Open Bug 1779548 Opened 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Restoring from tray sometimes does not remember correct window state (maximized vs. window size)


(Thunderbird :: OS Integration, defect, P5)

Thunderbird 102


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugzilla-mozilla24, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


Steps to reproduce:

This bug has existed since the original introduction of Thunderbird's tray icon in version 91(?).

Minimizing Thunderbird to the Windows notification area and then restoring it by clicking on the tray icon should restore the Thunderbird window exactly as it was before.

Actual results:

Sometimes, the restored Thunderbird window is in a "restored" state (i.e. not maximized), while I always run Thunderbird as a maximized window.

Expected results:

If Thunderbird was maximized before clicking the minimize button to move it to the tray, it should also be maximized after restoring the window.

Component: Untriaged → OS Integration
Summary: Restoring from tray sometimes does not remember correct window geometry → Restoring from tray sometimes does not remember correct window state (maximized vs. window size)
Severity: -- → S4
Priority: -- → P5
Blocks: tb102found

Reporter, do you still see this issue when using the latest version?
What information can you add to clarify the steps to reproduce this issue?

Whiteboard: [closeme 2023-04-25]

It still happens, on three different Windows 10 machines, multiple times per day. I cannot think of anything that would make the reproduction steps any clearer. I just keep minimizing Thunderbird to the tray area multiple times a day, and occasionally it will un-minimize in windowed mode instead of maximized mode. What condition exactly is triggering this is not known to me.

Whiteboard: [closeme 2023-04-25]
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