Open Bug 1798510 Opened 2 years ago Updated 1 month ago

Locally corrupted messages (bad offsets?) ... from filters?


(Thunderbird :: General, defect)

Thunderbird 102


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: jesup, Unassigned)



(Keywords: dataloss)

Some more fallout from the filter issue with 102.... I was looking up an all-hands expense; I found the item from 9/21/2022 (correct sender and subject). Click on it and it shows me:

From - Tue Oct 18 22:58:34 2022
X-Mozilla-Status: 0001
X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000
Return-path: dperham1@redacted
Envelope-to: randell@redacted
Delivery-date: Sat, 09 Jul 2011 19:17:48 -0500
(continues with email from 2011)

Note that Oct 18th is when the update that killed my filters happened, and when it re-downloaded a lot of messages
Now I'm worried how much of the rest of my email archives are affected............
Doing View Source on the message shows part of another message at the top before a ----=_NextPart* and the broken From - line shown above

The message the wrong data comes from is readable under it's own item, no problems or part of another message
And looking at the bad message in the normal flow (not search) shows the same bad message; and the message after it is also corrupted with part of a message from that day in 2011 (maybe the same one). The message after that and before these are ok.

Perhaps something was in the middle of being updated when it hung at one point, and I closed it.
A different message from the Sep 23rd (4 or 5 after the initial one above) is also corrupted with data from 9 july 2011. Several other messages before the initial message (not consecutive, but within 4 or 5 messages) are also corrupted similarly. And as I keep going back, I keep finding corrupted messages occasionally. So it looks like lots of data was corrupted

Note: It appears that this corruption is only local to that one machine; one of the two that lost filters on the update. Another machine (the other that lost filters) has that message correct (and the others I checked as well are correct). Note that the machine that has corruption was IIRC the one that hung at one point. So no permanent dataloss.
(Assuming this is isolated to this IMAP folder; I do have local message folders, which I haven't checked, but I'm guessing they weren't impacted)

I've also had one or two message affected

Severity: -- → S2
Keywords: dataloss
Summary: Locally corrupted messages (bad offsets?) → Locally corrupted messages (bad offsets?) ... from filters?
Version: unspecified → Thunderbird 102
See Also: → 1781792
See Also: → 1872849

Randell, are you using 115 and still seeing this issue?

Flags: needinfo?(rjesup)
See Also: → 1890230

I did recently have a similar corruption that I solved by using Properties->Repair Folder on the Inbox. I didn't try to characterize what the corruption was exactly (but it was in older messages, not new-ish ones)

Flags: needinfo?(rjesup)
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