Closed Bug 179817 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

nsSound broken on linux


(Core :: XUL, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: bugzilla, Assigned: aaronlev)



(Keywords: helpwanted, platform-parity)

spun off from bug 176602.

type ahead find sound notification is broken on linux and mac. on linux, the
feature has been disabled because it doesn't work. however, on mac it hasn't
been disabled, but it doesn't work anyway.

adding helpwanted, to see if there are any unix and/or mac pro's out there who
could help fix this.
whoops --i do get sound on the's just broken on mach-o builds (cfm
builds are fine, even though sound is a but, uh, evil-sounding. ;) anyhow, spun
off bug 179824 for that.
Keywords: helpwanted, pp
OS: All → Linux
Hardware: All → PC
Summary: type ahead find sound notification broken on linux and mac → type ahead find sound notification broken on linux
Hey, sairuh, do you mind if I co-opt this bug to cover nsSound not working in
general, since bug 179784 changed the mac/unix typeahead default back to beep? 
I thought there was another bug covering that, but I can't find it.

Basically, we get to OnStreamComplete, we call the function (having supposedly
initialized the sound server correctly) but nothing plays.

Doesn't work in gtk2 either, though Kyle said in bug 176602 comment 36 that it
started working in gtk2 on RH8 after he applied the arts-2.2.2-1.i386.rpm patch.
Component: Keyboard Navigation → XP Toolkit/Widgets
Summary: type ahead find sound notification broken on linux → nsSound broken on linux
I should clarify that my comments above are based on testing on RH 7.3 with
gtk1.  I poked around a little on RH8 (without libarts patch)/gtk2 and saw
similar behavior, but didn't spend as much time tracing the code or trying
with/without sound server, so I don't know for sure that we're calling
(*EsdPlayStreamFallback)() in the gtk2 case.

This probably shouldn't be assigned to aaron.  Maybe blizzard, or maybe the
default owner for Toolkit/Widgets?
hm...should bug 179824 be marked a sup of this? that is if the issue with
nsSound is the same for mach-o...
My hunch is that we should probably keep them separate unless we have a reason
to believe that the problems on linux and on mach-o are related.  There are
enough things that could go wrong with sound that they may very well be
different problems.
Depends on: 179138
Ah!  I thought there was another bug on it, but couldn't find it.  We should
probably either dup this one, or close it.
okay, done.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 179138 ***
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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