Closed Bug 1783419 Opened 2 years ago Closed 2 years ago

75.97 - 53.03% compiler_metrics num_static_constructors / compiler_metrics num_static_constructors + 10 more (Windows) regression on Wed August 3 2022


(Toolkit :: General, defect)




Tracking Status
firefox-esr91 --- unaffected
firefox-esr102 --- unaffected
firefox103 --- unaffected
firefox104 --- unaffected
firefox105 --- wontfix


(Reporter: aesanu, Unassigned)




(Keywords: perf-alert, regression)

Perfherder has detected a build_metrics performance regression from push b98942272d7c3aae9c41b7dd3073adfdce041e3b. As author of one of the patches included in that push, we need your help to address this regression.


Ratio Test Platform Options Absolute values (old vs new)
76% compiler_metrics num_static_constructors windows2012-aarch64 aarch64-no-eme 138.00 -> 242.83
75% compiler_metrics num_static_constructors windows2012-64-shippable 140.00 -> 244.67
74% compiler_metrics num_static_constructors windows2012-aarch64 aarch64 142.00 -> 246.83
73% compiler_metrics num_static_constructors windows2012-64 143.00 -> 248.00
71% compiler_metrics num_static_constructors windows2012-32-shippable 147.00 -> 252.00
70% compiler_metrics num_static_constructors windows2012-32 151.00 -> 256.00
64% compiler_metrics num_static_constructors windows2012-64-shippable instrumented 165.00 -> 269.92
60% compiler_metrics num_static_constructors windows2012-32-shippable instrumented 174.00 -> 279.00
54% compiler_metrics num_static_constructors windows2012-aarch64 aarch64 194.00 -> 298.83
54% compiler_metrics num_static_constructors windows2012-64 195.00 -> 300.00
53% compiler_metrics num_static_constructors windows2012-64 fuzzing 197.00 -> 301.83
53% compiler_metrics num_static_constructors windows2012-32 198.00 -> 303.00

Details of the alert can be found in the alert summary, including links to graphs and comparisons for each of the affected tests. Please follow our guide to handling regression bugs and let us know your plans within 3 business days, or the offending patch(es) may be backed out in accordance with our regression policy.

For more information on performance sheriffing please see our FAQ.

Flags: needinfo?(ryanvm)

Set release status flags based on info from the regressing bug 1782859

Similar to bug 1777275, not much we can do about this AFAIK.

Closed: 2 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(ryanvm)
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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