/vm/CharacterEncoding.cpp:568:3
        #2 0x7f5932cbc6f1 in ConstUTF8CharsZ /builds/worker/workspace/obj-build/dist/include/js/CharacterEncoding.h:148:5
        #3 0x7f5932cbc6f1 in JSErrorBase::initBorrowedMessage(char const*) /builds/worker/workspace/obj-build/dist/include/js/ErrorReport.h:149:16
        #4 0x7f5932cb9008 in js::ReportErrorVA(JSContext*, js::IsWarning, char const*, js::ErrorArgumentsType, __va_list_tag*) /builds/worker/workspace/obj-build/dist/include/mozilla/UniquePtr.h
        #5 0x7f5932fa0851 in JS::WarnUTF8(JSContext*, char const*, ...) /js/src/vm/Warnings.cpp:55:8
        #6 0x7f592ef41bd8 in mozilla::webgpu::WebGPUChild::JsWarning(nsIGlobalObject*, nsTSubstring<char> const&) /dom/webgpu/ipc/WebGPUChild.cpp:31:7
        #7 0x7f592ef46015 in mozilla::webgpu::WebGPUChild::RecvDeviceUncapturedError(unsigned long, nsTSubstring<char> const&) /dom/webgpu/ipc/WebGPUChild.cpp:1005:7
        #8 0x7f592ef59eba in mozilla::webgpu::PWebGPUChild::OnMessageReceived(IPC::Message const&) /builds/worker/workspace/obj-build/ipc/ipdl/PWebGPUChild.cpp:1654:79
        #9 0x7f592d0684da in mozilla::gfx::PCanvasManagerChild::OnMessageReceived(IPC::Message const&) /builds/worker/workspace/obj-build/ipc/ipdl/PCanvasManagerChild.cpp:422:32
        #10 0x7f592c71e631 in mozilla::ipc::MessageChannel::DispatchAsyncMessage(mozilla::ipc::ActorLifecycleProxy*, IPC::Message const&) /ipc/glue/MessageChannel.cpp:1781:25
        #11 0x7f592c71b185 in mozilla::ipc::MessageChannel::DispatchMessage(mozilla::ipc::ActorLifecycleProxy*, mozilla::UniquePtr<IPC::Message, mozilla::DefaultDelete<IPC::Message> >) /ipc/glue/MessageChannel.cpp:1706:9
        #12 0x7f592c71bd26 in mozilla::ipc::MessageChannel::RunMessage(mozilla::ipc::ActorLifecycleProxy*, mozilla::ipc::MessageChannel::MessageTask&) /ipc/glue/MessageChannel.cpp:1506:3
        #13 0x7f592c71d0b1 in mozilla::ipc::MessageChannel::MessageTask::Run() /ipc/glue/MessageChannel.cpp:1604:14
        #14 0x7f592bb6c55e in mozilla::RunnableTask::Run() /xpcom/threads/TaskController.cpp:475:16
        #15 0x7f592bb46f13 in mozilla::TaskController::DoExecuteNextTaskOnlyMainThreadInternal(mozilla::detail::BaseAutoLock<mozilla::Mutex&> const&) /xpcom/threads/TaskController.cpp:788:26
        #16 0x7f592bb45ac3 in mozilla::TaskController::ExecuteNextTaskOnlyMainThreadInternal(mozilla::detail::BaseAutoLock<mozilla::Mutex&> const&) /xpcom/threads/TaskController.cpp:620:15
        #17 0x7f592bb45d33 in mozilla::TaskController::ProcessPendingMTTask(bool) /xpcom/threads/TaskController.cpp:398:36
        #18 0x7f592bb6fd59 in operator() /xpcom/threads/TaskController.cpp:127:37
        #19 0x7f592bb6fd59 in mozilla::detail::RunnableFunction<mozilla::TaskController::InitializeInternal()::$_1>::Run() /builds/worker/workspace/obj-build/dist/include/nsThreadUtils.h:531:5
        #20 0x7f592bb5b7bf in nsThread::ProcessNextEvent(bool, bool*) /xpcom/threads/nsThread.cpp:1180:16
        #21 0x7f592bb61dbd in NS_ProcessNextEvent(nsIThread*, bool) /xpcom/threads/nsThreadUtils.cpp:465:10
        #22 0x7f592c724064 in mozilla::ipc::MessagePump::Run(base::MessagePump::Delegate*) /ipc/glue/MessagePump.cpp:107:5
        #23 0x7f592c64b1c7 in MessageLoop::RunInternal() /ipc/chromium/src/base/
        #24 0x7f592c64b0d2 in RunHandler /ipc/chromium/src/base/
        #25 0x7f592c64b0d2 in MessageLoop::Run() /ipc/chromium/src/base/
        #26 0x7f593088adf8 in nsBaseAppShell::Run() /widget/nsBaseAppShell.cpp:137:27
        #27 0x7f59329c917b in XRE_RunAppShell() /toolkit/xre/nsEmbedFunctions.cpp:875:20
        #28 0x7f592c724faa in mozilla::ipc::MessagePumpForChildProcess::Run(base::MessagePump::Delegate*) /ipc/glue/MessagePump.cpp:235:9
        #29 0x7f592c64b1c7 in MessageLoop::RunInternal() /ipc/chromium/src/base/
        #30 0x7f592c64b0d2 in RunHandler /ipc/chromium/src/base/
        #31 0x7f592c64b0d2 in MessageLoop::Run() /ipc/chromium/src/base/
        #32 0x7f59329c879c in XRE_InitChildProcess(int, char**, XREChildData const*) /toolkit/xre/nsEmbedFunctions.cpp:734:34
        #33 0x55dc34239f60 in content_process_main /browser/app/../../ipc/contentproc/plugin-container.cpp:57:28
        #34 0x55dc34239f60 in main /browser/app/nsBrowserApp.cpp:338:18
        #35 0x7f5942033082 in __libc_start_main /build/glibc-SzIz7B/glibc-2.31/csu/../csu/libc-start.c:308:16
        #36 0x55dc3420fd0c in _start (/home/jkratzer/builds/mc-debug/firefox-bin+0x15d0c) (BuildId: 133b6fa9e3c11dc0f9c98e9989cac1e3f5e92ac3)
    UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer can not provide additional info.
    SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: SEGV /js/src/vm/CharacterEncoding.cpp:294:9 in InflateUTF8ToUTF16<OnUTF8Error::Crash, (lambda at /js/src/vm/CharacterEncoding.cpp:565:14)>
Attached file Testcase

Bugmon Analysis
Verified bug as reproducible on mozilla-central 20220603155506-68727ef04ccf.
The bug appears to have been introduced in the following build range:

Start: 66258377c86f63100b3ec9e17bebbb73929ac219 (20211208152205)
End: 740fad344989d083fad880469a0555ac68010d34 (20211208214306)

Keywords: regression
Whiteboard: [bugmon:confirm] → [bugmon:bisected,confirmed]

In the affected range (note: an integration branch link works better when the range is a subset of a single mozilla-central commit) the most likely "regressor" seems to be bug 1743847 which added a ThrowOperationError() call to WebGPU, but I don't see how that's different from other places that call the same. The patch also doubled the length of a fixed error message buffer so maybe prior builds rejected the message as too long and didn't hit the crashing code.

Looks like a safe intentional crash while WebGPU is trying to send a JS warning. But I couldn't reproduce in a regular nightly build (the report is from a debugging/fuzzing build) so maybe something less safe could happen if we didn't go down the same paths. On a nightly I get a warning on the console (Shader '' parsing error: expected global item ('struct', 'let', 'var', 'type', ';', 'fn') or the end of the file, found '') which could be consistent with the stack and the UTF8 error, except it's not a MOZ_CRASH in an opt build. Looks like validate() is only called in a DEBUG build so that tracks.

So is it safe to be slinging invalid UTF8 strings from user content around? I don't believe our JS fuzzers hit an equivalent MOZ_CRASH when they throw garbage at the JS parser. Maybe it's expected that strings like this are sanitized more before calling errors.

(tangent: should this be an error rather than a warning? it says "parsing error" right in the text!)

Jim: please check my assumptions above

Group: core-security → gfx-core-security
Flags: needinfo?(jimb)
Keywords: csectype-bounds

Actually, everything from Naga (the shader translator producing that error message) should be valid UTF-8. The "buffer too small" error seems to be this:

// Check that |src| is large enough to hold an n-byte code unit.
if (i + n > srclen) {
  INVALID(ReportBufferTooSmall, /* dummy = */ 0, 1);

Note that that's checking i + n, where n is the number of bytes in some character's UTF-8 encoding, against srclen, not any destination thing. (This loop is just validating the UTF-8, so it shouldn't care about any destination size anyway.)

So we've got a truncated UTF-8 character at the end of the error message.

regarding your tangent: WebGPU has an odd error-reporting model, so that validation can occur in the GPU process, not the content process: instead of reporting an error immediately, WebGPU just marks the object affected by the error as invalid and continues on. This lets almost all operations be asynchronous: content doesn't block waiting for confirmation from the GPU process. Then, there's an explicit popErrorScope operation that is synchronous, and reports errors. I haven't looked into this specific crash, but I'm betting that the hard error will get propagated to content via popErrorScope, and it's just being logged as a convenience.

Flags: needinfo?(jimb)

I would say that the fix should involve truncating the message at a proper UTF-8 boundary.

Group: gfx-core-security
Keywords: csectype-boundscrash
Summary: Hit MOZ_CRASH(invalid UTF-8 string: ReportBufferTooSmall) at /js/src/vm/CharacterEncoding.cpp:294 → Hit MOZ_CRASH(invalid UTF-8 string: ReportBufferTooSmall) at /js/src/vm/CharacterEncoding.cpp:294 (debug only)

The severity field is not set for this bug.
:jimb, could you have a look please?

For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(jimb)

Bugmon Analysis
Testcase crashes using the initial build (mozilla-central 20220603093350-2f53c261903e) but not with tip (mozilla-central 20220708214204-74604ee44d4f.)

The bug appears to have been fixed in the following build range:

Start: e6e2286d2ac25001127a1cf54a87a95fb435c734 (20220708093332)
End: 807e95cd9956aa4967ddddc80f8ccab4ad370e8d (20220708081410)

jkratzer, can you confirm that the above bisection range is responsible for fixing this issue?
Removing bugmon keyword as no further action possible. Please review the bug and re-add the keyword for further analysis.

Flags: needinfo?(jimb) → needinfo?(jkratzer)
Keywords: bugmon

Nicolas, is it possible that this was fixed via bug 1750576?

Flags: needinfo?(jkratzer) → needinfo?(nical.bugzilla)

Yeah I think it was (accidentally) fixed by which rewrote the code that passes and convert the shader string from content to the device in a more principled way.

Flags: needinfo?(nical.bugzilla)
Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Assignee: nobody → nical.bugzilla
Depends on: 1750576
Target Milestone: --- → 104 Branch

:nical, since this bug contains a bisection range, could you fill (if possible) the regressed_by field?
For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(nical.bugzilla)

It's unclear how any of the patches in the linked range could have caused the regression.

Flags: needinfo?(nical.bugzilla)
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