Closed Bug 1795103 Opened 2 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Create empty "comm-l10n" l10n repo for Thunderbird localizations


(Developer Services :: Mercurial:, task)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: rjl, Assigned: sheehan)



+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #1794147 +++

This repository will be used much like the "l10n-central" repositories. However, unlike those it is a single repository for all languages supported by Thunderbird.

location on hg.m.o: Please place it adjacent to the "comm-strings-quarantine" repository requested in bug 1794147.

access: the common scm_l10n permissions and hooks, both python:mozhghooks.pushlog and python:mozhghooks.single_head_per_branch.hook.

This repository will be written to by Pontoon, and Thunderbird l10n-admins. For the later, an LDAP group needs to be set up with myself as a member. (Others to follow.) My SCM push user is "".

Assignee: nobody → sheehan

(In reply to Rob Lemley [:rjl] from comment #0)

This repository will be written to by Pontoon, and Thunderbird l10n-admins. For the later, an LDAP group needs to be set up with myself as a member. (Others to follow.) My SCM push user is "".

For this part you will need to file a separate bug in the LDAP component.

Repo is set to scm_level_1 for now, with the single head per branch hook enabled. Give me a shout when you have the LDAP group created.

Flags: needinfo?(rob)

LDAP group is created: scm_comm_l10n_drivers

I'm not sure how Pontoon gets permissions to push to the repo. All I've been able to locate is the "common scm_l10n permissions and hooks"

Flags: needinfo?(rob)

Only members of that scm group will be able to push there, you'll likely need to add the Pontoon automation user to the new group.

Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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