[glodaComplete.webSearch1.label] plus many items from other context menus in folder listing context menu
(Thunderbird :: Mail Window Front End, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: emoore, Unassigned)
(Blocks 1 open bug)
I was using Thunderbird 102.0.1 under Windows 11pro and right clicked on a message in the folder listing. Thunderbird was maximized, using the entire display.
I got a very long context menu that included menu items such as play, pause, mute, unmute and [glodaComplete.webSearch1.label] that should never be displayed in a folder listing context menu.
If I click on something else and try again the problem is not reproducible. I have seen this twice before, once with 102.0 and once with a late beta of 102. When it happened before the context menu was so long it required scrolling and included menu items such as play, pause, mute and unmute but I didn't notice a [glodaaComplete.webSearch1.label] .
This has only happened while right clicking on a message in the inbox for my Fastmail IMAP account. That is my main account and gets over 95% of my mail. Global search/indexing is enabled. Message synchronization (offline folders) is currently disabled for that account. It uses mbox files.
I have never seen this type of problem when right clicking on a folder, only when right clicking on a message. I only have email accounts.
Expected results:
The context menu is supposed to start with:
Open Message in New Tab
Open Message in Window
Open Message in Conversation
and have 23 menu items, short enough that there are several inches above and below the context menu, and there is no scrolling.
Actual results:
Note: I didn't intend to add any markdown styling, but it looks like the dashed lines triggered it and are displayed as a horizontal line.
Instead the extremely long context menu (which required vertical scrolling) started with
No spelling suggestions
Add to Dictionary
Undo add to dictionary
Open in browser
Open link in browser
Select All
Check Spelling
Add dictionaries
Edit draft message
New message from template
Edit template
Open Message in New Tab
Open Message in New Window
Open Message in Conversation
Open message in containing folder
Followup to newsgroup
Reply to sender only
Reply to all
Reply to list
Forward As
Forward As Attachment
Edit as new message
Copy message location
The error tab in the error console has:
Uncaught TypeError: gFolderDisplay is null
get currentViewValue chrome://messenger/content/msgViewPickerOverlay.js:98
RefreshViewPopup chrome://messenger/content/msgViewPickerOverlay.js:171
RefreshAllViewPopups chrome://messenger/content/msgViewPickerOverlay.js:154
ViewPickerOnLoad chrome://messenger/content/msgViewPickerOverlay.js:293
about:preferences : Unable to run script because scripts are blocked internally.
2147942487 ContentDispatchChooser.jsm:291
Uncaught TypeError: this.browser.currentURI is null
setContext chrome://messenger/content/nsContextMenu.js:288
nsContextMenu chrome://messenger/content/nsContextMenu.js:127
fillMailContextMenu chrome://messenger/content/mailContextMenus.js:109
onpopupshowing chrome://messenger/content/messenger.xhtml:1
Uncaught TypeError: gContextMenu is undefined
mailContextOnPopupHiding chrome://messenger/content/mailContextMenus.js:59
onpopuphiding chrome://messenger/content/messenger.xhtml:1
about:addressbook : Unable to run script because scripts are blocked internally. 30
about:preferences : Unable to run script because scripts are blocked internally.
about:accountsettings : Unable to run script because scripts are blocked internally.
I am using the Compact Headers and FolderFlags add-ons. Monterail Full Dark is also installed but disabled. I'm using the soft drawing paper theme. When this occurred before I didn't have Monterail Full Dark installed.
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Comment 2•3 years ago
It occurred again with 102.0.2 . Looks the same (including the [glodaComplete.webSearch1.label]) except that Edit Draft Message and New Message from Template were in bold, and part of a separate section in the context menu. I have a template folder but its empty.
I copied and pasted the following section from the error console because it mentioned clicking and I don't think I ever saw it before. :
2147942487 2 ContentDispatchChooser.jsm:291
handleURI Choo
openLinkExternally chrome://communicator/content/contentAreaClick.js:256
contentAreaClick chrome://communicator/content/contentAreaClick.js:226
onclick chrome://messenger/content/messenger.xhtml:1
2147942487 ContentDispatchChooser.jsm:291
handleURI Choo
openLinkExternally chrome://communicator/content/contentAreaClick.js:256
contentAreaClick chrome://communicator/content/contentAreaClick.js:226
onclick chrome://messenger/content/messenger.xhtml:1
Is there any type of logging I can enable to help troubleshoot?
Comment 3•3 years ago
I think we need to figure out what happened to cause that error. What was clicked?
Of course, not clear if that is just an error console message or if it's actually related to the issue. Probably the error message from comment 0 is the more actionable. But why gFolderDisplay is null
Comment 4•3 years ago
Eric, did you ever see this again? I haven't seen other reports about it.
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Comment 5•3 years ago
I haven't seen it again since my last comment (17 days ago). I've only seen it four times total.
Comment 6•3 months ago
WFM per comment 5