Bug 1772728
Opened 2 years ago
Closed 2 years ago
Intermittent [Tier 2] TEST-UNEXPECTED-TIMEOUT | /webdriver/tests/perform_actions/ | expected OK
(Remote Protocol :: Marionette, defect, P5)
Remote Protocol
(Not tracked)
of bug 1630162
(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)
(Keywords: intermittent-failure)
Filed by: ccozmuta [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.309Z] 22:59:00 INFO - STDOUT: tests/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/perform_actions/[pointer]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.309Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540308 webdriver::server DEBUG -> POST /session/6b4b7246-79e9-4fe9-810f-80393693c7f4/window/rect {"width": 800, "height": 600}
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.310Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540308 Marionette DEBUG 0 -> [0,192,"WebDriver:SetWindowRect",{"height":600,"width":800}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.310Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540309 Marionette DEBUG 0 <- [1,192,null,{"x":100,"y":100,"width":800,"height":600}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.311Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540310 webdriver::server DEBUG <- 200 OK {"value":{"x":100,"y":100,"width":800,"height":600}}
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.311Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540310 webdriver::server DEBUG -> POST /session/6b4b7246-79e9-4fe9-810f-80393693c7f4/window/rect {"x": 100, "y": 100}
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.312Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540311 Marionette DEBUG 0 -> [0,193,"WebDriver:SetWindowRect",{"x":100,"y":100}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.313Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540312 Marionette DEBUG 0 <- [1,193,null,{"x":100,"y":100,"width":800,"height":600}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.313Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540312 webdriver::server DEBUG <- 200 OK {"value":{"x":100,"y":100,"width":800,"height":600}}
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.314Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540313 webdriver::server DEBUG -> POST /session/6b4b7246-79e9-4fe9-810f-80393693c7f4/actions {"actions": [{"type": "pointer", "actions": [{"type": "pause", "duration": 1}]}]}
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.315Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540313 webdriver::server DEBUG <- 400 Bad Request {"value":{"error":"invalid argument","message":"missing field `id` at line 1 column 79","stacktrace":""}}
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.316Z] 22:59:00 INFO - STDOUT: PASSED
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.316Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540315 webdriver::server DEBUG -> DELETE /session/6b4b7246-79e9-4fe9-810f-80393693c7f4/actions
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.317Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540315 Marionette DEBUG 0 -> [0,194,"WebDriver:ReleaseActions",{}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.317Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540316 Marionette DEBUG 0 <- [1,194,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.318Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540316 webdriver::server DEBUG <- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.319Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540317 webdriver::server DEBUG -> POST /session/6b4b7246-79e9-4fe9-810f-80393693c7f4/timeouts {"implicit": 0}
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.319Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540317 Marionette DEBUG 0 -> [0,195,"WebDriver:SetTimeouts",{"implicit":0}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.320Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540318 Marionette DEBUG 0 <- [1,195,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.320Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540318 webdriver::server DEBUG <- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.321Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540319 webdriver::server DEBUG -> POST /session/6b4b7246-79e9-4fe9-810f-80393693c7f4/timeouts {"pageLoad": 300000}
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.321Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540319 Marionette DEBUG 0 -> [0,196,"WebDriver:SetTimeouts",{"pageLoad":300000}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.322Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540320 Marionette DEBUG 0 <- [1,196,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.323Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540320 webdriver::server DEBUG <- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.323Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540321 webdriver::server DEBUG -> POST /session/6b4b7246-79e9-4fe9-810f-80393693c7f4/timeouts {"script": 30000}
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.324Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540321 Marionette DEBUG 0 -> [0,197,"WebDriver:SetTimeouts",{"script":30000}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.324Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540321 Marionette DEBUG 0 <- [1,197,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.325Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540322 webdriver::server DEBUG <- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.325Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540322 webdriver::server DEBUG -> GET /session/6b4b7246-79e9-4fe9-810f-80393693c7f4/window
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.326Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540323 Marionette DEBUG 0 -> [0,198,"WebDriver:GetWindowHandle",{}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.326Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540323 Marionette DEBUG 0 <- [1,198,null,{"value":"023519f8-25bc-4f23-8912-172d4a26b35a"}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.327Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540323 webdriver::server DEBUG <- 200 OK {"value":"023519f8-25bc-4f23-8912-172d4a26b35a"}
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.327Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540324 webdriver::server DEBUG -> GET /session/6b4b7246-79e9-4fe9-810f-80393693c7f4/window
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.328Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540324 Marionette DEBUG 0 -> [0,199,"WebDriver:GetWindowHandle",{}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.329Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540324 Marionette DEBUG 0 <- [1,199,null,{"value":"023519f8-25bc-4f23-8912-172d4a26b35a"}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.329Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540325 webdriver::server DEBUG <- 200 OK {"value":"023519f8-25bc-4f23-8912-172d4a26b35a"}
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.330Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540325 webdriver::server DEBUG -> GET /session/6b4b7246-79e9-4fe9-810f-80393693c7f4/window/handles
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.330Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540326 Marionette DEBUG 0 -> [0,200,"WebDriver:GetWindowHandles",{}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.331Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540326 Marionette DEBUG 0 <- [1,200,null,["023519f8-25bc-4f23-8912-172d4a26b35a"]]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.331Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540326 webdriver::server DEBUG <- 200 OK {"value":["023519f8-25bc-4f23-8912-172d4a26b35a"]}
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.332Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540327 webdriver::server DEBUG -> POST /session/6b4b7246-79e9-4fe9-810f-80393693c7f4/window {"handle": "023519f8-25bc-4f23-8912-172d4a26b35a"}
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.332Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540327 Marionette DEBUG 0 -> [0,201,"WebDriver:SwitchToWindow",{"handle":"023519f8-25bc-4f23-8912-172d4a26b35a"}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.333Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540328 Marionette DEBUG 0 <- [1,201,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.334Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540328 webdriver::server DEBUG <- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.334Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540329 webdriver::server DEBUG -> POST /session/6b4b7246-79e9-4fe9-810f-80393693c7f4/alert/dismiss {}
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.335Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540330 Marionette DEBUG 0 -> [0,202,"WebDriver:DismissAlert",{}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.335Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540331 Marionette DEBUG 0 <- [1,202,{"error":"no such alert","message":"","stacktrace":"WebDriverError@chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/Errors.jsm ... ote/content/marionette/server.js:249:9\n_onJSONObjectReady/<@chrome://remote/content/marionette/transport.js:500:20\n"},null]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.336Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540331 webdriver::server DEBUG <- 404 Not Found {"value":{"error":"no such alert","message":"","stacktrace":"WebDriverError@chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/Errors.jsm:186:5\nNoSuchAlertError@chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/Errors.jsm:387:5\nGeckoDriver.prototype._checkIfAlertIsPresent@chrome://remote/content/marionette/driver.js:2523:11\nGeckoDriver.prototype.dismissDialog@chrome://remote/content/marionette/driver.js:2434:8\ndespatch@chrome://remote/content/marionette/server.js:302:40\nexecute@chrome://remote/content/marionette/server.js:275:16\nonPacket/<@chrome://remote/content/marionette/server.js:248:20\nonPacket@chrome://remote/content/marionette/server.js:249:9\n_onJSONObjectReady/<@chrome://remote/content/marionette/transport.js:500:20\n"}}
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.337Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540332 webdriver::server DEBUG -> POST /session/6b4b7246-79e9-4fe9-810f-80393693c7f4/window {"handle": "023519f8-25bc-4f23-8912-172d4a26b35a"}
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.337Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540332 Marionette DEBUG 0 -> [0,203,"WebDriver:SwitchToWindow",{"handle":"023519f8-25bc-4f23-8912-172d4a26b35a"}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.338Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540333 Marionette DEBUG 0 <- [1,203,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.338Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540333 webdriver::server DEBUG <- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.339Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540334 webdriver::server DEBUG -> GET /session/6b4b7246-79e9-4fe9-810f-80393693c7f4/window
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.340Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540334 Marionette DEBUG 0 -> [0,204,"WebDriver:GetWindowHandle",{}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.340Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540334 Marionette DEBUG 0 <- [1,204,null,{"value":"023519f8-25bc-4f23-8912-172d4a26b35a"}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.341Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540335 webdriver::server DEBUG <- 200 OK {"value":"023519f8-25bc-4f23-8912-172d4a26b35a"}
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.341Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540335 webdriver::server DEBUG -> GET /session/6b4b7246-79e9-4fe9-810f-80393693c7f4/window/handles
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.342Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540336 Marionette DEBUG 0 -> [0,205,"WebDriver:GetWindowHandles",{}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.342Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540336 Marionette DEBUG 0 <- [1,205,null,["023519f8-25bc-4f23-8912-172d4a26b35a"]]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.343Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540336 webdriver::server DEBUG <- 200 OK {"value":["023519f8-25bc-4f23-8912-172d4a26b35a"]}
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.344Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540337 webdriver::server DEBUG -> POST /session/6b4b7246-79e9-4fe9-810f-80393693c7f4/window {"handle": "023519f8-25bc-4f23-8912-172d4a26b35a"}
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.344Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540337 Marionette DEBUG 0 -> [0,206,"WebDriver:SwitchToWindow",{"handle":"023519f8-25bc-4f23-8912-172d4a26b35a"}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.345Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540338 Marionette DEBUG 0 <- [1,206,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.345Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540338 webdriver::server DEBUG <- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.346Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540339 webdriver::server DEBUG -> POST /session/6b4b7246-79e9-4fe9-810f-80393693c7f4/window/rect {"width": 800, "height": 600}
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.346Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540339 Marionette DEBUG 0 -> [0,207,"WebDriver:SetWindowRect",{"height":600,"width":800}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.347Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540340 Marionette DEBUG 0 <- [1,207,null,{"x":100,"y":100,"width":800,"height":600}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.347Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540341 webdriver::server DEBUG <- 200 OK {"value":{"x":100,"y":100,"width":800,"height":600}}
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.348Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540341 webdriver::server DEBUG -> POST /session/6b4b7246-79e9-4fe9-810f-80393693c7f4/frame {"id": null}
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.348Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540342 Marionette DEBUG 0 -> [0,208,"WebDriver:SwitchToFrame",{"id":null}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.349Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540343 Marionette DEBUG 0 <- [1,208,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.350Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540344 webdriver::server DEBUG <- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.350Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540346 webdriver::server DEBUG -> DELETE /session/6b4b7246-79e9-4fe9-810f-80393693c7f4
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.351Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540347 Marionette DEBUG 0 -> [0,209,"Marionette:Quit",{"flags":["eForceQuit"]}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.352Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540348 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 46287
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.390Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540389 Marionette TRACE Received observer notification quit-application
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.394Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540393 Marionette TRACE Received observer notification quit-application
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.395Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540394 Marionette DEBUG Marionette stopped listening
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.396Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540395 Marionette DEBUG 0 <- [1,209,null,{"cause":"shutdown","forced":false}]
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.436Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540435 webdriver::server DEBUG Teardown session
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.438Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540437 Marionette DEBUG Closed connection 0
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:15.394Z] 22:59:15 INFO - PID 21870 | console.error: (new Error("SessionFile is closed", "resource:///modules/sessionstore/SessionFile.jsm", 379))
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:18.376Z] 22:59:18 INFO - PID 21870 | WARNING: At least one completion condition is taking too long to complete. Conditions: [{"name":"ContentParent: id=7f8686084700","state":{"remoteTypePrefix":"extension"},"filename":"/builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/ipc/ContentParent.cpp","lineNumber":3640,"stack":["resource://gre/modules/nsAsyncShutdown.jsm:addBlocker:162","resource://gre/modules/ExtensionParent.jsm:createBrowserElement:1295"]}] Barrier: profile-before-change
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:50.081Z] 22:59:50 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-TIMEOUT | /webdriver/tests/perform_actions/ | expected OK
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:50.081Z] 22:59:50 INFO - TEST-INFO took 55002ms
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:50.164Z] 22:59:50 INFO - Closing logging queue
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:50.164Z] 22:59:50 WARNING - Dropping log message: %r
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:50.164Z] 22:59:50 INFO - queue closed
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:50.173Z] 22:59:50 INFO - PID 27614 | 1654383590171 geckodriver INFO Listening on
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:50.173Z] 22:59:50 INFO - Starting runner
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:50.410Z] 22:59:50 INFO - TEST-START | /webdriver/tests/perform_actions/
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment 2•2 years ago
This is a shutdown hang of Firefox:
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:00.438Z] 22:59:00 INFO - PID 21870 | 1654383540437 Marionette DEBUG Closed connection 0
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:15.394Z] 22:59:15 INFO - PID 21870 | console.error: (new Error("SessionFile is closed", "resource:///modules/sessionstore/SessionFile.jsm", 379))
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:18.376Z] 22:59:18 INFO - PID 21870 | WARNING: At least one completion condition is taking too long to complete. Conditions: [{"name":"ContentParent: id=7f8686084700","state":{"remoteTypePrefix":"extension"},"filename":"/builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/ipc/ContentParent.cpp","lineNumber":3640,"stack":["resource://gre/modules/nsAsyncShutdown.jsm:addBlocker:162","resource://gre/modules/ExtensionParent.jsm:createBrowserElement:1295"]}] Barrier: profile-before-change
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:50.081Z] 22:59:50 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-TIMEOUT | /webdriver/tests/perform_actions/ | expected OK
[task 2022-06-04T22:59:50.081Z] 22:59:50 INFO - TEST-INFO took 55002ms
Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Comment 3•2 years ago
Moving bug to Remote Protocol::Marionette component per bug 1815831.
Component: geckodriver → Marionette
Product: Testing → Remote Protocol
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before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.