Open Bug 1888027 (wr-scroll-perf) Opened 1 year ago Updated 3 months ago

[meta] [project] Fix performance issues when scrolling


(Core :: Graphics: WebRender, task)





(Reporter: gw, Assigned: nical)


(Depends on 48 open bugs, Blocks 3 open bugs)


(Keywords: meta)

No description provided.
Depends on: 1771038
Depends on: 1656319
Depends on: 1700597
Depends on: 1718985
Depends on: 1782811
Depends on: 1682595
Depends on: 1645716
Depends on: 1583881
Depends on: 1712873
Depends on: 1650436
Depends on: 1746625
Depends on: 1611191
Depends on: 1845387
Depends on: 839509
Depends on: 1705006
Depends on: 1742043
Depends on: 1257910
Depends on: 1705986
Depends on: 1711694
Depends on: 1728874
Depends on: 1697317
Depends on: 1685848
Depends on: 1673070
Depends on: 1711685
Depends on: 1800300
Depends on: 1682722
Depends on: 1247938
Depends on: 1710489
Depends on: 1820318
Depends on: 1784736
Depends on: 1678800
Depends on: 711924
Depends on: 1362823
Depends on: 1732986
Depends on: 1783283
Depends on: 1401574
Depends on: 1844887
Depends on: 1774638
Depends on: 1707545
Depends on: 1694752
Depends on: 1694570
Depends on: 1697663
Depends on: 1659000
Depends on: 1802261
Blocks: wr-perf
No longer depends on: 711924
No longer depends on: 1257910
Depends on: wr-gpu-time
Depends on: wr-renderer-perf
Depends on: wr-batching-perf
No longer depends on: 839509
No longer depends on: 1247938
Depends on: sw-wr-perf
No longer depends on: 1711694
No longer depends on: 1705986
No longer depends on: 1783283
Depends on: wr-svg-filter-perf
Rank: 2
Depends on: 1889792
Duplicate of this bug: wr-async
Blocks: 1711987
Depends on: 1891831
Severity: -- → S2
Depends on: 1893904
Assignee: nobody → nical.bugzilla

We have a fair amount of bugs on file about cases where we fail to meet the frame budget during scrolling or animations. These are the most noticeable types of frame drops (as opposed to, for example, when the first frame of a document takes more than 16ms to be produced), so efforts focusing these missed scrolling/animating frames are likely to have a noticeable user impact.

The first step is to classify and investigate the most common sources of scroll jank. We recently added some tooling to classify slow scrolling/animation frames caused by CPU-side performance issues and display the breakdown in WebRender's profiler overlay. Next steps include:

  • Add more granularity to the classification.
  • Expose the data via telemetry probes.
  • Triage, classify and prioritize the test cases in the dependency tree of this bug.
  • Fix issues identified by the above three steps.
Depends on: 1899118
Depends on: 1900787
Depends on: 1900791
Depends on: 1903297
Depends on: 1903550
Depends on: 1934640
Depends on: 1933527
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