Open Bug 1800300 Opened 2 years ago Updated 11 months ago

Extremely laggy zoom and scroll on in Firefox mobile on Google Pixel 7 Pro


(Core :: Graphics: WebRender, defect)

Firefox 107



Tracking Status
firefox107 --- affected
firefox108 --- affected
firefox109 --- affected


(Reporter: gustavs.diezins, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: perf)


(5 files)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Android 13; Mobile; rv:106.0) Gecko/106.0 Firefox/106.0

Steps to reproduce:

Tried a few different sites on Firefox mobile 106.1.0 for example :

Actual results:

These and many other sites are having huge framedrops when either scrolling or zooming and in many cases the browser is pretty much unusable because of this.

Basically when I try to zoom in, it zooms in a bit, hangs for a second and only then zooms in the rest of the way, although the pinch to zoom action with my fingers was one consistent move.

Here is video of the issue, on chrome it is completely smooth with no issues. I am performing the same action on Firefox but you can see that it isn't zooming in instantly, even when I'm doing it all the time it's just freezing, and looks like I'm not even zooming. Same exact thing happens when scrolling, while not so pronounced it is still pretty much making the browser unusable compared to Chrome, which is a huge problem personally because Firefox is my main browser.

It was documented on a local site because the issue was most pronounced there.

The device is a Google Pixel 7 pro with the November update and Firefox version 106.1.0

Expected results:

The zooming and scrolling actions should have been completely smooth, none of these issues were happening on my previous Oneplus 7t Pro phone. Also none of these issues seem to be happening on Chrome.

The severity field is not set for this bug.
:cpeterson, could you have a look please?

For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(cpeterson)
Hardware: All → ARM64
Version: unspecified → Firefox 107

Thanks for reporting this bug. Pinch-zooming is pretty laggy in Firefox 107 on my Samsung Galaxy A51. Sometimes pinching doesn't zoom at all.

I'll forward this bug to the graphics team that works on zooming.

none of these issues were happening on my previous Oneplus 7t Pro phone.

Which Firefox version did you test on your OnePlus 7T Pro? I'm wondering if the performance difference is related to the different devices or a new bug in Firefox 106.

Component: Performance → Panning and Zooming
Ever confirmed: true
Flags: needinfo?(cpeterson)
Keywords: perf
Product: Fenix → Core
Summary: Extremely laggy zoom and scroll in Firefox mobile on Google Pixel 7 Pro → Extremely laggy zoom and scroll on in Firefox mobile on Google Pixel 7 Pro

To be fair I don't have access to my 7t Pro anymore, so I can't tell if it was a newer version than 105. But I did get to test on my brothers pixel 4 running Android 13, it ran on 107 without any stutter at all, pretty much as smooth as chrome.

Also tried on a friend's Galaxy S21 fe running Android 12 and it also ran on 107 without issues.

Started to wonder if it is maybe related to a Pixel 7 pro specific scrolling issue which multiple people have reported on different apps, but none of those cases have been so noticeable. BUT if you do have the same issue on your Galaxy a51 then it can't be that specific scrolling bug on Pixel 7 pro. Pretty much got no idea what could be triggering it, I just know that it is pretty damn annoying.

Hmm, I tested pinch zooming on a Pixel 2 and Samsung A33 on and it felt okay to me?

Like I said in the comment above I honestly thought it could be a bug specific to my pixel 7 pro, because it seems to run normally on every other phone I tested. But if :cpeterson: said that it happens on a Galaxy a53 aswell, then I don't think that's the case.

The zooming lag I saw wasn't terrible, but it was noticeably less smooth than Chrome. I attached my Firefox's about:support information. Perhaps there is something common to my phone and Gustavs'?

Attached file about:support
Attached file about:support pixel7p
Attached file about:support pixel7p

Sorry about the mess, site didnt refresh automatically and didnt see i actually uploaded the lists, but here is the about:support page of my phone if you need it. Maybe an admin can delete the other 2 unnecessary lists :)

The severity field is not set for this bug.
:botond, could you have a look please?

For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(botond)
Whiteboard: [apz-android-needstriage]

Gustavs or Chris, can you guys take profiles during the laggy zooming? You can do it by using about:debugging on a destkop version of Firefox;

Flags: needinfo?(gustavs.diezins)
Flags: needinfo?(cpeterson)

here is a profille from :

and here is one from :

Flags: needinfo?(gustavs.diezins)

Thanks for the profiles!

In the case of I do see a bunch of long "Texture uploads" time in the Marker Chart pane in the renderer threads. Sometimes it took over 200ms.

In the case of I don't see huge "Texture uploads" time, there are some over 20ms but not so long. Maybe it's caused by a different cause?

I'd start with WebRender component. Though I am not sure the long "Texture uploads" time is problematic or not.

Component: Panning and Zooming → Graphics: WebRender
Flags: needinfo?(cpeterson)
Flags: needinfo?(botond)
Whiteboard: [apz-android-needstriage]

Here is the best example i have seen yet :

link -

The first half of this site seems to be running fine, but when you scroll down to the "New & trending" section it just runs absolutely horrific.
When i flick to scroll from the bottom of the site it just chugs through the "New & trending" at like 2fps, but when it scrolls past it becomes more or less smooth.

Can someone maybe confirm that this happens on other devices aswell? If a device is affected it really should be noticeable straight away.

Also - on chrome/chromium it is completely smooth on the exact same site, quite frustrating. Tried switching to 60hz aswell(just turned off smooth display), didn't change anything.

The severity field is not set for this bug.
:gw, could you have a look please?

For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(gwatson)

Jamie, any ideas about this one?

Severity: -- → S3
Flags: needinfo?(gwatson)

This might be fixed from some of the recent work on android?

Flags: needinfo?(jnicol)

Oh whoops I totally missed this bug a year ago. Recent changes to batched uploads and low quality pinch zoom should help considerably. The former indeed would have been a common issue betweent the Pixel 7 and Samsung A51 as they both have a Mali GPU.

Unfortunately the profiles aren't particularly useful. Gustavs, if you're still around and still experiencing this could you please try taking the profiles again and this time select "Graphics" under the "Settings" option before clicking "start recording".

On my Pixel 7 with today's nightly, reddit, wikipedia and youtube seem completely smooth. seems pretty smooth for me but there is a bit of jank when zooming. is indeed quite stuttery when scrolling (profile), which seems to be caused by backdrop-filter.

Flags: needinfo?(jnicol)
Flags: needinfo?(gustavs.diezins)

Redirect a needinfo that is pending on an inactive user to the triage owner.
:gw, since the bug has recent activity, could you have a look please?

For more information, please visit BugBot documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(gustavs.diezins) → needinfo?(gwatson)

Got around to taking the measurements again and now running Android 14 / Firefox 125.0 - here they are: (for (for

Been using FF daily since I last posted and performance does seem better recently, but and could be a bit smoother still. Reddit, wikipedia and youtube run great for me aswell! :)

Thanks for checking. Given the comments in #23, should we close this and open a new bug, or keep this one open?

Flags: needinfo?(gwatson) → needinfo?(jnicol)

Thank you very much, Gustavs!

The backdrop filter issues on steampowered should be covered by other bugs, but given the title of this bug mentions, and scrolling is still a wee bit janky on that site, let's leave it open.

From a quick scan of the profile I can indeed see some long composites. They seem to coincide with texture upload, so perhaps there are some further improvements that can be done in that area.

Flags: needinfo?(jnicol)
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