IRC overeagerly interprets text as emoticons
(Thunderbird :: Instant Messaging, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: michael, Unassigned)
(1 file)
66.60 KB,
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Steps to reproduce:
I received a message in IRC with ":s" as a substring. In this case, the message was: "no, tokio::spawn and tokio::task::spawn are the same"
This bug is also triggered when you send anything with ":s" as a substring in IRC. I don't know what other IM services are affected.
Actual results:
The message was rendered as "no, tokio:😕pawn and tokio::task:😕pawn are the same"
Expected results:
It should have rendered as "no, tokio::spawn and tokio::task::spawn are the same"
So there's 2 issues here:
- Clearly the pattern for recognizing emoticons is too eager. If it's looking for ":s" then it should look for it surrounded by whitespace or maybe a comma or period. But ":sp" should not be a match.
- There should be a way to turn off emoticon->emoji rendering entirely in IRC. One could imagine that this is annoying in e.g., #neovim , where ":s" is the beginning of a vim substitution command
Also, if it is important, I have [Preferences -> Plain Text Messages -> Display emoticons as graphics] set to OFF.
Comment 2•3 years ago
Thanks for filing, this seems to be a duplicate of bug 954572.
Also, if it is important, I have [Preferences -> Plain Text Messages -> Display emoticons as graphics] set to OFF.
And this is bug 1151253.