unifiy height of quick filter bar and folder list header height
(Thunderbird :: Theme, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: soeren.hentzschel, Unassigned)
(Blocks 1 open bug)
(2 files)
I know, it shouldn't matter and it's only one pixel but this one pixel difference in the height of the quick filter bar and folder list header drives me crazy every day. 😅
Reproducible in Thunderbird 91.10, Thunderbird 102 Beta and Thunderbird Daily. Tested on macOS 12.4.
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Updated•3 years ago
Updated•3 years ago
Comment 1•3 years ago
I love pixel perfect UI, but unfortunately in this case that's not really an option.
The quick filter bar can variate in height depending on the users screen resolution, font-scaling, dpi, and density.
Also, the folder pane toolbar doesn't align with the thread pane header, which is also a request that some users might want.
This is very tricky to achieve since those elements are completely independent.
We will leave those elements as they are right now, knowing that 114 will have a completely new UI with much more attention to alignment and pixel perfection.
Updated•3 years ago